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Laura Cereta’s In asinarium funus oratio

By Quinn Radziszewski Griffin

Recognized as one of only a handful of female humanists, Laura Cereta of Brescia (1469-1499) produced during her short life a collection of letters and one rather fantastic Latin dialogue entitled In asinarium funus oratio, “On the Funeral of a Donkey.” In this dialogue, Cereta herself appears as an interlocutor, consoling the titular donkey’s acquaintances with a blend of Stoic and Epicurean philosophy while alluding to elements of Apuleius’ The Golden Ass.

Demetrius Laco's Citations and Literary Culture

By Michael McOsker

It was a common belief in antiquity, shared by many today, that Epicureans eschewed literary studies (e.g Cicero, In Pisonem §70, most interpretations of Epicurus fr. 568 Usener). Philodemus is one exception; Demetrius Laco is another. In his works, he cites a variety of authors: other philosophers, as we would expect, but also literary authors and scholars working in such disparate fields as medicine and grammar. The later two groups are rather unexpected in Epicurean texts, biased as they are usually taken to be against literature and the liberal arts.

Joint Panels with AIA 2016

The SCS Program Committee encourages SCS members to organize joint panels, seminars, or workshops in cooperation with AIA members. Submissions must be made to both organizations and conform to the guidelines of both the SCS and the AIA. No limit has been placed on the number of such sessions that can be scheduled each year. Please note that the Program Committees of the two societies review each proposal independently. Depending on the outcomes of these deliberations, a particular session may be accepted for both programs, for only one program, or for neither.

Affiliated Groups - 147th Annual Meeting

An affiliated group is a group having an organizational structure independent of the SCS. The affiliated group has a common purpose and/or scholarly interest, usually representing a special field or ancillary discipline. Affiliated groups maintain membership lists, and the majority charge dues and circulate newsletters. Affiliated groups are chartered for five-year periods for participation in the SCS/AIA Joint Annual Meeting. Each Category II Affiliated Group is authorized to issue a Call for Papers and to take responsibility for the selection of abstracts and discussants.

2016 Annual Meeting: Organizer-Refereed Panels

Organizer-refereed Panels are approved by the Program Committee for presentation at a future Annual Meeting at least 18 months before that meeting takes place. For example, the Organizer-Refereed Panels to be held at the January 2016 meeting were approved by the Committee in July 2014. After approval, the Program Committee delegates all discretionary responsibility for selection of abstracts and discussants to the panel organizer(s).