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The Department of Classical Studies at Tulane University has two one-year positions for 2003-2004 at the rank of visiting assistant professor. The first position, to be shared with the Department of History, involves teaching survey and upper-level courses in Greek and Roman history, and possibly Latin-language courses. The second position involves teaching Greek and Latin and courses on classical literature in translation. If you are interested please contact Prof. Dennis Kehoe by e-mail ( or telephone (504-862-3082). We also invite you to see our Web Site: We will consider applications until the position is filled. Tulane University is an equal-opportunity, affirmative-action employer.

The Department of Classical Studies at Tulane University has been approved to make two tenure-track appointments at the assistant professor level, to begin in August, 2003. All requirements for the Ph.D. must be completed by July 1, 2003.

POSITION ONE: The first position is in the field of Latin Literature. We are seeking a candidate with special competence in Latin poetry and in the literature of the Augustan period who can also teach courses in translation on Roman culture.

POSITION TWO: The second position is in the field of Roman Art and Archaeology. We are seeking a candidate able to teach a broad range of courses in Roman material culture as well as undergraduate courses in Latin and possibly Greek.

Please send a letter of application, indicating for which position you are applying, as well as a c.v., three letters of recommendation, and a record of graduate courses to Dennis Kehoe, Chair, Department of Classical Studies, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118-5698. Inquiries about either position may be made by e-mail to, or by telephone, (504) 862-3082. Additional information about the department is available on our website: Applications must be received by December 10, 2002. We will interview candidates at the APA/AIA meetings in New Orleans in January, 2003. Tulane University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.