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The Department of Classics, Faculty of Arts, at the University of Manitoba invites applications for a full-time tenure-track position in Greek and Latin Language and Literature at the rank of Assistant Professor. The successful candidate shall have an active research program within the broad spectrum of Classical philology, demonstrated competence in both languages and a readiness to teach both Greek and Latin at all undergraduate levels and one or both at the M.A. level. The appointee must also teach lecture courses in ‘Classical Studies’ including survey courses on Greek and Roman civilization, Classical Mythology and Classical Literature in Translation. Duties will also include supervision of M.A. theses and service to the Department, Faculty and University. Candidates are requested to demonstrate success in both research and teaching and to present evidence of an agenda of scholarship and scholarly publication. The appointee shall have been awarded a Ph.D. by the effective date of the appointment, July 1, 2011.
The Department of Classics at the University of Manitoba currently has a vigorous staff complement of 5 permanent members with professorial rank. This complement is regularly augmented by part-time and/or temporary lecturers, instructors, post-doctoral fellows and teaching assistants. The Department offers undergraduate major and minor programs in Greek, Latin and Classical Studies and an M.A. in Classics. Further information on the Department is available at Starting salary will reflect the qualifications and experience of the appointee. The University of Manitoba encourages applications from qualified women and men, including members of visible minorities, Aboriginal peoples, and persons with disabilities. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.
Applications for this position must include a letter of application, a curriculum vitae and three confidential letters of reference sent directly by the referees. Candidates should also include samples of scholarly writing (no more than 50 pages—these will not be returned) and descriptions of research agendas, and evidence of effective teaching such as teaching evaluations, sample course outlines and a statement of teaching philosophy. Applications should be sent to Dr. Mark Joyal, Chair, Department of Classics Search Committee, University of Manitoba, 220 Dysart Road, Winnipeg, MB Canada R3T 2M8. Tel: (204) 474-9502; Fax (204) 474-7658; email:
The deadline for receipt of applications is November 15, 2010. Applications, including letters of reference, will be handled in accordance with the “The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act“ (Manitoba). Please note that curricula vitae may be provided to participating members of the search process.