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POSITION FOR ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF CLASSICS, TENURE TRACK, beginning in August 2000. Doctorate required by July 1, 2000. Starting salary will be $43,000. Research specialization: Latin literature (especially post-Augustan literature, Roman philosophical texts, the Roman novel, or Late Antiquity). Secondary competence in Greek prose (through the Second Sophistic) and/or Hellenistic literature desirable.

Commitment to scholarly research and publication essential; excellence in teaching at all levels mandatory and ability to teach introductory courses in mythology and classical civilization required. Experience in using instructional technology, including long-distance learning or web-based instruction desirable. Teaching load: 4 courses per year. The department offers a strong undergraduate curriculum and Master's degrees in Greek and/or Latin.

Letter of application and complete dossier (including curriculum vitae, transcripts, and three letters of reference) must be postmarked no later than Friday, December 3, 1999. Address all materials to Chair of Search Committee, Department of Classics, Park Hall, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-6203. Selected candidates will be interviewed at the APA/AIA meeting in Dallas, December 27-30, 1999. Applications from women and minorities are encouraged. The University of Georgia is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.