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The Department of Classical Studies at the University of Michigan is seeking authorization to make a tenure-track appointment in Latin with an emphasis on Republican or early Augustan prose and its social and cultural contexts. Expertise in ancillary disciplines, such as epigraphy and numismatics, is welcome, as is familiarity with historiographic or rhetorical theory. The person appointed will be an active contributor to interdepartmental graduate programs in Greek and Roman history and in Classical Art and Archaeology. Teaching responsibilities will include sharing in the rotations for the introductory undergraduate course in Roman Civilization and for the graduate survey of Latin Literature; other classical civilization courses designed by the candidate; and Latin literature and Roman culture at all levels. Competence in teaching Greek to an advanced level is also expected. PhD must be completed by August 2008.

Candidates should discuss their present and future research in the letter of application. Please send a dossier including a current CV, at least three letters of recommendation, evidence of teaching experience such as evaluations and syllabi, and a writing sample to or mailed to Latin Search Committee, 2160 Angell Hall, 435 South State Street, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1003 by November 15, 2007. For inquiries, please call Ruth Scodel at 734-647-8003. All files should be in PDF format. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. The University is supportive of the needs of dual career couples. The University of Michigan is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action employer.