Society of Classical Studies 156th Annual Meeting
JANUARY 2-5, 2025
Call for Papers for Panel Sponsored by the Digital Classics Association
“Opening Up Classics with AI”
Organized by Neil Coffee, University at Buffalo, SUNY
The advent of more powerful AI technologies presents the prospect of opening up the field of classics both for researchers and larger audiences. Researchers are now exploring new ways to analyze ancient texts, visual, and material culture using recent AI models with the goals of accelerating traditional forms of study and crafting new ones. Others are making use of these technologies to work across ancient languages and bring classical cultures to a broader audience.
The purpose of this panel is to present and develop discussion around work in classics that seeks to use emerging AI technologies to advance research into and dissemination of knowledge of the classical world. Abstracts are invited for 20-minute presentations designed to introduce a broad audience of classicists with varying levels of experience to AI-related methods that have advanced or will considerably advance the study of the classical world and the diffusion of knowledge about classical antiquity.
Please send abstracts that follow the guidelines for individual abstracts (see the SCS Guidelines for Authors of Abstracts) by email to Neil Coffee, University at Buffalo SUNY at by March 22, 2024. Please ensure that the abstracts are anonymous. The organizers will review all submissions anonymously.