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  1. (new 12/20/99) POSSIBLE POSITION AVAILABLE. The Classics Department at the University of Florida (Gainesville) invites applications for a sabbatical replacement at the level of Lecturer in Classics for the academic year 2000-2001 (Fall and Spring semesters). The appointment is temporary and non-tenure accruing; the term is for one academic year. The salary will be competitive. Qualifications include: (1) Ph.D. in Classics (or closely related field) in hand or projected to be awarded by December 2000; (2) substantial experience and demonstrated expertise in teaching at the college level; (3) ability to teach Latin and Greek languages at all levels and large courses (i.e., up to 300 enrollment) in classical civilization (e.g., Greek Civilization); ability to teach some courses with archaeological content would be a plus. Recently retired faculty are eligible to apply.

    Letter of application plus a complete dossier (including curriculum vitae, transcripts, and three letters of reference) should be received by February 15, 2000. We would especially welcome receiving sample syllabi and/or statements regarding experience in teaching Latin, Greek, and classical civilization. Send to: Professor Lewis Sussman, Chair, Classics Department, PO Box 117435, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-7435 (tel: 352-392-2075 ext. 268; fax: 352 846-0297; e-mail: PLEASE NOTE: Those seriously interested in the position and who wish to be interviewed at the Dallas APA/AIA meeting in December should send a letter of interest and a curriculum vitae by regular mail, fax, or e-mail by December 23 to the above address. The University of Florida is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution. Applications from minorities and women are encouraged.

  2. The Classics Department and the Center for Greek Studies at the University of Florida announce the opening of a tenure accruing assistant professorship. Salary range will be $37,000-43,000, dependent upon qualifications and experience. The position commences in the Fall semester of 2000.

    Qualifications: A Ph.D. in Classics with formal training and fluency in modern Greek language and literature, and with Ph.D. in hand by June 1, 2000. We seek someone with at least one or preferably two years of appropriate teaching experience in both classical and modern Greek. The individual should have research and teaching interests in ancient Greek prose, particularly the non-philosophical authors and the Attic orators, and modern Greek language and literature. Proficiency and productivity in original scholarship and a well defined program of research are imperative.

    In addition, the successful candidate will be expected to continue the Center's outreach and fund raising activities with the Greek communities of Florida. There will be the opportunity for summer research and teaching appointments. NOTE: The Search Committee asks scholars whose interests do not lie in these areas not to apply; inappropriate applications cannot be considered.

    Assignment: (a) Teach ancient Greek on all levels from beginning to graduate level, (b) Teach modern Greek through at least upper division; (c) Maintain a program of original research and active publication; (d) Teach undergraduate lecture courses on modern and/or classical Greek culture and civilization; especially welcome would be innovative methodologies and approaches to this area of instruction; (e) Actively participate in the fund raising and outreach activities of the Center for Greek Studies, especially keeping a liaison with the Greek-American communities of Florida. The Center will provide supplemental assistance in the form of office support, travel money, and funding for summer research.

    Application: We require a letter of application plus a complete dossier (including curriculum vitae, transcripts, and three letters of reference) postmarked no later than November 15, 1999. Please include your e-mail address, FAX number, and all addresses where you may be contacted between November and March. Send all materials to: Professor Karelisa Hartigan, Chair, Greek Search Committee, Classics Department, PO Box 117435, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611- 7435 (Tel. 352-392-2075 ext. 265; FAX - 352-846-0297; e-mail = Selected candidates will be interviewed at the APA/AIA meeting in Dallas, Texas, in December, 1999.

    NOTE: Candidates who do not possess a Green Card or other appropriate VISA for permanent U.S. residency should check into the process and do sufficient background preparation so that they can immediately apply for said VISA upon receiving a job offer.

    The University of Florida is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution. Applications from minorities and women are encouraged. The Classics Department will actively search for minority and female candidates.
    (posted 9/20/99; revised 10/22/99)