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The Department of Classics at the University of Notre Dame invites applications for a tenure-track or tenured position in medieval Latin. The appointment will begin in August 2008. The successful candidate will participate in the teaching curricula and intellectual life of the home department of Classics and of the Medieval Institute. We seek a candidate with research interests in medieval and late antique Latin broadly understood. A familiarity with ancient Greek is desirable. Completion of the PhD is required.

Please address applications to Elizabeth Forbis Mazurek, Chair, Department of Classics, 304 O'Shaughnessy Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556. Applications should include a curriculum vitae, three letters of reference, a writing sample, and evidence if available of teaching experience. The closing date for applications is November 15, 2007. Preliminary interviews will be held at the APA Annual Meeting in Chicago (January 2008).

The University of Notre Dame is an international Catholic research university and an equal opportunity educator and employer with strong institutional and academic commitments to racial, cultural, and gender diversity. Women, minorities and Catholics are encouraged to apply. Information about the University is available at, about the Department of Classics at, and about the Medieval Institute at