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Subject to final budgetary approval, the Department of Classics of the University of California, Berkeley, in conjunction with The Bancroft Library and the Center for the Tebtunis Papyri invites applications for a joint junior position in papyrology, 50% as tenure-track Assistant Professor of Classics and 50% as Curator of Papyri in The Bancroft Library, effective July 1, 2004. REQUIREMENTS: Ph.D. or equivalent degree in Classics or Ancient History; expertise and research interest in Greek papyrology (with an emphasis on documentary texts), preferably with additional expertise in Demotic Egyptian papyrology; competence in Greek and Latin sufficient to offer courses at the advanced undergraduate level; excellent written and oral communication skills. Teaching experience, papyrological publications, familiarity with computers (in particular, digitization of images), and experience in archival and library settings are desirable additional qualifications. Application should consist of cover letter, curriculum vitae, and a writing sample or publications. Candidates should provide the names of at least three recommenders and should have the letters forwarded by a dossier service or directly by the recommenders. Deadline for application: November 21, 2003. Mail application materials to CASMA MSO Susan Pulliam, 7233 Dwinelle Hall MC 2520, Berkeley CA 94720-2520. Fax 510-643-2959. Inquires may be addressed to Donald Mastronarde, Chair, Papyrology Search Committee, 510-642-4099, For fuller details of the duties and funding of this position, please see The University of California is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.