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The Department of Classics at The University of Iowa invites applications for a one-year visiting appointment at the assistant professor level, to begin in August, 2010. This is a non-tenure track position. Full time teaching load is five courses per academic year. The successful candidate will teach two large English language classes each semester and one Greek course in the Spring. Preference will be given to candidates whose dossiers indicate experience in two or more of the following: Ancient Magic, Greek or Roman Civilization, or possibly Greek or Roman Literature in Translation. Ph.D. by time of appointment is required. Salary is dependent on candidate’s experience and credentials.

Candidates should mail hard copy applications to Professor Carin M. C. Green, Chair, Department of Classics, 210 Jefferson Building, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242. (E-mailed documents are not accepted. Send inquiries to Screening of applications will begin April 9, 2010. Applications should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, official graduate transcript, and at least three current letters of recommendation. Applicants are also encouraged to submit evidence of teaching ability and expertise. All applications will be acknowledged, and applicants will be informed when the position has been filled.

The University of Iowa is an equal opportunity / affirmative action institution. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.