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“Theism” and Related Categories in the Study of Ancient Religions (AFG-2016)

Sponsored by the Society for Ancient Mediterranean Religions
Nancy Evans (Wheaton College), Organizer

Traditional accounts of religion in the ancient Mediterranean for many years emphasized a fundamental distinction between the polytheism of most traditional religions on the one hand and the monotheism of Judaism and Christianity on the other. Recent scholarship has complicated that simple dichotomy, by exploring both aspects of monotheism in “pagan” contexts and the multiplicity of superhuman beings in Jewish and Christian contexts.

Epistolary Epigraphy (AFG-2016)

Sponsored by the American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy
Organized by James Sickinger, Florida State University

The American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy invites submissions for a panel at the 2016 annual meeting of the Society for Classical Studies on the topic “Epistolary Epigraphy.”

Ancient Music and the Emotions (AFG-2016)

Sponsored by MOISA
Eirene Visvardi (Wesleyan University) and Pauline LeVen (Yale University), Organizers

Ancient Greek and Roman music and ancient emotions are two topics that have witnessed an explosion of scholarship in recent years. Building on this momentum, we want to bring together the two subjects and reflect on their intersection. We invite papers dealing with any aspect of the ancient practice and theory of music and its connection with the emotions. Possible questions to be investigated, and topics to discuss include (but are not limited to):

Women and Water (AFG-2016)

Sponsored by the Women's Classical Caucus
Chiara Sulprizio (Independent Scholar) and Sarah Blake (York University), Organizers