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The Department of Classics invites applications for two tenure-track positions in Greek or Roman literature or history, at the rank of Assistant Professor, beginning Fall 2009. We seek colleagues who will contribute to our program at all levels and in multiple ways: courses in translation, language courses from beginning levels to research seminars, and graduate supervision; and we are especially interested in candidates whose interests and approaches will interact creatively with the work of current faculty. Applicants should have the PhD in hand or expected by August 2009 and evidence of excellence in both scholarship and teaching is expected. Duties will include both undergraduate and graduate teaching, and research and service appropriate for a major university appointment. Applicants should submit a letter of application, a current CV, a sample of recent scholarship, and three letters of recommendation to: Classics Search Committee, Department of Classics, The University of Texas at Austin, 1 University Station C3400, Austin, TX 78712-0308. To ensure full consideration, dossiers should be complete by 5 November 2008. The Committee may continue to consider additional candidates after that date until the position is filled. The University of Texas at Austin is an AA/EEO employer. Appointment is subject to budgetary approval; and a background check will be conducted on the applicant selected. Further information about the Department is available on our website: