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Submission Requirements for an application for recognition as a five-year Affiliated Group. You will be required to provide:

For a Category I Charter

Applicants in 2024 can run a business meeting / or reception in 2025 if accepted.

  • The scholarly purpose and composition of the group
  • The present leadership organization and structure of the group
  • Past and proposed activities at the Annual Meeting

For a Category II Charter

Applicants in 2024 cannot run their first panel until 2026 if accepted; they can however, run a business meeting / or reception in 2025 if accepted.

  • Research Focus: An explanation of the research focus and scholarly purpose of the group in which the following questions are answered:
  1. How does your topic contribute to Classical Studies?
  2. What kinds of activity will be represented by the membership of the group?
  3. How will your group contribute to the diversity of the annual meeting program?
  • A Plan for Leadership: Several formats are possible and the Program Committee will be quite flexible about endorsing well justified structures that appear to meet the group's needs. The plan must include:
  1. Identification of some administrative officer to ensure a continuing identity for the group
  2. A provision for sharing and rotating responsibility among decision makers
  3. A guarantee that the participation of younger scholars will be encouraged and respected
  4. A guarantee that the participation of a diverse range of scholars will be encouraged and respected
  • A Plan for Conducting Double-blinded Abstract Refereeing: To ensure double-blind refereeing, an officer who is not a referee should be designated to receive and distribute papers and to announce decisions.

This statement should include how referees are to be selected from among the membership of the group; by what means their opinions will be coordinated; and how they will report their decisions. It would be an added advantage if referees could provide substantive comments on papers they do not accept.

Special Requirements for Groups Renewing Category II Charters

Your request for a renewal of your charter should describe your group's activities during the period of your current charter, including the number of members you currently have and the frequency of publication and circulation of a newsletter if your group has one.

It should also include a statement of the group's efforts to contribute to the diversity of the Annual Meeting program, as the Program Committee urges all panel organizers to do.

In addition, the request should contain the following information for each of the sessions you organized:

  • Name(s) of panel organizer(s).
  • CFP(s)
  • Number of abstract submissions received.
  • Authors and titles of accepted abstracts.
  • Names of referees.

The request should conclude with a table showing the name of every participant and his or her role in your sessions during the term of your current charter. A table for this purpose is provided in the program submission system.

Additional Policies Pertaining to both categories of Affiliated Groups

  • All financial indebtedness to the SCS must be discharged before a new program session or any other Annual Meeting Program activity will be scheduled. Please note in particular that affiliated groups are responsible for the cost of audio/visual equipment and labor for their sessions.
  • No session will be listed in the SCS Annual Meeting Program that is sponsored by an Affiliated Group that has not previously provided an open announcement of its officers and topic for that year, and description of procedures for anonymous refereeing.
  • In order to fulfill its legal obligations, the SCS is required to reserve the right of final approval for all activities scheduled at the Annual Meeting.
  • No member may submit more than one abstract at a given deadline or make more than one appearance on the Program.
  • All General Requirements (e.g., SCS Membership, Annual Meeting Registration, Single Appearance, etc.) for participation on the SCS Annual Meeting Program also pertain to Affiliated Groups.
  • During the period of the group's charter, it is essential that the organizers of affiliated groups notify the SCS Office of any changes in the names or addresses of responsible officers.


(Back to the "Types of Sessions and Materials Required for Proposals" page)