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Assistant Professor of Classical Studies - Tenure-track appointment, August 2009. The Department of Classical Studies invites applications for a new tenure-track position with the rank of Assistant Professor, beginning in August 2009. Candidates are expected to have a high aptitude for undergraduate teaching and a strong commitment to scholarship. Ability and enthusiasm for teaching Latin and Greek at all undergraduate levels is a prerequisite. The area of specialization is open but we hope to complement existing faculty strengths. (Possibilities include but are not limited to Greek and Roman history; late antiquity; cultural studies; mythology; and interdisciplinary approaches to the ancient world.) The Ph.D. must be completed by August 2009. We encourage applicants to visit the department's web site at:

Please send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, final or up-to-date transcript(s) (unofficial copies accepted; official copies necessary upon employment), evidence of teaching excellence (e.g., syllabi, evaluations, web sites), a writing sample, and three letters of reference to Professor Thomas Jenkins, Chair, Department of Classical Studies, Trinity University, One Trinity Place, #39, San Antonio, TX 78212-7200. (Enquiries to Rose Cohen-Brown, Senior Secretary, at and 210-999-7653.) Applications should be received by November 14, 2008, though later applications may be considered. Interviews will be conducted at the APA/AIA meeting in Philadelphia. Trinity University is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply.

The Classical Studies Department at Trinity University is a vibrant and highly interdisciplinary undergraduate department with close ties to Art History, Comparative Literature, Engineering Science, History, Medieval Studies, Religion, Sociology/Anthropology, and Gender Studies. The Department currently has five full-time and one part-time faculty, along with swelling ranks of undergraduate majors and minors, and we will be expanding to six full-time faculty with the new hire. There is an excellent library, with over a million volumes and a swift and reliable inter-library loan service. In addition, Trinity is just 75 miles from the libraries at the University of Texas at Austin, one of the finest research collections in the nation.