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What Can “Active” Latin Accomplish?

Sponsored by the American Classical League and organized by Ronnie Ancona, Hunter College and CUNY Graduate Center, Editor of The Classical Outlook, and Justin Slocum Bailey, Indwelling Language

The American Classical League invites scholars and teachers to submit abstracts for its affiliated group panel session What Can “Active” Latin Accomplish? at the San Diego meeting of the Society for Classical Studies, in January 2019. Given the recognition of the results of recent research in second language acquisition in the newly revised Standards for Classical Language Learning, a collaborative project of national and regional classics organizations, including The Society for Classical Studies (SCS) and The American Classical League (ACL), we think it important to devote a panel to the topic of active Latin.

See this link for the draft version of the Standards:

Both theoretical and practical approaches to the topic, or a mix, are welcome. All papers should be accessible to a wide audience of classics scholars and teachers.

Papers accepted for the panel will be considered for publication in The Classical Outlook, journal of The American Classical League.

Abstracts should be submitted to Ronnie Ancona ( only, since she will be anonymizing them before they are forwarded to those who will choose the successful abstracts. Please submit as a Word document. Any questions about the panel may be addressed to her as well.

Abstracts should conform to the instructions for the format of individual abstracts that appear in the SCS Guidelines for Authors of Abstracts:

Please put “ACL panel at SCS 2019” in the subject line of your email submission. Include the title of your paper, your name, and your institutional affiliation (or status as Independent Scholar) in the email message, but make sure that your name (and any other identifying information) does not appear in the abstract itself. If you refer to your own scholarship in your abstract, cite it in the third person, as you would any other source.

You MUST be a member of SCS to submit an abstract. Please include in your email submission message your SCS member number and the date you joined or last renewed. (This will appear on your membership confirmation email from SCS and in your account.) You DO NOT have to be a member of ACL.

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is February 10, 2018.