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The University of California, Berkeley seeks to make an appointment, pending budgetary approval, in medieval Latin with preference for a candidate with additional expertise in some other aspect of medieval studies broadly construed. Rank open, with preference for candidates within 12 years of the PhD. Home department to be determined based on the qualifications of the successful candidate. Appointment to be effective July 1, 2008; PhD or equivalent in hand or expected by the end of AY 2008-09. Applicants for assistant professor position, please send CV, a writing sample of approximately 25 pages and full dossier; applicants for associate professor position, please send CV, a writing sample of approximately 25 pages and the names and current addresses of at least three referees; all applications must be postmarked no later than November 9, 2007, to Search Committee Chair, c/o Department of Comparative Literature, 4125 Dwinelle Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720-2580. The University of California at Berkeley is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.

The Department of Classics at the University of California, Berkeley, in conjunction with the Nemea Center for Classical Archaeology, has been authorized to fill a position, pending budgetary approval, 50% as tenure-track Assistant Professor of Classics, and 50% as Director of the Nemea Center, effective July 1, 2008. The successful candidate should have a PhD in Classics, archaeology, or a related field, at least three years of excavation experience in Greece, knowledge of classical sites in Greece and the Mediterranean, a strong teaching record, publication in classical archaeology, fluent command of English and good command of Modern Greek, competence in ancient Greek and Latin, good organizational skills, and the ability to deal courteously and effectively with a wide variety of people. Some experience in fundraising and with Greek governmental agencies is desirable. PhD or equivalent must be in hand by July 1, 2008. Candidates should be prepared to teach two courses a year in a broad range of subjects and to contribute to the graduate programs in both Classics and the Graduate Group in Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology (AHMA), as well as to take the lead in designing, coordinating, and successfully carrying forward the activities of the Nemea Center.

Postmark deadline for application is November 5, 2007. Please send letter of application, full cv, and a representative writing sample to Professor Mark Griffith, Recruitment Committee Chair, Department of Classics, 7233 Dwinelle Hall #2520, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-2520 (FAX 510-643-2959). In addition, candidates should include a dossier or the names and addresses of three references. For information on confidentiality, please see We expect to be conducting preliminary interviews for the position at the Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association/Archaeological Institute of America (APA/AIA) in Chicago, Jan. 3-6, 2008.

Full information about the Nemea Center for Classical Archaeology is at  Candidates are urged to familiarize themselves with that background material before making applications.

Inquiries about this position may be addressed to Professor Griffith at or 510-642-3147.

The University of California is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.