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Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Languages­-Classics. Position begins August 16, 2011. Ph.D. in hand by 8/11. Evidence of college level teaching experience, and scholarly promise required. Specific area of research specialization is open.

As the sole member in charge of Classics, applicants should be prepared to teach all levels of Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies. We look for evidence of and dedication to successful beginning language instruction as well as an area of research that could serve as the basis for interdisciplinary contributions to Arts & Sciences curricula. Interest in program building is essential. The ability to make creative use of information technology is also a desirable quality.

Active publication record required for tenure and promotion. Send letter of application, current CV, 3 letters of recommendation and unofficial transcripts to Dr. Sherrie Fleshman, Search Committee Chair, Dept. of Languages, Merrifield Hall room 320, 276 Centennial Drive Stop 8198, Grand Forks ND 58202-8198. Applications must be postmarked by June 30, 2011.

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