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Willamette University is seeking applicants for a tenure track Assistant Professor position in Classics beginning Fall 2001. Primary responsibilities are for a sequence of courses in Latin and Greek languages and literature, including occasional courses in ancient texts in translation as part of an interdisciplinary Classical Studies program. Teaching experience is preferred, as is a commitment to continued research and publication. A Ph.D. is required. Salary is competitive and Willamette provides a generous fringe benefit package.

Willamette is a first-tier private liberal arts college with graduate programs in law, management and education. It is committed to providing a superior educational experience where teaching and learning are strengthened by ongoing scholarship and research. For more information regarding Willamette University, please visit our web site at Click on College of Liberal Arts to find the Office of the Dean and departmental web sites including the Classical Studies Program. Benefits information is found at

File review begins December 15 and will continue until the position is filled. Interviews of selected applicants will be held at the APA annual meeting in San Diego January 3-6, 2001. Send a letter of application describing research and teaching interests, CV, transcripts, and three letters of recommendation to: Classics Search, Professor Lane McGaughy, Religious Studies, Willamette University, Salem, OR 97301. Willamette University is an equal opportunity employer and embraces excellence through diversity.