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Texas A&M University -- College Station, Texas
Archaeology: Assistant Professor Position in Nautical Archaeology. The Nautical Archaeology Program of the Department of Anthropology, Texas A&M University, seeks an archaeologist for a tenure-track position at the level of Assistant Professor to begin in September 2000. The principal area of specialization sought is in Medieval-period seafaring and nautical archaeology (some knowledge of Classical-period seafaring is desirable). A secondary area of specialization is the development of shipbuilding and seafaring technology. Candidates should be able to conduct undergraduate lecture courses and graduate seminars, supervise graduate research projects, and should be prepared to conduct field work involving Texas A&M University graduate students. Candidates with developed research programs are especially encouraged to apply. Ph.D. is required. Please send an introductory letter, curriculum vitae, and the names and addresses of at least three and no more than five references to Professor Kevin J. Crisman, Chairman of Faculty Search Committee, Texas A&M University, Nautical Archaeology Program, College Station, Texas 77843-4352; fax: 409-845-6399; telephone: 409-845-6398; e-mail: Applications will not be considered until all materials are received. Closing date for applications is March 1, 2000. Texas A&M University is an equal opportunity employer.