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POSITION ONE: NEW - The Bancroft Library and the Center for the Tebtunis Papyri of the University of California, Berkeley, invite applications from entry-level candidates for the position of Assistant Research Papyrologist effective July 1, 2001, for a period of one year, with the possibility of renewal for two further years. Salary range $48,600 to $59,600 depending on qualifications and experience. The duties of the position will include identification and documentation of papyri owned by the Bancroft Library; supervision of conservation and mounting; research and preparation of publications; training of staff, graduate student research assistants, and graduate students; participation with an advisory committee in the planning of the activities of the Center; grant writing and fundraising; and the teaching of at least one course per year in papyrology or a subject exploiting papyrological evidence. The position will be a non-senate academic position, but a percentage of the salary will be paid in support of teaching. When teaching, the appointee will hold an appropriate teaching title such as Lecturer.

REQUIREMENTS: Ph.D. or equivalent degree in Classics, Ancient History, Egyptology, Near East Studies, or a similar field; expertise and research interest in Greek papryology (with an emphasis on documentary texts) and/or Demotic Egyptian papyrology; excellent written and oral communication skills. Teaching experience, papyrological publications, and familiarity with computers (in particular, digitization of images) are desirable additional qualifications.

The Bancroft Library at the University of California, Berkeley, is the primary center of special collections within the library system at Berkeley. The Bancroft possesses over 30,000 papyrus fragments excavated at Tebtunis. Over 90% of the collection remains unstudied; it is estimated that up to one-third of the fragments are in Demotic Egyptian. The Bancroft Library is a partner in the Advanced Papyrological Information System (APIS) project funded by NEH. The Center for the Tebtunis Papyri is an organized research project of the Berkeley campus being newly established for an initial period of three years, with a possibility for renewals for up to ten years. The Center aims to create a scholarly focus and support mechanism for new research and graduate training exploiting the Tebtunis papyri and to promote international collaboration in the decipherment of the unstudied texts.

TO APPLY: Application should consist of cover letter, curriculum vitae, and a writing sample or publications. Candidates should provide the names of at least three recommenders and should have the letters forwarded by a dossier service or directly by the recommenders. Deadline for application: November 20, 2000. Interviews may be conducted at the joint convention of the American Philological Association/Archaeological Institute of America in San Diego, January 3-6, 2001.

Inquires about this ad may be addressed to either Janice Dost (telephone: 510-642-3778, e-mail:, or to Professor Donald Mastronarde (telephone: 510-642-4099, e-mail Mail application materials to Janice Dost, 447 Doe Library, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. Fax: 510-642-8675 or email address:

The University of California is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.

POSITION TWO - This position has been revised since being listed in the September 2000 issue of Positions: The Departments of History of Art and Classics at the University of California, Berkeley, have been authorized to make a joint appointment in Roman art and material culture (effective July 1, 2001) at the rank of Assistant Professor (tenure track) or Associate Professor (with tenure). Ph.D. or equivalent must be in hand by July 1, 2001. Candidates must demonstrate strong teaching and research interests in Roman art and culture; knowledge of Latin and ancient Greek; and experience in field archaeology. The Departments are particularly interested in candidates who work on the relations between Roman art and material culture, and the social/political and intellectual life of the Romans.

Send application materials by November 15, 2000 to Search Committee Chair, Department of Classics, 7233 Dwinelle Hall #2520, University of California, Berkeley CA 94720-2520 (FAX 510-643-2959). Junior candidates (ABD's and candidates who completed the Ph.D. within the past 5 years) should send a cover letter, CV, one dissertation chapter or equivalent writing sample of around 30 pages and the names of three references directly to the above address by November 15, 2000. Others should send a cover letter, CV, two recent publications, and names of three references by that date. Queries regarding this notice should be addressed to Professor Robert Knapp at

Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed at the Archaeological Institute of America-American Philological Association meetings in San Diego in early January.

The University of California is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.