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The Department of Greek and Roman Studies at the University of Calgary invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professorship to begin July 1, 2007. We are looking for a Hellenist whose area of concentration is Greek history (the period of specialization is open; an interest in military, social or cultural history is preferred). Applicants, who will have a completed doctorate, should also have broad expertise in Greek and Roman language and literature and a real commitment to teaching at all levels, from undergraduate to graduate. Applications, including the CV, a writing sample, and a teaching dossier, should be directed to: The Chair, Greek History Search, Department of Greek and Roman Studies, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4, Canada. should also arrange to have three letters of reference forwarded directly to the Chair.Informal inquiries can be directed to Dr Peter Toohey, Head, Department of Greek and Roman Studies, University of Calgary ( or 403-220-5803). Consideration of applications will begin on November 30, 2006 and will continue until the position is filled. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. The University of Calgary respects, appreciates, and encourages diversity.