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The Department of Classics at Lawrence University invites applications for an approved tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor, to begin in September 2015. Depending on qualifications, this appointment may be made at the advanced Assistant Professor level with the possibility of early tenure. Lawrence University seeks a Hellenist to teach Greek language and literature at all levels and Latin through the intermediate level, to offer courses in classical civilization and literature in English translation, and to make regular teaching contributions to the university’s Freshman Studies program. The standard teaching load at Lawrence is two courses in each of three ten-week terms, plus occasional tutorials and independent study projects.

The successful candidate must have the Ph.D. in hand by July 2015, and should demonstrate exceptional ability and promise as a teacher as well as evidence of an active and ongoing research agenda. Field of specialization is open, but preference will be given to candidates with research and teaching interests in Greek drama, religion, or culture and society. The Department is currently expanding its programmatic connections to other departments as part of a wider university effort to foster the interdisciplinary study of the ancient world on campus, and the successful candidate will have the opportunity to participate in the process of curricular planning and development.

Interested applicants should apply online and submit a letter of application and curriculum vitae at Applicants should also arrange for three letters of reference to be sent via e-mail to Review of applications will begin on January 15, 2015. Candidates chosen for further consideration will be asked to send a writing sample, a sample course syllabus, and a brief statement providing further details of their research interests and approach to teaching. Preliminary interviews of selected candidates from this latter group will be conducted via Skype in March 2015. Inquiries about the position should be directed to Prof. Randall McNeill, Chair of the Department, at

Founded in 1847 and located in Appleton, Wisconsin, Lawrence University is a highly selective undergraduate liberal arts college and conservatory of music with an enrollment of 1,500 students. Recent graduates from the Department of Classics have gone on to graduate study in Classics and related fields at institutions including the University of Oxford, the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of St. Andrews.

Lawrence is an AA/EOE employer, and is committed to enhancing the diversity of its faculty and the diversity of viewpoints and approaches that the faculty represents. Candidates are encouraged to read more about Lawrence and its institutional mission and goals at the website below, which includes informational resources about the University and the surrounding community.