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The Department of Classics, University of California, Santa Barbara, invites applications for a one-year, non-renewable position at the rank of Visiting Assistant Professor in Greek Literature for the 2012-2013 academic year. Ph.D. in Classics or a comparable degree (including Comparative Literature/Classics) by July 1, 2012 is expected; promise of excellence in teaching and research is essential. UCSB is on the quarter system, and the teaching load is 5 courses. These courses will include some combination of: large humanities courses in Classical literature and civilization, seminars for advanced undergraduates, and Greek language classes at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The Department is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community through research, teaching and service. UCSB is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
A cover letter, curriculum vitae, short writing sample, graduate transcript, and three letters of recommendation should be sent to Sara Lindheim, Chair, Department of Classics, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3120. The Department will begin reviewing materials on April 18, 2012; to ensure full consideration, all materials should have arrived by that date. The position will remain open until filled.