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John Cabot University is pleased to announce the inauguration of its new Master of Arts in Art History in Fall semester 2017. Accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, the degree is the first US-accredited MA in the history of art based entirely in Rome. The program can be completed in approximately fifteen months of full-time study.

Designed to immerse students in the wealth of art, architecture, and art-historical documentation available in Rome and in Italy, the curriculum has a dual emphasis: the visual cultures of Rome and the Mediterranean across time; and the acquisition of technical skills for conducting art-historical research directly from the primary record. For further information about the faculty, curriculum, and application requirements, please see this page.

The MA is now accepting applications for Fall semester 2017. Tuition fellowships, teaching assistantships, and other forms of financial assistance are available on a competitive basis to outstanding applicants who submit complete applications by March 1, 2017. John Cabot University also participates in the Title IV Federal Direct Loan Programs for US citizens and permanent residents.