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Announcement of Competition at the Academy Vivarium Novum

For the 2014-2015 academic year, the Academy Vivarium Novum in Rome is offering ten full tuition scholarships for high school students (16-18 years old) and ten full tuition scholarships for University students (18-24 years old) of any part of the world. The scholarships will cover all of the costs of room, board, teaching and didactic materials for courses to be held from October 6, 2014 until June 13, 2015 on the grounds of the Academy’s campus at Rome.

New Post-Baccalaureate Program in Post-Classical Latin at UCLA in 2014-2015

The UCLA Division of Humanities, the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (CMRS), and the Department of Classics are pleased to announce the award of a three-year grant by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to support the preparation and training of young scholars in post-classical Latin for graduate programs in Medieval and Renaissance Studies.

Institute for Advanced Study

The Institute for Advanced Study offers opportunities for scholars for 2015-2016. School of Historical Studies, Opportunities for Scholars 2015-2016. The Institute is an independent private institution founded in 1930 to create a community of scholars focused on intellectual inquiry, free from teaching and other university obligations. Scholars from around the world come to the Institute to pursue their own research. Candidates of any nationality may apply for a single term or a full academic year.

Winners of 2014 Pedagogy Awards

In 2014 the Society for Classical Studies (SCS), founded in 1869 as the American Philological Association, awarded the second set of its Pedagogy Awards to three outstanding classics teachers. One of the major goals of the Society's recently and successfully completed capital campaign, Gatekeeper to Gateway: The Campaign for Classics in the Twenty-first Century, was to ensure that an inspiring, well trained teacher would be available for every school and college classics classroom.

Karl-Christ-Preis für Alte Geschichte

Der Karl-Christ-Preis ist dem Andenken an den Marburger Althistoriker Karl Christ gewidmet (1923 – 2008). Mit dem Preis werden herausragende wissenschaftliche Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der Alten Geschichte und ihrer Nachbardisziplinen sowie der Wissenschafts- und Rezeptionsgeschichte des Altertums ausgezeichnet. Der Preis ist mit 25.000 Euro dotiert und wird im zweijährigen Turnus verliehen. Vorschlagsrecht haben Mitglieder und Angehörige von Universitäten und Akademien sowie Fachverbände und wissenschaftliche Vereinigungen. Eine Selbstnomination ist nicht möglich.

Heckman Research Stipends

Heckman Stipends, made possible by the A.A. Heckman Endowed Fund at St. John's College in Collegeville, MN, are awarded semi-annually. Up to 10 stipends in amounts up to $2,000 are available each year. Funds may be applied toward travel to and from Collegeville, housing and meals at Saint John’s University, and costs related to duplication of HMML’s microfilm or digital resources. The Stipend may be supplemented by other sources of funding but may not be held simultaneously with another HMML Stipend or Fellowship. Holders of the Stipend must wait at least two years before applying again.

Research at University of Cologne

The Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung announces two to four scholarships for non-German postgraduates or non-German scholars with a PhD to conduct research at the Historisches Institut, Abt. Alte Geschichte, University of Cologne. Scholarships are for periods ranging between 6 and 24 months. Recipients of the scholarships will receive amounts that correspond with those granted by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (currently about 1.200 € per month for a postgraduate, 1.800 € per month for a scholar with a PhD.).