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Assistant Professor/Comparatist (Latin/Italian). The Department of Modern and Classical Languages at the University of Houston seeks a comparatist (Latin/Italian) to share teaching in undergraduate programs in Classics and Italian. The position is tenure-track, at the level of Assistant Professor. It has been approved and will remain open until filled. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Qualifications: Ph.D. in hand from a program in Comparative Literature, Italian Studies, Classics, Renaissance or Medieval Studies. Ability to teach all undergraduate levels of language in Latin, and at least the first three years of Italian (near-native fluency expected). Demonstration of coherent research interests, preferably from among the following subject areas: Italian Humanism, Roman and Italian Literature, sexuality and gender studies, reception of Classical literature, rhetoric and historiography, theatre and performance. Teaching duties beyond the language curricula involve courses in translation related to the candidate's research interests, along with survey courses in Roman or Italian literature (syllabus open to the candidate's own preferences). Interdisciplinary teaching interests, web-literacy and ideas for implementing instructional technology are also desirable. Please send materials (cover-letter, cv, sample of writing and three letters of recommendation) by December 1, 1999 (or until position is filled) to: Dora C. Pozzi, Modern and Classical Languages, University of Houston, 4800 Calhoun, Houston, TX 77204-3784. The University of Houston is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.