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Trinity University - San Antonio, TX
Assistant Professor of Classical Studies - Tenure-track appointment, August 2004. The Department of Classical Studies invites applications for a new tenure-track position with the rank of Assistant Professor, beginning in August 2004. Candidates are expected to have a high aptitude for undergraduate teaching and a strong commitment to scholarship. The area of specialization is open, but may include Roman law, Roman religion, mythology, gender and sexuality, cultural studies, or multidisciplinary approaches to the study of antiquity. A specialization in Roman social history is particularly welcome. Ability and enthusiasm for teaching Latin and Greek at all undergraduate levels is a prerequisite. The Ph.D. must be completed by August 2004.

Please send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, final or up-to-date transcript(s) (unofficial copies accepted; official copies necessary upon employment), evidence of teaching excellence if available (e.g., syllabi, evaluations, web sites), a writing sample, and three letters of reference to Professor Tom Jenkins, Department of Classical Studies, Trinity University, One Trinity Place, San Antonio, TX 78212-7200. (Inquiries to Rose Cohen-Brown, Senior Secretary, at and 210-999-7653.) Applications should be received by November 15, though later applications may be considered. Interviews will be conducted at the APA/AIA meeting in San Francisco. Trinity University is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply. The department's web site is at:

Classical Studies at Trinity is an expanding and highly interdisciplinary undergraduate department with close ties to Art History, Comparative Literature, Engineering Science, History, Medieval Studies, Philosophy, Religion, Speech and Drama, Sociology/Anthropology, and Women's Studies. The Department this year has five full-time and two part-time faculty, while ancient art and ancient philosophy are taught by faculty from other departments. There is an excellent library, with over a million volumes, an acquisitions librarian trained in classics, and an excellent inter-library loan service. In addition, Trinity is just 75 miles from the libraries at the University of Texas at Austin, one of the finest research collections in the world.