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The University of Cologne (School of Humanities) invites applications for a full professorship in Classics (W3) with a specialization in Latin. The professorship is part of the Institut für Altertumskunde.
Prerequisites for consideration include scholarly distinction in the central fields of Latin studies (with a specialization in at least one major literary genre) and the ability to teach Classical Studies at a broad level.
The successful candidate is also expected to participate in the research and teaching activities of the Center for Ancient Cultures of the Mediterranean (Zentrum für antike Kulturen des Mittelmeerraumes) and to offer courses in the Department’s Classics-in-translation program (Klassische Literaturwissenschaft).
Required qualifications: PhD in Classics, Habilitation in Classics (or demonstration of equivalent accomplishments), record of successful teaching.
Handicapped persons are encouraged to apply. Handicapped persons with equal qualifications will be given preferential treatment. Women are especially encouraged to apply. Female candidates who demonstrate equal qualifications, ability and accomplishments will be given preferential treatment unless those of another candidate overweigh.
Applications (incl. list of publications and courses taught as well as copies of degrees, esp. Habilitation) should be sent by 5 April 2012 to the: Dekanin der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität zu Köln, Albertus-Magnus-Platz, D-50923 Köln, Germany.