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The Department of Greek, Latin & Ancient History invites applications for a tenure track ASSISTANT PROFESSOR appointment in the area of Greek and/or Roman Social (including socio-economic) History. This is a readvertisement of the position advertised in 1999-2000 and is an international search. The successful candidate will be expected to take up the appointment by July, 2001.

The appointment aims to consolidate existing departmental strengths in the area of social history. It requires a Ph.D. degree, demonstrated capacity for teaching and research, and an ability to provide direction in the delivery and development of our programmes. This expanding Department has a vigorous record of research, teaching and community outreach, and currently maintains nine continuing positions, several regular sessional appointments, and the active cooperation of emeritus and adjunct staff. It maintains about 2500 course enrollments per year, an MA programme, and sixty undergraduate majors in Classical Studies, Classical & Early Christian Studies (jointly with the Department of Religious Studies), and Ancient & Medieval History (jointly with the Department of History). Library and teaching resources are substantial. The Nickle collection of some 15,000 ancient coins is housed in the University's Nickle Arts Museum. For full information see the University's Worldwide Web site (

Applications should include a Curriculum Vitae, evidence of teaching accomplishment, and at least one sample of recent research work. Confidential letters from three referees are required. Applications and references should be sent by December 1, 2000 to Professor Peter Toohey (Head), Department of Greek, Latin & Ancient History, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, CALGARY AB CANADA T2N 1N4. (Phone +1-403-220-5537; e-mail Queries concerning this position will be welcomed at any time.

Non-Canadian candidates will be considered for this position along with Canadian applicants. Human Resources Development Canada have designated this a Tier II search.

The University of Calgary respects, appreciates and encourages diversity, and the Department is strongly committed to increasing the representation of women in its continuing faculty.