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University of Southern California - LOS ANGELES, CA
The Department of Classics and the Department of Art History at the University of Southern California invite applications for a joint position in Greek art. Rank is OPEN. We seek candidates doing innovative, theoretically informed, and interdisciplinary work in the visual culture of the Greek world, broadly conceived. The position involves teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in both Classics and Art History. Strong commitment to research and teaching is expected, including participation on Ph.D. committees in related fields, e.g. Roman art and archaeology. Junior applicants should send applications including c.v., transcripts, writing sample, and three letters of recommendation to Classics/Art History Search Committee, Department of Classics, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0352. Senior candidates may apply by sending a statement of interest, c.v., and names of three referees to the same address. Candidates are asked to apply as soon as possible. The Search Committee will begin reviewing applications starting November 7, 2002, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Applicants should indicate whether they plan to attend the APA-AIA meetings in January and/or the CAA meetings in February 2003. AA/EOE/WMA.