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Regius Professorship of Greek. A Regius Professor of Greek is due to be appointed at Oxford by Her Majesty the Queen with effect from 1 October 2003. The professor will be a scholar of distinction who will provide academic leadership over a wide area of Greek Language and Literature. He or she will also be expected to take a leading part in developing the work of the Classics Faculty generally. A non-stipendiary Studentship (i.e. Fellowship) at Christ Church is attached to the professorship. Suitably qualified persons wishing to submit their names for consideration are invited to do so not later than 13 January 2003 sending their applications (eleven copies, or one if from overseas), together with the names and contact details (postal and e-mail addresses and telephone/fax numbers) of three referees who have agreed to act on this occasion, to the Registrar of the University, University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD. Further particulars are available from or from the Registrar. The professor will not necessarily be chosen from among those who have submitted their names. The University is an Equal Opportunities Employer.