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  1. 2 Definite Positions - Department of Classics. The Department of Classics at the University of Washington invites applications for two Acting Assistant Professor positions. In the case of one of the positions, the initial appointment will be for the academic year 2000-2001, with the position renewable for a further year; the other position is for the academic year 2000-2001 only. All applicants will be considered for both positions unless they specify otherwise. Applicants should have the Ph.D. degree by the start of appointment, and will be expected to participate in undergraduate and graduate teaching and independent research.

    While breadth of teaching interest and experience is a desideratum, we will pay especial attention to applicants who offer expertise in one or more of the following broad areas: archaic and classical Greek poetry; Roman prose (especially rhetorical and philosophical); literary theory and cultural studies.

    Applications, including a curriculum vitae, statement of teaching and research interests, one article- or chapter-length writing sample (in paper copy), and letters of recommendation (at least three), should be sent to: Professor James J. Clauss, Acting Chair, Department of Classics, University of Washington, Box 353110, Seattle WA 98195-3110. Telephone: (206) 543-2266. E-mail: Priority will be given to applications received on or before April 7, 2000.

    The University of Washington is building a culturally diverse faculty and strongly encourages applications from women and minority candidates. The University is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action employer. (3/15)

  2. Definite Position. Humanities Center Director, Walter Chapin Simpson Center for the Humanities. The University of Washington invites applications for the position of Director of its Walter Chapin Simpson Center for the Humanities. The Director will also hold a tenured faculty appointment (Professor or Associate Professor) in an academic department. The Center has recently received a major private gift and a substantial increase in internal funding, giving it an annual budget of about $750K and a staff of 3.5 FTE, including an Associate Director. The Simpson Center is distinctive in its integration of research, teaching and public programs, and the Director will have an unusual opportunity to design and implement programs involving research and teaching, and to develop collaborations with regional cultural organizations.

    The Director should hold the Ph.D. degree (or similar professional qualifications) in some field or discipline in the humanities or the arts. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

    Prospective candidates should submit a letter of application, a current vita, and the names of at least three referees. Additional materials may be requested at a later date. Applications should be submitted as early as possible. Priority will be given to applications received by October 25, 1999. Employment to begin not later than Autumn 2000. Interested applicants can find additional information about the Walter Chapin Simpson Center for the Humanities, including the names of members of the Search Committee, at the following World Wide Web site: Send applications to: Center for the Humanities Director Search Committee, Box 353765, University of Washington, Seattle WA 98195-3765. E-mail: (Carol Piersawl). The University of Washington is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.
    (posted 10/14/99)