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Women’s Playthings: Contextualizing the Meaning of “Douleuma”

By Roger S. Fisher

The word douleuma, which appears only three times in extant Greek literature, is defined as “slave” or “servitude” (LSJ), but this lexical meaning is not well-supported by the contexts in which the word appears. This paper will argue that douleuma in the three passages in which it appears does not signify a person’s status as a slave or the duty of a slave to perform service for its owner as is commonly understood.


By Francis Dunn

Sophocles’ Electra, in trying to persuade Chrysothemis to join her cause, reminds her sister that their dead father “was arm-pitted” by Clytemnestra (ἐμασχαλίσθη El. 445). The term is rare and its meaning problematic; outside the scholiastic tradition the verb recurs only in A. Cho. (ἐμασχαλίσθη 439), likewise describing the treatment of Agamemnon’s corpse, and the corresponding noun occurs only in Sophocles’ lost Troilus (πλήρη μασχαλισμάτων 623 TrGF, cf. 528; adesp.

2014 Abstract Categories

Poetry, Greek and Latin: General
Poetry, Greek: General
Poetry, Greek: Epic and Didactic
Poetry, Greek: Lyric, Iambus, Elegy, Epigram
Poetry, Greek: Tragedy
Poetry, Greek: Comedy
Poetry, Greek: Hellenistic
Poetry, Latin: General
Poetry, Latin: Epic and Didactic

Organizer-refereed Panels

Organizer-refereed Panels are approved by the Program Committee for presentation at a future Annual Meeting at least 18 months before that meeting takes place. For example, the Organizer-Refereed Panels to be held at the January 2013 meeting were approved by the Committee in April 2011. After approval, the Program Committee delegates all discretionary responsibility for selection of abstracts and discussants to the panel organizer(s).

SCS Committee Sessions

SCS committees have the option of issuing calls for abstracts for the panels they organize at the annual meeting. Members responding to these calls for abstracts should be aware that the committee issuing the call must submit all abstracts it accepts for additional review by the Program Committee. If a member’s paper is accepted by the committee issuing the call, and if the Program Committee accepts the panel, the member may not submit another abstract for consideration for any other session.

Affiliated Groups -2013

An affiliated group is a group having an organizational structure independent of the SCS. The affiliated group has a common purpose and/or scholarly interest, usually representing a special field or ancillary discipline. Affiliated groups maintain membership lists, and the majority charge dues and circulate newsletters. Affiliated groups are chartered for five-year periods for participation in the SCS/AIA Joint Annual Meeting. Each Category II Affiliated Group is authorized to issue a Call for Papers and to take responsibility for the selection of abstracts and discussants.