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The Department of Classical Studies at the University of Richmond seeks applications for an anticipated three-year term appointment to begin in fall 2006. The position is for a specialist in Greek and Latin languages and literatures. Teaching duties will include elementary Latin, classical literature in translation, and advanced courses that support our curricula in the ancient languages and in Classical Civilization. Teaching load: four courses per semester. Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and dossier to Dr. Dean Simpson, Department of Classical Studies, University of Richmond, VA 23173. Requests for more information may be sent to Application deadline: December 15, 2005. We will interview selected candidates at the APA meeting in Montreal. The University of Richmond is a highly selective private institution dedicated to excellence in both teaching and scholarship. The University of Richmond values diversity in its faculty, staff, and student body. In keeping with this commitment, our academic community strongly encourages applications from diverse candidates and candidates who support diversity

For information about the department see:

The Jepson School of Leadership Studies, an interdisciplinary School at the University of Richmond, invites applications for a tenure-track, assistant professor with a specialization in the history of ideas or in social and political thought. The successful applicant will be expected to contribute to existing courses in the areas such as justice and civil society as well as to develop other courses in his or her area of expertise. Qualifications include a Ph.D. in classics, or in another applicable discipline or field such as history, philosophy, sociology, or political science; the potential for an active scholarly agenda on leadership; and the ability to do interdisciplinary research and teaching in a liberal arts environment.

Inaugurated in 1992, the Jepson School of Leadership Studies is an independent academic unit of the University and offers students the opportunity to major or minor in leadership studies. With the aim of educating students for and about leadership, the Jepson School offers a challenging liberal arts curriculum delivered by means of a rigorous and innovative pedagogy. Additional information about the Jepson School and the University can be found on our website:

Candidates should submit a letter of application, a vita, and three letters of reference to J. Thomas Wren, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Jepson School of Leadership Studies, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA 23173. Review of applications will begin November 15, 2005 and will continue until the position is filled. The University of Richmond values diversity in its faculty, staff, and student body. In keeping with this commitment, the University welcomes applications from diverse candidates and candidates who support diversity.