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Tufts University - Somerville, MA

  1. Full-time position. The Classics Department at Tufts University is seeking an Ancient Historian for a one-year, full-time position. Ph.D. preferred. Some teaching experience essential. Familiarity with Perseus a plus. Four courses to be taught: (Fall 2000) Intro. History of Rome, an upper-level Ancient history seminar; (Spring 2001) a Latin course, and one other course to be decided. Send letter of application, CV, and names of three references to: Search Committee in Roman History, Department of Classics, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155. Review of applications begins March 31, 2000 and continues until the position is filled. Tufts University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. We are committed to increasing the diversity of our faculty. Members of under represented groups are strongly encouraged to apply. (3/15)

    Part-time position in Classical Art and Archaeology. The Classics and Art History Departments and Archaeology Program at Tufts University are seeking instructor(s) for three courses: Fall 2000 Greek Art and Archaeology; Spring 2001 Introduction to Classical Archaeology; and Aegean Archaeology. Ph.D. preferred; some teaching experience essential. Send letter of application, CV, and names of three references to: Search Committee in Archaeology, Dept. of Classics, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155. Review of applications begins March 31, 2000 and continues until position(s) is filled. Tufts University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer. Members of under represented groups are strongly encouraged to apply. (3/15)

  2. The Perseus Project invites applications for an Architect/Archaeology CAD Designer. This person will create architectural drawings using CAD, 3D renderings of structures and advanced visualization environments such as VRML; research ancient architecture; meet with collaborators. Position requires: Bachelor's degree with 1-3 years' related experience, expertise in architectural history, knowledge of CAD software, relevant software and advanced visualization techniques, Masters in Architecture preferred. Must be self-started with motivation to learn. Possess strong communication, interpersonal and word-processing skills. Familiarity with E-mail and Internet browsers, knowledge of flatbed scanners and imaging software a plus. This is a 4 to 5 year full-time staff position with a proposed starting date of June, 2000. Applicants should contact the Tufts Human Resources office: for information on applying. Tufts University, Human Resources Office, 169 Holland Street, Somerville, MA 02144 (617) 627-3272. Tufts is an Equal Opportunity Employer.