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2018 Election Results

SCS members have elected the following to serve on the board and elected committees. All appointments begin on Sunday January 6, 2019, with the exception of the members of the Nominating Committee whose appointments begin immediately. Thank you to all who agreed to stand for election this year.
  • Sheila Murnaghan
Junior Financial Trustee:
  • Laura McClure
Vice President for Program:
  • Cynthia Damon
Board of Directors:
  • Anthony Corbeill and Robin Mitchell-Boyask
Goodwin Award Committee:
  • David Konstan and Jim Porter
Nominating Committee:
  • Laurel Fulkerson and Celia Schultz
Program Committee:
  • Johanna Hanink
Committee on Professional Ethics:
  • Kathleen Coleman
Amendment on cultural property to the SCS Statement on Professional Ethics:
  • Approved
The SCS voting contractor Vote-Now issued 2761 individual voting codes on August 1, 2018. 961 (34.8%) of those individuals voted in the election, although not all voters made a selection in every race. Most members now vote electronically. Vote-Now does issue paper ballots to any member who does not have a valid email address on file. In addition, the Executive Director received five requests for paper ballots.
For the full 2018 election materials, click here.