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The Department of Classical Studies invites applications for a tenure-track appointment as Assistant Professor of Classical Studies with expertise in the field of Ancient History. The appointment is to begin in Fall 2011. Candidates will be expected to demonstrate the potential to achieve distinction in both research and teaching. In addition to teaching courses on historical subjects (including technical fields, such as epigraphy, numismatics, or papyrology), the successful candidate will also be able to teach courses in Latin and Greek at all levels. We are particularly interested in candidates who would strengthen connections with programs in such areas as Archaeology, Religious Studies, Egyptology, and the Ancient Near East. Candidates are to apply at and include a cover letter, CV , writing sample, and the names and contact information for three individuals who will write a letter of reference. Review of applications will begin November 15, 2010 and will continue until the position is filled. The Department will be interviewing candidates at the APA/AIA Annual Meeting in San Antonio. The University of Pennsylvania is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply.