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The 2002 Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association

Thursday, January 3, 2002

9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Conference Suite I Meeting of the APA Nominating Committee

1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Conference Suite II Meeting of the APA Committee on Finance

3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Room 307 Meeting of the Executive Committee of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens

3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Room 309-310 Meeting of the APA Board of Directors

5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Independence 1 Alumni Reception for the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies

5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Room 302 Executive Meeting of the Society for the Oral Reading of Greek and Latin Literature

6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Room 411 Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Vergilian Society

6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Museum of the University of Pennsylvania AIA/APA Opening Reception

6:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Room 414 Board Meeting for the Classical Association for the Midwest and South

7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Room 415 Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Women's Classical Caucus

10:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. Independence 2-3 Opening Night Reception Sponsored by the APA Committee on the Status of Women and Minority Groups, the Lambda Classical Caucus, and the Women's Classical Caucus

Friday, January 4, 2002

7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Room 307 Breakfast for APA Members Attending their First Meeting

7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Room 415 Managing Committee Meeting for the Institute for Aegean Prehistory Study Center for East Crete

7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Conference Suite I Meeting of the APA Committee on Ancient History

7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Conference Suite III Meeting of the APA Committee on Scholarships for Minority Students

8:00 a.m. - 11:00 Room 401 Meeting of the ASCSA Excavation & Survey Committee


8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Section 1 Independence 3
Homeric Epic I Jenny Strauss Clay, Presider

1. John Christopher Geissmann, University of California at Berkeley
Penelope's Laugh and the Suitors' Gifts (Odyssey 18.158-303) (15 mins.)

2. Deborah Beck, Pennsylvania State University
Odysseus, Menelaus and Demodocus as Storytellers in the Odyssey (15 mins.)

3. James R. Marks, University of Texas at Austin
An Aitolian Odyssey? Odyssey 14 and West-Greek Epichoric Tradition (15 mins.)

4. Jonathan S. Burgess, University of Toronto
Kyprias, Poet of the Iliaka (15 mins.)

5. Dimitri Nakassis, University of Texas at Austin
Semi-rational Geography and Eschatological Gemination in Homer (15 mins.)

6. Sarah E. Harrell, Trinity College
The Nostos of Helen: An Untold Story? (15 mins.)

8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Section 2 Independence 1
Elaine Fantham, Presider

1. Gregory A. Staley, University of Maryland
Senecan Tragedy as Monstrum (15 mins.)

2. Christopher Star, University of Chicago
Words into Deeds: Self-Address and Agency in Seneca's Tragedies (15 mins.)

3. Augustin Speyer, University of Tübingen
Sic verba spernit mea - The Usage of Rupture of Coherence in Senecan Drama (15 mins.)

4. James Ker, University of California at Berkeley
Timescapes of Seneca's Epistulae morales ad Lucilium (15 mins.)

5. Brian Warren, Johns Hopkins University
Advising the Emperor and the Gift of Senecan Clementia (15 mins.)

8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Section 3 Salon D
Drama in Performance
Helene P. Foley, Presider

1. Victor Castellani, University of Denver
"O Suitably-Attired. . .Head of a Traveler": Significant Head-Dress in Greek Tragedy (15 mins.)

2. John R. Porter, University of Saskatchewan
Acharnians 1118-21: A Study in Comic Hermeneutics (15 mins.)

3. Hans Peter Obermayer, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
"Yes, to nothingness!" The Condemnation of Lucullus - An Opera of Peace by Bertolt Brecht and Paul Dessau (15 mins.)

4. Pantelis Michelakis, University of Oxford
Silent Dramas: Two Early Film Adaptations of Greek Tragedy (15 mins.)

5. Ingrid E. Holmberg, University of Victoria
A Dream of Medea: Euripides' Medea in Dassin's "A Dream of Passion" (15 mins.)

8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Section 4 Salon K
Roman Culture
Keith Bradley, Presider

1. Genevieve S. Gessert, Yale University
Non modo ex memoria, sed etiam ex fastis: The Representation of Fasti in the Works of Cicero (15 mins.)

2. Kathryn Bosher, University of Michigan
Roman Agricultural Writers' View of Theater: from Cato to Columella (15 mins.)

3. Erika J. Nesholm, University of Washington
The House as Moral Battefield in Cicero's De Domo Sua (15 mins.)

4. Alice R. Weeks, University of Cambridge
Fighting for Space in Augustus' City: Reading Contest and Conquest in Vitruvius' De Architectura (15 mins.)

5. Aude Doody, University of Cambridge
Encyclopaedism and Genre in Pliny's Historia Naturalis (15 mins.)

6. Tobias Reinhardt, University of Oxford
Quintilian on What Rhetoric Is (15 mins.)

8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Section 5 Salon L Herodotean Historiography: Civic Traditions, Ideology, and Authorial Narrative Patterning
Ellen Millender and Sara Forsdyke, Organizers

1. Nino Luraghi, Harvard University
Sparta, Corinth, Corcyra, Samos: Past and Present in Herodotus (20 mins.)

2. Michael Flower, Franklin & Marshall College
The Council at Samos on the Future of Ionia (20 mins.)

3. Sara Forsdyke, University of Michigan
Herodotus on Periander of Corinth: Panhellenic Myth or Athenian Democratic Ideology? (20 mins.)

4. Ellen Millender, University of Iowa
Spartan Silence versus Democratic Debate: Athenian Ideology and Herodotean Narrative Patterning (20 mins.)

Respondent: John Marincola, New York University (15 mins.)

8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Salon I

Business Meeting of the American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy

8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Section 6 Salon I
Joint AIA/APA Panel
Epigraphy Across Cultures
Sponsored by the American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy
Kevin Clinton, Organizer

1. Kevin Clinton, Cornell University
Introduction (10 mins.)

2. Ian Rutherford, University of Reading
Pilgrims to Abydos from the 6th Century BCE to the 4th Century CE: Towards a Comprehensive Catalogue of the Graffiti (Greek, Egyptian, Aramaic, Phoenecian, Carian) (20 mins.)

3. Eran Lupu, Tel Aviv University
The Punic "Marseilles Tariff" and Its Greek Counterparts (20 mins.)

4. Craige Champion, Syracuse University
The Struggle for Apollo: The Aitolian Soteria at Delphi and the Antigonid Soteria at Delos (15 mins.)

5. Hannah M. Cotton, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Jonathan J. Price, Tel Aviv University
Greeks, Romans, Jews, and Others in Judaea/Syria Palaestina: "A Civilization of Epigraphy" (30 mins.)

6. Philip Freeman, Washington University in St. Louis
Galatian Inscriptions and Cultural Assimilation in Greco-Roman Asia Minor (15 mins.)

8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Business Meeting of the Three-Year Salon J
Colloquium on Late Antiquity

8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Section 7 Salon J

Death, Burial, and Commemoration in Late Antiquity
Sponsored by the Three-Year Colloquium on Late Antiquity
Judith Evans Grubbs, Organizer

1. Byron Nakamura, J. M. Dawson Institute for Church State Studies, Baylor University
Negotiating with the Dead: Constantine's Commemoration of Diocletian (20 mins.)

2. Dennis Trout, University of Missouri, Columbia
Vivit et astra tenet: Epitaphs, Elogia, and Astral Immortality (20 mins.)

3. Eugene Vance, University of Washington
How Do You Bury and Commemorate Your Early Christian Mother? The Case of Monica (20 mins.)

4. Ann Marie Yasin, University of Chicago
Reading Orantes: Gesture and Commemoration in Early Christian Funerary Art (20 mins.)

8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Section 8 Independence 2 Life after Smyth: Greek and Latin Grammar in the 21st Century
Stephen Colvin, Organizer

1. Stephen Colvin, Yale University
The Syntax of the Agora and the Syntax of Parnassus (20 mins.)

2. Eleanor Dickey, Columbia University
Salve, Marce: How Did the Romans Really Use Each Other's Names? (20 mins.)

3. Helma Dik, University of Chicago
The Greek We Teach (Ain't What It Used to Be) (20 mins.)

4. Donna Shalev, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Traditional Grammars and the Syntax of Literary Dialogue Texts (20 mins.)

Respondent: Harm Pinkster, University of Amsterdam (10 mins.)

9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Room 302 Annual Business Meeting of the Vergilian Society

9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Conference Suite II Meeting of the APA Committee on Research

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Conference Suite II Meeting of the APA Advisory Board to the DCB


11:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. Section 9 Independence 3
Imperial Historiography and Biography
Cynthia Damon, Presider

1. Gavin Weaire, Union College
The Case of the Missing Mauretanian (15 mins.)

2. Rosemary Moore, University of Michigan
The Purpose of Onasander's The General (15 mins.)

3. Jeffrey Beneker, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
No Time for Love: The Chaste Heroes of Plutarch's Alexander-Caesar (15 mins.)

4. Jonathan Scott Perry, University of Central Florida
Clinopale Wrestling and Erotic Humor in the Roman Empire (15 mins.)

11:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. Section 10 Salon K Language and Culture
John Ramsey, Presider

1. Benjamin Stevens, University of Chicago
mikten ex amphoin: The Origin of Latin and the Loss of Binary Opposition in Dionysius of Halicarnassus (15 mins.)

2. Anthony Corbeill, University of Kansas
Grammatical Constructions We Live by: The Case of (dis)similis sui (15 mins.)

3. Chris Brunelle, Gustavus Adolphus College
Inclusive Latin in Non-Legal Contexts (15 mins.)

4. Andrew Fenton, University of Pennsylvania
They Might Be Spurious: Napster and Pseudepigrapha (15 mins.)

11:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. Section 11 Salon D
Husbands and Wives
Judith P. Hallett, Presider

1. Ross Stuart Kilpatrick, Queen's University at Kingston
Euripides' Alcestis and the Vatican "Aldobrandini Wedding" Fresco (15 mins.)

2. David M. Johnson, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Ischomachus the Model Husband? A Moderately Ironic Reading of Xenophon's Oeconomicus (15 mins.)

3. Phyllis B. Katz, Dartmouth College
Marriage Catullan Style: Poem 61 (15 mins.)

4. Jeri Blair DeBrohun, Brown University
Lucretius on the Dangers of Married Love: De Rerum Natura 4.1278-87 (15 mins.)

11:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. Section 12 Independence 2
Statius' Thebaid Revisited
Karla Pollmann, Organizer

1. Susanna M. Braund, Yale University
The Significance of Thebes for Statius(20 mins.)

2. Carole Newlands, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ovid and Statius: Transforming the Landscape (20 mins.)

3. Karla Pollmann, University of St. Andrews
The Ambiguity of Values in the Thebaid and Before (20 mins.)

4. Peter Heslin, University of Durham
Dante and the End of the Thebaid (20 mins.)

Respondent: Elaine Fantham, Princeton University (20 mins.)

11:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. Section 13 Salon I
Ancient Medicine
Sponsored by the Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy
Lesley Dean-Jones, Organizer

1. Bronwen Wickkiser, University of Texas at Austin
Plague, Politics, and the Peloponnesian War: The Arrival of Asklepios in Athens (25 mins.)

2. Alain Touwaide, University of Oklahoma, Norman
Eastern Drugs in Greek Therapeutical Theory and Practice from the Corpus Hippocraticum to Late Antiquity (25 mins.)

3. Georgia Machemer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Pangenesis in Empedocles' Zoogony (25 mins.)

4. David C. A. Hillman, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Trachoma in Antiquity: Terminology and Prevalence (25 mins.)

11:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. Section 14 Salon J
Menander and Athenian Society: The Oikos
Sponsored by the Three-Year Colloquium on the Comedy of Menander in Its Social Context
Paul A. Iversen, Organizer

1. Paul A. Iversen, Case Western Reserve University
Introduction (10 mins.)

2. Dana Munteanu, University of Cincinnati
The Nothos in the Plays of Euripides and Menander (15 mins.)

3. Wilfred E. Major, Loyola University of New Orleans
Is There a Cook in the House? The Mageiros as a Barometer of Domestic Tension in Menander (15 mins.)

4. Susan Lape, University of Texas at Austin
The Poetics of the Oikos: The Komos in Menandrian Comedy (15 mins.)

5. Timothy J. Moore, University of Texas at Austin
Peeking into the Oikos: Menander and the Male Gaze (15 mins.)

Respondent: W. Geoffrey Arnott, University of Leeds (20 mins.)

11:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. Section 15 Salon L
Classics, Educational Institutions, and Diversity
Sponsored by the APA Committee on the Status of Women and Minority Groups
Sally MacEwen and Paul Allen Miller, Organizers

1. Stephen A. Nimis, Miami University of Ohio
Classics and Diversity: A Chair's Perspective (20 mins.)

2. Barbara K. Gold, Hamilton College
From the Administrator's Swivelling Chair: What Can Classicists Contribute to Diversity? (20 mins.)

3. T. Davina McClain, Loyola University of New Orleans
Classics in the Midst of the Rainbow: Teaching to and Learning from a Diverse Student Body (20 mins.)


11:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. Section 16 Independence 1
The Magniloquent Verse of Aiskhylos: Sublimity, Bombast, Both, or Neither?
Sponsored by the Society for the Oral Reading of Greek and Latin Literature
Elizabeth Scharffenberger and Stephen G. Daitz, Organizers

1. Anthony Podlecki, University of British Columbia
Aiskhylos' rhemata hippobamona (15 mins.)

2. C. W. Marshall, Memorial University of Newfoundland
The Voice of Apollo (15 mins.)

3. Mark Griffith, University of California at Berkeley
The Sounds of Satyrs (15 mins.)

4. Elizabeth Scharffenberger, Columbia University
Deinon eribremetas
: The Sound and Sense of "Aiskhylos" in Aristophanes' Frogs (15 mins.)


Workshop on Aiskhylean Dochmiacs Conducted by Stephen G. Daitz, City University of New York (45 mins.)

12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Room 302 Luncheon Meeting for the Representatives of North American Classical Associations

12:00 p.m. - 12:50 p.m. Room 414 Meeting of the Society of Ancient Military Historians

12:30p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Room 415 Meeting of the Blegen Library Committee of the ASCSA


1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Section 17 Independence 1
Susan Ford Wiltshire, Presider

1. Brian W. Breed, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
The Songs in Eclogue 5: Text, Time, and Dialogue (15 mins.)

2. Lisa B. Hughes, Loyola College in Maryland
Euripidean Vergil and the Smoke of a Distant Fire (15 mins.)

3. Neil Coffee, University of Chicago
Reconsidering Vergilian "Restraint" in the Aeneid (15 mins.)

4. David Meban, University of Toronto
Nisus and Euryalus and Their Pals (15 mins.)

5. Douglas Clapp, Samford University
Vergil's Fama: Honest But out of Control (15 mins.)

1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Section 18 Salon I
The Ancient Novel
Niall W. Slater, Presider

1. Daniel B. McGlathery, University of Florida
Cave Canem: Cynic Tropes in Petronius (15 mins.)

2. Vicky Rimell, University of Oxford
Losing the Plot: Narration and Intoxication in Petronius' Satyricon (15 mins.)

3. Karen Gunterman, University of California, Los Angeles
The Robbers' Cave: The Significance of an Ecphrasis in Apuleius's Metamorphoses (15 mins.)

4. Thomas Ephraim Lytle, Duke University
A Narratological Argument for the Apuleian Authorship of the Spurcum Additamentum (Met. X.21) (15 mins.)

5. Edmund P. Cueva, Xavier University
Who's the Woman on the Bull?: Achilles Tatius 1.4.2-3 (15 mins.)

1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Section 19 Salon K
Greek Philosophy I
Diskin Clay, Presider

1. Miriam Leonard, University of Cambridge
Psychoanalytic Socrates: Lacan at Plato's Symposium (15 mins.)

2. Steven Lowenstam, University of Oregon
Love or Desire? Eros in Plato (15 mins.)

3. David J. Murphy, The Nightingale-Bamford School
Being and Knowledge in Plato's Charmides (15 mins.)

4. Tarik Wareh, University of California at Berkeley
Isocrates' Philosophia and His Students (15 mins.)

5. Jose M. Gonzalez, Harvard University
O basilikos logos: Hesiod and Isokrates on Tyranny (15 mins.)

6. Robert D. Cromey, Virginia Commonwealth University
Thomas Jefferson and Solon's Maxim, or, on Limiting the People's Freedom (15 mins.)

1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Section 20 Independence 3
Greek History I
Susan Guettel Cole, Presider

1. Vincent J. Rosivach, Fairfield University
Hoplites and Zeugitai: A Military Role to a Political One? (15 mins.)

2. Matthew R. Christ, Indiana University
Conscription of Hoplites in Classical Athens (15 mins.)

3. Kathryn Simonsen, University of Alberta
Who Wants to Be a Trierarch? Volunteerism and the Athenian Liturgical System (15 mins.)

4. Joshua D. Sosin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Harnessing Markets: Perpetual Endowments in the Greek Economy (15 mins.)

5. Timothy R. Howe, Pennsylvania State University
Thucydides on Border Wars. A Reconsideration of the Economic Importance of the Frontier (15 mins.)

1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Section 21 Salon J
Ancient History and Epic in Modern Film
Sponsored by KINHMA
Hanna M. Roisman, Organizer

1. Thomas D. McCreight, Loyola College in Maryland
Homer in Hollywood, or a Classicist Watches Ulee's Gold (20 mins.)

2. Maria Kotzamanidou, University of California at Berkeley
Ulysses' Gaze: Viewing the Odyssey (20 mins.)

3. Alison Futrell, University of Arizona
Gladiators and "True History" (20 mins.)

4. Arthur J. Pomeroy, Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand)
The Vision of a Fascist Rome in Ridley Scott's Gladiator (20 mins.)

5. Giles Gilbert, Royal Holloway College
What's So "Epic" about "Epic" Movies? (20 mins.)

1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Section 22 Independence 2

Beyond Marriage: Configurations of Same-Sex
Bonding in the Ancient Mediterranean
Sponsored by the Lambda Classical Caucus
Jerise Fogel, Organizer

1. Bruce Frier, University of Michigan
Roman Same-Sex Weddings from the Legal Perspective (25 mins.)

2. Mark Masterson, University of Chicago
Getting Away from It All? (Masters and Disciples in the Desert of the Ascetics) (25 mins.)

3. Bruce M. King, Columbia University
Briseis Speaks: Akhilleus, Patroklos, and the Impossible Weddings of the Iliad (25 mins.)

4. Kate Gilhuly, University of Southern California
The Lesbian Phallus in Lucian's Dialogues of the Courtesans (25 mins.)

5. Richard King, Purdue University
Textual Encounter and Male Homosocial Readership of Ovid's Fasti (25 mins.)

1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Section 23 Salon L
Latin Verse Composition
David J. Califf, Organizer

1. David J. Califf, The Academy of Notre Dame (Villanova, PA)
The Traditions of Latin Verse Composition(15 mins.)

2. James C. McKeown, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Practicalities of Teaching Verse Composition(15 mins.)

3. Judith Sebesta, University of South Dakota
Clivo sudamus in imo
(15 mins.)

4. William W. Batstone, Ohio State University
Beyond the Rules: Putting the Music back in the Verse (15 mins.)

5. Judith P. Hallett, University of Maryland
Of Any Use in the World? - Integrating Latin Elegiac Verse Composition (and Roman Women Poets) into the Advanced Placement Catullus-Ovid Curriculum (15 mins.)

1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. AIA Section 24 Salon H
AIA/APA Joint Session
The Romans at Table: Perspectives on Banqueting
John F. Donahue, Organizer

1. John H. D'Arms, American Council of Learned Societies/Columbia University
Introduction (15 mins.)

2. Matthew B. Roller, Johns Hopkins University
Horizontal Women: Sex and the Ideology of Convivial Posture at Rome (20 mins.)

3. John F. Donahue, College of William and Mary
Eating and Political Image Making: The Banquets of the Emperor Domitian (15 mins.)

4. Katherine M. D. Dunbabin, McMaster University (20 mins.)
The Waiting Servant in Later Roman Art

5. Jeremy Rossiter, University of Alberta
Dining with Nature: Roman Villas and the Architectural Setting of the Cena
(20 mins.)

6. Susan E. Alcock, University of Michigan
Teaching Eating (20 mins.)


2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Conference Suite II Meeting of the ACL/APA Joint Committee on the Classics in American Education

3:45 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Salon D
APh/DCB Web Site Demonstration
Dee L. Clayman, Organizer

Eric Rebillard, Associate Director of L'Année Philologique (APh)
Dee L. Clayman, Graduate Center, City University of New York

Dr. Rebillard and Professor Clayman will demonstrate a new web site,, which will make available thirty years of classical bibliography, combining data from recent APh volumes with bibliographical entries from older volumes of APh that have been put in digital form by the DCB.

4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Room 410 Business Meeting of the National Committee for Latin and Greek

4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Conference Suite I Meeting of the ASCSA Personnel Committee

4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. Room 408-409 Annual Meeting of the Associated Colleges of the Midwest/Great Lakes Colleges Association Classicists

4:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Presidential Panel Liberty A
To Honor the Translators
Kenneth J. Reckford, Presiding

1. Zeph Stewart, Harvard University
The Loeb Classical Library (20 mins.)

2. Mary-Kay Gamel, University of California, Santa Cruz
Translating Performance: Patching or Poiesis (20 mins.)

3. Glenn W. Most, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa/University of Chicago
Violets in Crucibles: Translating, Traducing, Transmuting (20 mins.)

4. David Ferry, Wellesley College
Perspectives of a Practicing Translator(20 mins.)

Respondent: Peter Burian, Duke University (15 mins.)

Discussion (25 mins.)

4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Independence 1, Annual Meeting of the Advisory Council to the American Academy in Rome

4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Room 414-415, Business Meeting of the Women's Classical Caucus

4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Room 411-412 Reception for the Friends of Ancient History

5:00 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. Independence 1 Annual Meeting of the Classical Society of the American Academy in Rome

6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Salon D Meeting of the Managing Committee of The American School of Classical Studies at Athens

6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Room 302, Reception for College Year in Athens

6:00 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. Room 307 Reception for the Friends of Numismatics

6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Salon I Women's Classical Caucus Networking Reception

8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Special Performance Salon G
Classicists Play Their Scholarly Ancestors
Sponsored by the APA Division of Outreach
A Staged Reading of The Invention of Love
by Tom Stoppard

By special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc.

Producer: Judith P. Hallett, University of Maryland, College Park
Director: Mary-Kay Gamel, University of California, Santa Cruz


AEH..........Douglass S. Parker, University of Texas, Austin
Charon..........Adam D. Blistein, American Philological Association
Housman..........Christopher W. Marshall, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Moses Jackson..........Stephen J. Harrison, University of Oxford
Pollard..........Mark L. Damen, Utah State University
Jowett..........Frederick M. Ahl, Cornell University
Chairman, Committee..........Robert C. Ketterer, University of Iowa
Ellis, Postgate..........Kenneth J. Reckford, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Oscar Wilde..........Charles R. Beye, City University of New York

The Invention of Love (1997) is a critically acclaimed play about A.E. Housman (1859-1936), classical scholar and poet. In the play Housman revisits important moments and people in his life, including his younger self.

The reading will be followed by a discussion led by the producer, with director, actors, and audience members, as well as Carlin Romano, Literary Critic, The Philadelphia Inquirer; Critic-at-Large, The Chronicle of Higher Education, and Associate Professor of Philosophy, Temple University; and Paul Naiditch, Classics Bibliographer, Library of the University of California, Los Angeles; and Author of A. E. Housman at University College London and Problems in the Life of A. E. Housman.

This reading is open to the public at no charge.

8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Room 410

Meeting of the Board of Directors of the American Society of Papyrologists

Saturday, January 5, 2002

7:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. JW's Restaurant

APA Minority Student Breakfast and Raffle

7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Room 411-412 Breakfast Meeting for the Institutional Representatives of the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies

7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Independence 2 Breakfast Meeting: Open Meeting of the APA Committee on Placement to Obtain Feedback from AIA/APA Job Candidates and Institutions

7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Room 302 Meeting of the APA Ad Hoc Committee on the Web Site

7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Room 307 Meeting of the Master's Degree Only Program Heads

8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Room 415 Meeting of the ASCSA Alumni/ae Council


8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Section 25 Independence 3
Greek Tragedy
Justina Gregory, Presider

1. Timothy B. Allison, University of Michigan
Stylistic Variation in Aeschylus: The Case of an Ignored Linguistic Variable (15 mins.)

2. Melissa Mueller, University of California at Berkeley
Word and Object in Euripides' Ion: The Silent Truth of Family Heirlooms (15 mins.)

3. David Roselli, University of Toronto
The Poor Other: Expressing Class through Female Characters in Greek Drama (15 mins.)

4. Mary Ebbott, College of the Holy Cross
Teucer in the Helen: Shame, Redemption, Legitimacy (15 mins.)

5. Gary Mathews, North Carolina School of the Arts
Euripidean Allegory and the Need for Meaning - The Case of Helen (15 mins.)

6. E. P. Moloney, University of Cambridge
Macedonian Choregoi - Greek Tragedy in the Fourth Century, B.C. (15 mins.)

8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Section 26 Salon D
Roman History I
Richard J. A. Talbert, Presider

  1. Ariana Traill, University of Colorado at Boulder
    Jobs for Women in Plautus (15 mins.)
  2. Dylan Bloy, Independent Scholar
    Roman Personal Patronage of Greek Communities in the Early Second Century, B.C. (15 mins.)
  3. A. G. Thein, University of Pennsylvania Sulla's Regret: The Capitolium and Roman World Rule (15 mins.)
  4. John T. Ramsey, University of Illinois at Chicago
    Caesar to Mark Antony, "Show Me the Money!": Antony's Special Assignment in 46-45 B.C. (15 mins.)
  5. John Alexander Lobur, University of Michigan
    A Fresh Look at the Concept of Consensus in the Early Principate (15 mins.)
  6. Edward Zarrow, University of Oxford
    Gendered Ideology: Flavian Politics and the femina capta (15 mins.)

8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Section 27 Independence 1
When Ovid Reads Vergil . . .
Sponsored by the Vergilian Society
Marilyn B. Skinner, Organizer

  1. Marilyn B. Skinner, University of Arizona Introduction (5 mins.)
  2. Christopher Nappa, University of Minnesota Experiens laborum: Ovid Reads the Georgics (20 mins.)
  3. Alison Keith, University of Toronto Ovid on Virgilian War Narrative (20 mins.)
  4. Samuel J. Huskey, University of Iowa Si licet exemplis in parvo grandibus uti: Ovid at the Fall of Troy in Tristia 1.3 (20 mins.)
    Respondent: Barbara Weiden Boyd, Bowdoin College (10 mins.)

8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Salon I Business Meeting of the American Society of Papyrologists

8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Section 28 Salon I
Papyri and Ancient Society
Sponsored by the American Society of Papyrologists
Timothy Renner, Organizer

  1. Uri Yiftach, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    Hereditary Practices in Greco-Roman Egypt - the Regional Factor (20 mins.)
  2. Donna F. Wilson, Brooklyn College, CUNY
    Wind-blasted and Worm-eaten: Contingency or Curse? (20 mins.)
  3. Arthur Verhoogt, University of Michigan
    New Light on the Family Archive from Tebtynis (20 mins.)
  4. Denise McCoskey, Miami University of Ohio
    Identity Theory and the Study of Ptolemaic Egypt (20 mins.)
  5. Robert Caldwell, University of Michigan
    The Byzantine Army in Southern Transjordan (20 mins.)

8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Section 29 Salon L
Domestic Politics: The Oikos in the Public Sphere

Wendy Closterman and Greta L. Ham, Organizers
Greta L. Ham, Presider

  1. Greta Ham, Bucknell University Introduction (5 mins.)
  2. G. I. C. Robertson, University of Waterloo Fathers and Fatherlands in Early Greek War Poetry (20 min.)
  3. Lisa Nevett, The Open University The Iconography of the Athenian Oikos: Representations of an "Ideal?" (20 min.)
  4. Nick Fisher, Cardiff University The Oikos under Challenge: Scandals in the Athenian Demes and Courts, c. 349-340 BCE (20 min.)
  5. Zsuzsanna Varhelyi, Boston University The Oikos Recalled: The Classical Family in the Second Sophistic (20 min.)
    Respondent: Wendy Closterman, Bryn Athyn College of the New Church (10 mins.)

8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Section 30 Salon J

Greek Religion: Models Old and New
Irene Polinskaya, Organizer

1. Fritz Graf, Princeton University
Difficult Choices: A Ritual in Cos and Its Ramifications (20 mins.)

2. Radcliffe Edmonds, Bryn Mawr College
Pure from the Pure and the Sheep from the Goats: "Orphism," "Magic," and the (Re)constructions of Ancient Greek Religion (20 mins.)

3. Petra Pakkanen, Royal Holloway College
Reflections on Models of Greek Religion: The Role of Analogies in Understanding Variation and Change (20 mins.)

4. Henk Versnel, University of Leiden
Split Personalities: On the Desperate Over-Contextuality of Greek Gods (20 mins.)

5. Irene Polinskaya, Bowdoin College
System, Location, Mesocosm: On the Social Nature of Greek Religion (20 mins.)

Respondents: Christopher Faraone, University of Chicago (10 mins.)
Gunnel Ekroth, Stockholm University (10 mins.)

8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Section 31 Salon K

Navigating the Shoals: Teacher Training in our Graduate Programs
Sponsored by the APA Division on Education
Kenneth F. Kitchell, Jr., Organizer

1. Kenneth F. Kitchell, Jr., University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Introduction(10 mins.)

2. Robert W. Cape, Austin College

APA Survey Results: Classics MA and PhD Candidates_Teachers at the Helm or Teachers Adrift? (25 mins.)

3. Miriam R. Pelikan Pittenger, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Navigating the Shoals at Home: Establishing a TA Training Course (25 mins.)

4. Kenneth F. Kitchell, Jr., University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Quis Docebit Doctores? Proposed Models for Change (25 mins.)

5. George W. Houston, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Ideal of Teacher Training within the Reality of the PhD Program (20 mins.)

6. Respondents (20 mins.)

7. Open Discussion (25 mins.)

9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Conference Suite II Meeting of the APA Committee on Placement

9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Room 414 Meeting of the APA Committee on Publications

11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Conference Suite I Meeting of the APA Committee on Outreach


11:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. Section 32 Salon I
Greek Religion
Sarah Iles Johnston, Presider

1. Sellers C. Lawrence, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Renting from the Gods: The Athenian Use of the Temple Resources on Delos in the Second Century B.C. (15 mins.)

2. Jonathan David, Pennsylvania State University
The Rape of Theseus: Peisistratid Propagation of a New Athenian Mythology (15 mins.)

3. Ian S. Moyer, University of Chicago
Miniaturization and the Opening of the Mouth in a Greek Magical Text (PGM XII.270-350) (15 mins.)

4. Andrew Scholtz, Binghamton University, SUNY
What's in a Name? Pandemic Koinonia and Aphrodita Pandamos on Hellenistic Cos (15 mins.)

5. Julia C. Kindt, University of Cambridge
Re-reading Delphic Oracles: The Significance of Textual Representations of Oracle Consultations (15 mins.)

11:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. Section 33 Salon L
Late Imperial Literature
Maura Lafferty, Presider

1. Joseph M. Pucci, Brown University
Ausonius' Ephemeris and the Hermeneumata Tradition (15 mins.)

2. Preston Edwards, Brown University
"I Will Speak to Those Who Understand": Gregory of Naziansus' Carmina Arcana 1.1-24 (15 mins.)

3. Raffaella Cribiore, Columbia University
Writing and Sending Letters in Antiquity: The Epistolary of Libanius (15 mins.)

4. Matthew Kraus, Williams College
Jerome as an Ethnographer of the Jews (15 mins.)

5. Catherine Conybeare, University of Manchester
Augustine on Cicero, Mater, and a uerba faciendi locus (15 mins.)

11:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. Section 34 Independence 1
Greek History II
W. Robert Connor, Presider

1. Edward D. Clark, Independent Scholar
Aristodemus, the Not So Effeminate Tyrant of Cumae (15 mins.)

2. Greg Anderson, University of Illinois at Chicago
The Phye Episode and Political Culture in Mid-Sixth-Century Athens (15 mins.)

3. Sarah Bolmarcich, University of Virginia
Thucydides 1.44.1 and the Terminology of Athenian Diplomacy (15 mins.)

4. Adriaan Lanni, University of Michigan
Writing and Its Competitors in the Athenian Courts (15 mins.)

5. Andrew Gallia, University of Pennsylvania
The Republication of Drakon's Law of Homicide (15 mins.)

11:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. Section 35 Salon K
Plato's Use of Metaphor
Sponsored by the Three-Year Colloquium on Plato as Literary Author
Ann N. Michelini and Ruby Blondell, Co-Organizers

1. Ann N. Michelini, University of Cincinnati

2. Hayden Ausland, University of Montana
The Deuteros Plous in Platonic Literature and Thought (25 mins.)

3. Ruby Blondell, University of Washington
Shifting Perspectives (25 mins.)

4. Scott Carson, Ohio University
The Proof Is in the Paradox: Socratic Midwifery in Plato's Theaetetus (25 mins.)

Respondents: Kathryn A. Morgan, University of California, Los Angeles (15 mins.)
William Johnson, University of Cincinnati (15 mins.)

11:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. Section 36 Salon J
Center and Periphery: The Roman Provincial Coinage
Sponsored by the Friends of Numismatics
William E. Metcalf, Organizer

1. Lee Ann Riccardi, College of New Jersey
Heads as Well as Tails: What the Obverses Reveal about Roman Control over the Provincial Coins of Asia in the Third Century (20 mins.)

2. Betsey A. Robinson, University of Pennsylvania
The Scylla of Corinth (20 mins.)

3. Sebastian Heath, American Numismatic Society
The Temple Coinage of Zeugma and Civic Identity in the Roman East (20 mins.)

4. Susan E. Wood, Oakland University
The Wives of Nero: Public Images on Provincial Coins (20 mins.)

Respondents: Carmen Arnold-Biucchi, Metropolitan Museum of Art (10 mins.)
Jane D. Evans, Temple University
Kenneth Harl, Tulane University

11:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. Section 37 Salon D
Introducing Theater to the Classical Classroom:
A Guide for Beginners
Sponsored by the APA Committee on Ancient and Modern Performance
Amy R. Cohen and C. W. Marshall, Organizers

1. James Arieti and Shirley Kagan, Hampden-Sydney College
The Philoctetes at Hampden-Sydney College (20 mins.)

2. George W. M. Harrison, Xavier University/Insitute for the History of Ancient Civilizations
Taking Parts Is Taking Sides: The Pedagogy of Seneca's Plays (20 mins.)

3. Lisa Maurizio, Bates College
Puppets and Pedagogy: Teaching and Staging Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound (20 mins.)

4. Leslie Cahoon, Gettysburg College
Everything to Do with Dionysus: The Transforming Power of Performance in the Classical Studies Classroom (20 mins.)

5. Mark Damen, Utah State University
Prompter (of Audience Interaction and Participation in a Performance of a Classical Text) (40 mins.)

11:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. Section 38 Independence 3
Transforming Texts on the Secondary and College Levels:
How Are Multicultural and Women's Topics Included?
Sponsored by the Women's Classical Caucus
Eileen Mooney Strange and Bella Vivante, Organizers

1. Cindy Benton and John Gruber-Miller, Cornell College
Through Others' Eyes: A Model for Making Greek Textbooks More Inclusive (15 mins.)

2. Jerise Fogel, Columbia University
Feminism, Anti-Racism, and Wheelock's Moral Vision: A Request for Dialogue (15 mins.)

3. Donna Tuttle, The Bryn Mawr School
Including Women and Minorities in Latin Class (15 mins.)

4. Kristina Chew, University of St. Thomas
Reflections on Teaching Classics and Multiculturalism: The Case of Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's Dictée (15 mins.)

Respondents: Bella Vivante, University of Arizona (10 mins.)
Eileen Mooney Strange, Miss Porter's School (10 mins.)

Discussion (40 mins.)

12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Franklin Hall
Roundtable Discussion Groups

Members of both AIA and APA will lead separate discussions of the topics listed below at individual tables. Topics include issues of intellectual and practical importance to classicists and archaeologists. Sign-up sheets will be available in advance of the session so that participation at each table can be limited to number that will encourage useful dialogues. A cash food service will be available nearby. This list is accurate as of November 15, 2001; additional topics may be added.

AIA Tours: Why Travel with AIA?
Facilitator: Todd Nielson, AIA

Archaeology and Fiction
Facilitator: Christine Finn, University of Oxford

Disciplinary Histories and Classical Studies
Facilitator: Giovanna Ceserani, Princeton University

Getting a Job: Career Strategies for Archaeology Grad Students
Facilitator: Tom Tartaron, Yale University

Making the Merger a Success: Celebrating Diversity, Fostering Collaboration, Maintaining Identity
Facilitator: Sophia Papaioannou, University of Akron

Myth and Methodology
Facilitators: Sandra Blakely and Sarolta Takács, Emory University

Professional Priorities for the 21st Century AIA
Facilitator: Ricardo Elia, Boston University

Protection of Cultural Sites in Armed Conflict
Facilitator: Ellen Herscher

Post-Tenure Review: Threat or Opportunity?
Facilitator: Karl Galinsky, University of Texas

The Role of Food and Wine in Ancient History
Facilitator: Al Leonard, The University of Arizona

Teaching the Oral Performance of Greek and Latin Poetry
Facilitator: Stephen G. Daitz, City University of New York

Writing Archaeology for Popular Journals
Facilitator: Peter Young, Archaeology Magazine

12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Room 302 Luncheon Meeting for Classical Journal Editors

12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Room 412 Luncheon Meeting of the APA Committee on the Status of Women and Minority Groups: Notes: 1 vegetarian meal

12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Room 414 Meeting of the APA Committee on the Classical Tradition

12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Conference Suite II Meeting of the APA TLL Fellowship Committee

12:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Conference Suite III Meeting of the APA Pearson Fellowship Committee


1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Section 39 Salon L
Greek Comedy and "Low" Literature
Ralph Rosen, Presider

1. Karen Rosenbecker, University of Pittsburgh
Soup to Nuts: Euripidean Tragedy as Food in Aristophanes' Frogs (15 mins.)

2. John P. Given III, University of Michigan
The Intellectual's Paradox in Cratinus's Wine Flask (15 mins.)

3. George Fredric Franko, Hollins University
Mockery and Reintegration: The Endings of Menander's Dyskolos and Homer's Odyssey (15 mins.)

4. Leslie Kurke, University of California at Berkeley
Aesop and the Contestation of Delphic Authority (15 mins.)

5. Laura McClure, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Laughter That Subverts: The "Witty Sayings" of Courtesans in Athenaeus' Deipnosophistai (15 mins.)

1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Section 40 Independence 1
Hellenistic Poetry
Kathryn Gutzwiller, Presider

1. Jon D. Berry, University of Chicago
Gazing in the Mist: Vision and Narrative in Apollonius' Argonautica (15 mins.)

2. Anatole Mori, University of Missouri-Columbia
Error and Reconciliation in Apollonius (Arg. 1.332-43) (15 mins.)

3. Alexandra Pappas, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Solving the Riddles: An Examination of Hellenistic Technopaegnia (15 mins.)

4. Keyne A. Cheshire, Carleton College
Kicking Envy: Apollo's Defense of the Cyrenean Chorus (Callimachus, Hymns 2.105-113) (15 mins.)

5. Thomas D. Kohn, Millsaps College
The Tragedy of Ezekiel (15 mins.)

6. J. Andrew Foster, University of Chicago
Arsinoe in Egypt and Helen in Sparta: Theocritus, Idyll 15, Odyssey 4, and the Poetics of Imperialism (15 mins.)

1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Section 41 Independence 3
Reception of Classical Literature
Martha Malamud, Presider

1. Scott McGill, Rice University
Vergilius Alter: Rewriting Virgil in the Codex Salmasianus (15 mins.)

2. Mischa Hooker, University of Memphis and University of Cincinnati
Fits and Starts: Early Christians on the 4th Eclogue and Vergil's Inspiration (15 mins.)

3. Jennifer Ebbeler, University of Pennsylvania
Augustine, Vergil, and the Foundation of a Christian Empire (15 mins.)

4. Kathryn Chew, Princeton University
Theorizing the Ancient Novel (15 mins.)

5. Rebecca M. Edwards, Indiana University
Two Horns, Three Religions: How Alexander the Great Ended up in the Koran (15 mins.)

6. René S. Bloch, Trinity College
Shadow-Boxing with Tacitus: Jewish Responses to Ancient Polemics in Pre-Modern Europe (15 mins.)

1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Section 42 Salon I
Women and War in the Ancient World
Sponsored by the Friends of Ancient History
Jacqueline Long, Organizer

1. John W. I. Lee, University of California, Santa Barbara
Pollai gar esan hetairai en to strateumati: Women in Xenophon's Anabasis (20 mins.)

2. Noreen Humble, University College, Cork
Women and War in Xenophon (20 mins.)

3. Elizabeth D. Carney, Clemson University
Macedonian Women and Military Leadership (20 mins.)

4. Geoffrey S. Sumi, Mt. Holyoke College
Civil War, Women, and Spectacle in the Triumviral Period (20 mins.)

5. Sara Phang, University of Southern California
Intimate Conquests: Roman Soldiers' Slave Women and Freedwomen (20 mins.)

Discussion (20 mins.)

1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Section 43 Salon J
Law and Public Order in Ancient Societies
Sponsored by the Three-Year Colloquium on Law in the Ancient World
Edward M. Harris, Organizer

1. Edward M. Harris, City University of New York
Introduction (20 mins.)

2. John Lewis, Ashland University
Justice and Necessity in Solonian Athens (20 mins.)

3. Rachel Hall Sternberg, College of Wooster
The Role of the Bystander in Ancient Athens (15 mins.)

4. Sarah T. Cohen, University of Chicago
Tradition and Innovation in the Use of Exile as a Penalty (20 mins.)

5. Marsha B. McCoy, Fairfield University
Public Order in Rome: The Use of Evidentiary Presumptions in Roman Law (20 mins.)

1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Section 44 Salon D
Joint AIA/APA Panel
Nonverbal Behaviors in Ancient Life, Literature, and Art
Donald Lateiner, Organizer

1. Donald Lateiner, Ohio Wesleyan University
Introduction (10 mins.)

2. Elizabeth S. Greene, Princeton University
Leaving Words Behind: Recreating the Archaic Departure Scene through Nonverbal Elements (20 mins.)

3. Dianna R. Kardulias, College of Wooster
A Temple of Her Own: Gendered Proxemics in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter (15 mins.)

4. Timothy J. McNiven, Ohio State University
Gesture, Character, and Narrative: Nonverbal Portrayal and the Success of Athenian Imagery (20 mins.)

5. Daniel Levine, University of Arkansas
The Bare Feet Speak: Nonverbal Messages of Barefootedness (20 mins.)

6. Costas Panayotakis, University of Glasgow
Nonverbal Behavior on the Roman Comic Stage (15 mins.)

7. Jasmin W. Cyril, University of Minnesota
Gesture and Identity: Depictions of Roman Freedwomen in Funerary Context (20 mins.)

1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Section 45 Salon K
Plutarch and Paideia
Sponsored by the International Plutarch Society
Hubert M. Martin, Jr., Organizer
W. Jeffrey Tatum, Presider

1. Philip A. Stadter, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Modeling Virtue in Plutarch's Lives (15 mins.)

2. Geert Roskam, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
From Stick to Reasoning: Plutarch on the Communication between Teacher and Pupil (15 mins.)

3. Luc Van der Stockt, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Odysseus in Rome: On Plutarch's Introduction to De cohibenda ira (15 mins.)

4. Rebecca R. Benefiel, Harvard University
Plutarch's Use of Aetiology in De mulierum virtutibus (15 mins.)

5. Margaret DeMaria Smith, University of California, Irvine
Enkrateia: Plutarch on Self-Control and the Politics of Excess (15 mins.)

6. Michele Valerie Ronnick, Wayne State University
A Lesson in Paideia: Teaching Plutarch's Parallel Lives in Translation (15 mins.)

Respondent: Hubert M. Martin, Jr., University of Kentucky (20 mins.)

1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Section 46 Liberty A
History and Representation in Rome
Eve D'Ambra, Organizer

1. Andrew Feldherr, Princeton University
Vergilian Ecphrasis and the Politics of Viewing in Augustan Rome (20 mins.)

2. C. Brian Rose, University of Cincinnati
Rome and Troy: The Problem of the East in the West (20 mins.)

3. Holt N. Parker, University of Cincinnati
The Recreation of Time and Space in the Augustan Secular Games (20 mins.)

4. Eleanor Winsor Leach, Indiana University
Talking for the Heads: Cicero's Re-Presentation of Statuary (20 mins.)

5. Barbara Kellum, Smith College
On the Auction Block: Slaves and their Histories (20 mins.)

6. Harriet Flower, Franklin and Marshall College
The Praetorian Guard in Roman Art (20 mins.)

Respondent: John Bodel, Rutgers University (20 mins.)

1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Room 415 Meeting of the Chairs of Classics Department at Ph.D.-Granting Institutions

2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Conference Suite I Meeting of the APA Committee on Development

2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Room 307 Meeting of the APA Committee on Education

4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Room 302 Lambda Classical Caucus Fabulous Tea

4:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m. APA Plenary Session Salon H

Michael Gagarin, President-Elect, Presiding

Presentation of the Awards for Excellence in the Teaching of the Classics

Presentation of the Goodwin Award of Merit

Presidential Address
Kenneth J. Reckford
Pueri Ludentes: Some Aspects of Play and Seriousness in Horace's Epistles

6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Room 411-412 Reception for Members and Friends of the Etruscan Foundation, Inc.

6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Crystal Tea Room Presidential Reception for the Members of the APA

7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Salon F ASCSA Alumni/ae Association Meeting

7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Room 408 Meeting of the Etruscan Foundation Advisory Board

7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Special Presentation Salon D The New Epigrams of Posidippus: Initial Reactions
Kathryn Gutzwiller and Alex Sens, Organizers

This fall will see the publication of about one hundred previously unknown epigrams, apparently all by Posidippus (P.Mil.Vogl. 309 by G. Bastianini, C. Gallazzi, and C. Austin) and all securely dated to the third century B.C. It provides the most significant papyrological evidence for ancient epigram collections ever to emerge, and will likely transform our understanding of the transmission of early epigrams and of the formation of Hellenistic poetry books. The addition of some 600 new verses, unfiltered by the selective lens of Meleager, has the potential to improve, if not fundamentally alter, our understanding of epigram as a genre.

Four presenters who are already engaged in research on epigram will give brief presentations on the new collection from the perspectives of their individual work. We anticipate a half-hour of presentations and an hour of discussion with the audience.

1. Kathryn Gutzwiller,University of Cincinnati
2. Alan Cameron, Columbia University
3. Alex Sens, Georgetown University
4. Peter Bing,Emory University

7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Room 410 Informal Reading Session of the Society for the Oral Reading of Greek and Latin Literature

8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Room 307 Meeting of the Corpus of Etruscan Mirrors, U. S. Section

9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Room 409 Meeting of the AAR Publication Committee, Antiquities Collection

9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Room 401-402 Reception for Bryn Mawr College Alumnae/i

Sunday, January 6, 2002

8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. Business Meeting of the Independence 2
American Philological Association
Being the One Hundred Thirty-Third Meeting of the Association


9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Section 47 Independence 1

Homeric Epic II
Sheila Murnaghan, Presider

1. Gordon P. Kelly, Bryn Mawr College
The Narrative Function of Battlefield Supplication Scenes in the Iliad (15 mins.)

2. Alexander Stevens, University of Cambridge
Reading Divine Power and Presence: The Epiphanic Implications of Zeus's Long Arm (15 mins.)

3. Michael Johnson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Idomeneus and Meriones in the Iliad (15 mins.)

4. Barbara Graziosi, University of Durham
Homeric Masculinity: ênoreê and agênoriê (15 mins.)

5. Adrian Kelly, University of Oxford
Iliad 23.82 and Homeric Textual Criticism (15 mins.)

6. Steve Reece, Saint Olaf College
The Linguistic History of the Mycenaean Bath (15 mins.)

9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Section 48 Independence 3
Genre and Intertextuality in Latin Poetry
Peter Knox, Presider

1. Ilaria Marchesi, Rutgers University
In Memory of Simonides: Rhetoric, Poetry, and Good Manners chez Nasidienus (15 mins.)

2. Luke Roman, University of Victoria
Augury, Authority, and Augustus: Horace C.1.1.2 and Propertius 4.6 (15 mins.)

3. Paul Allen Miller, University of South Carolina
Palimpsest: Intertextuality and Amores 1.2 (15 mins.)

4. Jacqueline D. Murray, University of Washington
Ovid's Erysichthon, Callimachus, and Apollonius Rhodius (15 mins.)

5. Carl A. Shaw, University of Pennsylvania
Venus and Genre in Ovid's Fasti (15 mins.)

9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Section 49 Salon D
Greek Philosophy II
Brad Inwood, Presider

1. Sarah Mace, Union College
The Strasbourg Empedokles and the Boundaries of Daimonology in the Physics (15 mins.)

2. Stefan Alexandru, University of Oxford
New Manuscript Evidence regarding Aristotle's Metaphysics Lambda (15 mins.)

3. Malcolm Wilson, University of Oregon
What Is Aristotle Talking about? The Philosophical Superfluity of the Subject Genus (15 mins.)

4. Timothy David Hill, Royal Holloway College
Aesthetics and Oikeiosis: Cicero De Finibus 3.16-31; 62-4 (15 mins.)

5. Kathy L. Gaca, Vanderbilt University
Chrysippean Arguments on the Human Psyche and Emotions in Tertullian's De Anima (15 mins.)

9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Section 50 Salon I
Roman History II
Elizabeth Keitel, Presider

1. Jonathan Edmondson, York University
Writing Latin, Becoming Roman in Roman Lusitania (15 mins.)

2. James L. Woolard, Jr., Princeton University
Geography and Identity: Caravans and the Control of Territory in Palmyra under the Roman Empire (15 mins.)

3. Matthew Dillon, Loyola Marymount University
Juliosebaste: A Greco-Roman-Luwian City in Rough Cilicia (15 mins.)

4. Jeannine Diddle Uzzi, Whitman College
Non-Roman Children and the Roman "Nation-Thing" (15 mins.)

5. C. A. Grey, University of Cambridge
CTh XIV.18.1: Urban Beggars, Rural Tenants and the Problem of colonatus perpetuus (15 mins.)

9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Section 51 Salon K
Classical Pasts, Classical Presents: Interrogating the Classical Ideal
Sponsored by the APA Committee on the Classical Tradition
James I. Porter, Organizer

1. Mary Beard and John Henderson, University of Cambridge
Stopping Christ at Tivoli: Classics and Classicism at Hadrian's Villa (20 mins.)

2. Donald Preziosi, University of California, Los Angeles
Statuesque Fictions: Artifice and Decorum in John Soane's Classicism (20 mins.)

3. James I. Porter, University of Michigan
Uncertain Marble: Anselm Feuerbach's "Der vaticanische Apollo" and Winckelmann's (and Our) Classical Aesthetic (20 mins.)

4. Simon Goldhill, University of Cambridge
Who Killed Plutarch? (20 mins.)

5. Yopie Prins, University of Michigan
Ladies' Greek (20 mins.)

6. Alice Radin, Phillips Exeter Academy
Sunlight on a Broken Column: (Re)Visions of Classical Antiquity (15 mins.)

9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Section 52 Salon J
Leisure in Practice:
Text and Art at the Crossroads of Cultural Studies
Sarah Culpepper Stroup, Joy Connolly, and Jennifer Trimble, Organizers

1. Sarah Culpepper Stroup, University of Washington
Introduction (15 mins.)

2. Nigel Nicholson, Reed College
Bride of Quietness: Copenhagen 109 and the Commemoration of Chariot Victories (15 mins.)

3. Sara Myers, University of Virginia
Docta otia:
Garden Ownership and Configurations of Leisure in Statius and Pliny the Younger (15 mins.)

4. Sheila Dillon, Duke University
Portraits as Performance: The Image of the Intellectual in the 4th c. BCE (15 min.)

5. David Fredrick, University of Arkansas
Grasping the Pangolin: Sensual Ambiguity in Roman Dining (20 min.)

Respondent: Ann Kuttner, University of Pennsylvania (15 mins.)

9:00 a.m.-11:45 a.m. Section 53 Salon L
Translating Prose Fiction
Sponsored by the Three-Year Colloquium on Translation in Context
Richard Armstrong and Elizabeth Vandiver, Organizers

1. Gerald Sandy, University of British Columbia
Jacques Amyot and the Epopée Héroique in Prose: The Sçavant Translateur (20 mins.)

2. Federica Ciccolella de Luigi, Columbia University
When Dialogue Becomes Idyll: A 17th Century Translation of Lucian's Dialogues of the Sea Gods (20 mins.)

3. Tom Jenkins, Trinity University (San Antonio)
An American "Classic": Hillman and Cullen's Dialogues of the Courtesans (20 mins.)

4. Deborah Roberts, Haverford College
Petronius and the Vulgar Tongue: Colloquialism, Obscenity, Translation (20 mins.)

5. Douglass Parker, University of Texas at Austin
Translating Seneca's Apocolocyntosis as a Play for Voices (20 mins.)

Respondent: Elizabeth Vandiver, University of Maryland (20 mins.)

9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Conference Suite II Meeting of the APA Advisory Board to the APh

9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Conference Suite I Meeting of the APA Committee on Ancient and Modern Performance

9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Conference Suite III Meeting of the APA Committee on Professional Matters


11:45 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. Section 54 Salon J
Roman and Hellenistic Historiography
John Marincola, Presider

1. Max Nelson, University of British Columbia
Beer and Elephants: On Some Unnoticed Fragments from a Lost Indica (15 mins.)

2. Mustafa Nakeeb, Bilkent University
Polybius' Platonic Philosophy of History (15 mins.)

3. Holly Haynes, New York University
Vocabulum: Tacitus' Dangerous Word (15 mins.)

4. P. Andrew Montgomery, University of Iowa
The Nobility of Metellus (15 mins.)

5. Eleni Manolaraki, Cornell University
"You Did This for Me!" A Loyal Mutiny in 69 A.D. (15 mins.)

11:45 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. Section 55 Independence 1
Latin Love Poetry
Julia Haig Gaisser, Presider

1. Norbert F. Lain, University of Pennsylvania
Catullus 67.23 (15 mins.)

2. Michael S. Cummings, Queen's University at Kingston
Flaccus Exclusus (15 mins.)

3. Sharon L. James, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Her Turn to Cry: The Politics of Weeping in Roman Love Elegy (15 mins.)

4. Holly M. Sypniewski, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Servitium Amoris in Ovid's Amores (15 mins.)

11:45 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. Section 56 Salon D
Classics and Opera
Thomas E. Jenkins and Marianne McDonald, Organizers

1. Robert C. Ketterer, University of Iowa
Why (Early) Opera is Roman and Not Greek (20 mins.)

2. Jeffrey L. Buller, Mary Baldwin College
The Oedipe of Georges Enesco: Human Will and the Victory Over Fate (20 mins.)

3. M. D. Usher, University of Vermont with John Peel, Willamette University, and Janice Johnson, Soloist
Creating Vergilian Voices: The Composition of Voces Vergilianae (1999), an Opera-Oratorio in Four Scenes
(20 mins.)

Respondent: Marianne McDonald, University of California, San Diego (15 mins.)

11:45 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. Section 57 Independence 3
The Organized Universe in Neoplatonism
Sponsored by the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies
John F. Finamore, Organizer

1. R. M. Van Den Berg, Trinity College, Dublin
"Becoming Like God" According to Proclus' Interpretations of the Timaeus, the Eleusinian Mysteries, and the Chaldaean Oracles (20 mins.)

2. Serge Cazelais, Université Laval
Soul and Body: The Two Images of the Androgynous Logos in Marius Victorinus, Adversus Arium (20 mins.)

3. Sarah Klitenic, Trinity College, Dublin
Cosmogonic Activity in Pseudo-Dionysian Theurgy (20 mins.)

Respondent: John F. Finamore, University of Iowa (15 mins.)

11:45 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. Section 58 Salon I
Representation and Dissimulation in Pliny the Younger
Roy Gibson and Ruth Morello, Organizers

1. Eleanor Winsor Leach, Indiana University
Otium as luxuria in the Status Economy of Pliny's Letters (15 mins.)

2. Andrew Riggsby, University of Texas at Austin
Pliny in Space (15 mins.)

3. Ruth Morello, University of Manchester
Pliny and the Art of Saying Nothing (15 mins.)

4. Rhiannon Ash, University College, London
Aliud est enim epistulam, aliud historiam…scribere (6.16.22). Pliny the Historian? (15 mins.)

5. Roy Gibson, University of Manchester
Pliny and the Art of Inoffensive Self-Praise (15 mins.)

11:45 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. Section 59 Salon K
Beyond the Web: Electronic Texts for the 21st Century
Anne Mahoney, Organizer

1. Elli Mylonas, Brown University
XML: A Mature Form of Markup (15 mins.)

2. Deborah W. Anderson, University of California at Berkeley
Getting Ancient Greek to Appear Correctly in Electronic Documents: The Unicode Solution (15 mins.)

3. Jeffrey A. Rydberg-Cox, University of Missouri, Kansas City
Computational Lexicography and Ancient Greek (15 mins.)

4. Kenneth Haynes, Boston University
Physical Form and Digital Texts (15 mins.)

5. John W. Thomas, Iowa State University
Introducing MERLOT: Peer Review and Collaboration for Online Learning and Teaching (15 mins.)

11:45 - 1:45 p.m. Section 60 Salon L

Neo-Latin Texts and the Hispanic New World:
Diffusion and Alteration of European Attitudes
Sponsored by the American Association for Neo-Latin Studies
Michele Valerie Ronnick, Organizer

1. Craig W. Kallendorf, Texas A&M University
Aeneas in the "New World": Stella's Columbeis and Vergilian Pessimism (15 mins.)

2. Geoffrey Eatough, University of Wales, Lampeter
The Mexican Challenge (15 mins.)

3. Albert R. Baca, California State University, Northridge
The Angelopolis of Francisco Cabrera (15 mins.)

4. Nancy E. Llewellyn, University of California, Los Angeles
Cabrera's Tenochtitlan (15 mins.)

Respondent: Edward V. George, Texas Tech University (10 mins.)

12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Room 309-310 Meeting of the APA Board of Directors


2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Section 61 Salon D
Archaic (Non-Epic) Poetry
Eva Stehle, Presider

1. Hugh J. Mason, University of Toronto
Sappho's Apples (15 mins.)

2. Bob Rust, Cornell University
The Language of Complaint in Archilochus 13 West (15 mins.)

3. David Fearn, University of Oxford
An Incredulous Scholiast and Some Issues of Genre and Performance in Bacchylides' Dithyrambs (15 mins.)

4. Thomas K. Hubbard, University of Texas at Austin
The Dissemination of Epinician Lyric: Pan-Hellenism, Reperformance, Written Texts (15 mins.)

5. Alexander Inglis, St. Anselm College
An Uneventful Journey: Correction of Homer in Pindar O. 7 (15 mins.)

2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Section 62 Independence 1
Gender in Latin Literature
Barbara K. Gold, Presider

1. Eric A. Parks, Boston University
Barbarian Women at War in the Works of Tacitus (15 mins.)

2. David Wray, University of Chicago
Manly Matrons in Seneca the Younger and Valerius Maximus (15 mins.)

3. Antonios Augoustakis, Baylor University
Fashioning Barbarian Women: The Female as Other in Silius Italicus' Punica (15 mins.)

4. Jill Connelly, Texas Tech University
Contemptor Ferri: The Impenetrable Man in Ovid's Metamorphoses 12 (15 mins.)

5. Trevor Fear, University of California, Los Angeles
The tirocinium adulescentiae and the Carnival of Roman Elegy (15 mins.)

2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Section 63 Salon J
Greek Historiography
Josiah Ober, Presider

1. C. M. Fauber, University of Chicago
The "Men-Repulsed-by-Slings" and the Historiography of the Archaic Period (15 mins.)

2. Alex Purves, University of Pennsylvania
Map and Narrative in Herodotus' Histories (15 mins.)

3. Philip Kaplan, University of North Florida
Herodotus and the Measurement of Distance (15 mins.)

4. Mark Munn, Pennsylvania State University
The Speeches in Thucydides (15 mins.)

5. John Carlevale, Berea College
Thucydides' Political Theory of Youth (15 mins.)

2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Section 64 Salon L
Roman Religion
Barbette Spaeth, Presider

1. Alex Nice, University of the Witwatersrand
Conceptualising Divination: Roman Attitudes and Approaches in the Second Century, B.C. (15 mins.)

2. Katharina Volk, Bucknell University
Manilius' Heavenly Steps (Astronomica 4.119-121) (15 mins.)

3. Lora Louise Holland, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Human Votaries and Divine Associations in the Cult of Diana (15 mins.)

4. Christopher Michael McDonough, Boston College
The Banquet of Crassus: Politics, Myth, and Ritual (15 mins.)

5. J. Rufus Fears, University of Oklahoma
Trajan and the Ruler Cult (15 mins.)

6. Karen E. Klaiber, Temple University
Priestesses at the Roman Wedding (15 mins.)

2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Section 65 Salon K
The Preparation of Ancient History Materials:
Textbooks and Video Documentaries
Sponsored by the APA Committee on Ancient History
Valerie M. Warrior, Organizer

1. Donald Johnson and Jean Johnson, New York University
Conceptualizing and Writing an Integrated World History for Secondary Students (15 mins.)

2. Steven W. Hirsch, Tufts University
The Ancient Civilizations of the Mediterranean in a Global Context (15 mins.)

3. Jennifer T. Roberts, City University of New York
Creative Compromise: Collaboration in the Writing of Textbooks (15 mins.)

4. Keith R. Bradley, University of Notre Dame
The Roman Empire in the First Century (15 mins.)

5. Ronald Mellor, University of California, Los Angeles
Documentaries and Historical Fiction in Teaching Ancient History (20 mins.)

Respondent: Peter Cohee, Boston Latin School (15 mins.)

2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Section 66 Salon I
Literacy and Latinity in Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Sponsored by the Medieval Latin Studies Group
Maura K. Lafferty, Organizer

1. Christos Nifadopoulos, University of Cambridge
Priscian in Constantinople: Transforming Hellenismos into Latinitas (20 mins.)

2. Jocelyn Penny Small, Rutgers University
Artists and Literacy: The Vatican Vergil (20 mins.)

3. Dorothy Verkerk, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Early Medieval Learning, Literacy, and Looking (20 mins.)

4. Michael C. Tinkler, Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Reading the Writing on the Walls of Carolingian Francia (20 mins.)

5. Sarah Powrie, University of Toronto
Oral and Literate Traditions in Twelfth-Century Scholastic Traditions (20 mins.)

Respondent: John Miles Foley, University of Missouri, Columbia (10 mins.)

2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Section 67 Independence 3
Greek, Latin, and Indo-European Linguistics
Sponsored by the Society for Greek and Latin Languages and Linguistics
Joshua T. Katz and Michael L. Weiss, Organizers

1. Calvert Watkins, Harvard University
Some Indo-European Logs (25 mins.)

2. Fabrice Cavoto, University of California, Los Angeles
The Complex Origin of the Greek Paradigm of lambano and its Reflection of Indo-European Root Structure (25 mins.)

3. Jeremy Rau, Cornell University
Greek eidulis, Poluidos and the Perfect Participle Active (25 mins.)

4. Coulter George, University of Cambridge
The Expression of the Agent with the Greek Perfect Passive (25 mins.)

5. Yelena Baraz, University of California at Berkeley
Recomposition of Latin Compound Verbs (25 mins.)

List of Exhibitors

American School of Classical Studies at Athens 216
Archaeology Magazine 416
Ares Publishers, Inc. 110
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers 315
Cambridge University Press 215/ 217/ 219
Center for Education Abroad at Arcadia Univ. 317
David Brown Book Co. 208/210
Focus Publishing/ R. Pullins Co. Inc. 306
Getty Publications 214
Hackett Publishing 106
Harvard University Press 310
Indiana University Press 316
John Benjamins Publishing 308
Journal of Roman Archaeology 314
Oxford University Press 407/409
Peeters Publishers 319
Penguin Putnam Inc. 311
Petra Fine Arts 108
Princeton University Press 406/408
Routledge 207
The American University in Cairo Press 320
The Scholar's Choice 322/324
The University of Wisconsin Press 209
University of California Press 211
University of Michigan Press 414
University of North Carolina Press 309
University of Pennsylvania Museum Publications 114
University of Texas Press 115
Walter de Gruyter, Inc. 107/109/111
Wimbledon Publishing Co., Ltd 511
Yale University Press 307