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1) The Department of Rhetoric seeks to appoint a tenure-track Assistant Professor, pending budgetary approval, in political discourse and thought in any historical period from ancient to modern. Expertise in areas such as aesthetics, literature, race studies, and visual culture is welcome but not required. Ph.D., teaching experience, and substantive evidence of scholarly achievement and potential are required. Candidates should send cover letter, CV, a writing sample of no more than twenty-five pages, and dossier with at least three letters of reference. Please direct your referees to the University's statement on confidentiality of records, found at Send materials to Chair, Search Committee, Department of Rhetoric, 7408 Dwinelle Hall #2670, University of California, Berkeley, 94720-2670. Please do not send materials by FAX. Postmark deadline for applications: October 16, 2006. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.

2) The Department of Classics at the University of California, Berkeley has been authorized to fill a position, pending budgetary approval, in Greek and/or Latin Epigraphy (effective July 1, 2007) at the rank of Assistant Professor (tenure-track). PhD or equivalent by July 1, 2007 preferred. We are seeking candidates with a specialization in Greek and/or Latin epigraphy (broadly understood); the successful candidate will combine this with another area of expertise (e.g., history, archaeology, law, religion, linguistics). Candidates must be fully competent in classical Latin and Greek and be prepared to teach a full range of courses in both languages, to contribute to the graduate programs in both Classics and the Group in Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology (AHMA), and to be involved with the Sara B. Aleshire Center for Greek Epigraphy.

Postmark deadline for application is November 15, 2006. Please send letter of application, full cv, and a representative writing sample to Professor Mark Griffith, Recruitment Committee Chair, Department of Classics, 7233 Dwinelle Hall #2520, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-2520 (FAX 510-643-2959). In addition, candidates should have a dossier including three letters of reference sent directly to the above address as soon as possible. We will be conducting preliminary interviews for the position at the Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association/Archaeological Institute of America (APA/AIA) in San Diego, CA Jan. 4-7, 2007.

Inquiries about this position may be addressed to Professor Griffith at or 510-642-3147.

The University of California is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.