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The Department of Classics, University of Otago (New Zealand), invites applications for a permanent position (confirmation-path) at the rank of Lecturer, beginning 1 July 2013. (“Lecturer” in the academic nomenclature used in New Zealand is equivalent to the rank of Assistant Professor in the USA.)

Although applications will be considered from candidates whose research interests lie in any branch of Classical Studies, the Department is particularly seeking candidates with teaching expertise in art / archaeology, mythology, philosophy or film/reception. The ability to teach Greek language to a high level is also desirable, as too is competence in Latin.

Applications close on Friday 12th October 2012 (New Zealand time).

Applicants will be qualified at PhD level, and will show clear evidence of excellence in research, and a willingness to seek external research funds. Previous teaching experience (especially of large classes) is also desirable, as well as a demonstrated ability to enthuse and inspire students.

The successful appointee will be required to teach language and classical civilization courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels; to supervise research at Honors, MA and PhD levels; to develop and maintain a strong research profile; and to undertake administrative roles and community / professional service activities which contribute to the overall effectiveness and standing of the Department.

The University of Otago is the oldest university in New Zealand. The Chair in Classics was one of the three foundation chairs established in 1869, and the Department is known for its excellence in research and teaching. Our academic staff are recognized internationally for their scholarly contributions in the fields of classical literature, history, and archaeology, and are well represented in leading journals and on editorial boards. For more information about the department, please see our website at

Applications are to be submitted online. Please consult the following webpage (the job number is 1201112):

Applications should include a letter of interest identifying teaching and research goals, and a curriculum vitae with the names of three referees. Please include also recent teaching evaluations and a sample of research.

Specific enquiries prior to application may be directed to Associate Professor Jon Hall, Convener of the Selection Committee (email:; or to Dr Patricia Hannah, Head of Department (email: