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The Department of Classics Washington University in St. Louis invites applications for a tenure-track appointment in Greek historiography and history at the rank of Assistant Professor, to begin August 1999. The successful candidate will be expected to have the PhD in Classics in hand by July 1999 and to show teaching experience and substantial scholarly promise. Candidates are sought who are prepared to teach courses in Greek and Latin at all levels as well as Greek History and other courses in translation on various aspects of the ancient world. He or she will also be expected to offer "Ancient Political Thought" in our optional humanities core, "Text and Tradition," and to advise undergraduate and graduate students. The normal course load in the Humanities at Washington University is two and two, and a high level of scholarly productivity is expected. Washington University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Candidates are asked to send a letter of application with CV, transcript, and at least three letters of recommendation, along with a sample of scholarly written work, to Professor George Pepe, Chair, Department of Classics, Campus Box 1050, Washington University, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130-4899. The search committee will continue to review applications until the position is filled, but priority will be given to those received by Dec. 1. Inquiries to