Are you currently organizing, or interested in organizing, events and programs on classical antiquity and its legacy that reach beyond the curricula of schools, colleges, and universities? Are you interested in bringing the appreciation and critical discussion of the Greco-Roman world to new audiences?
The SCS Board of Directors has designated $25,000 that will be used to sponsor public events and programs around the US and elsewhere in 2019, the 150th Year of the society (founded as the American Philological Association in 1869). In 2020, the program will continue with funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Universities, colleges, schools, museums, libraries, other non-profits, and individuals can apply to SCS for mini-grants of up to $2,000 to support the following: public lectures; readings; discussion groups; performances; summer, after-school and weekend programs for school-age children; visual arts exhibits and installations; podcasts; and videos. Events and programs may focus on ancient languages, works of literature, art, and culture, or on more contemporary works inspired by the ancient world; and they may be creative or analytical in focus. The one basic requirement is that eligible programs reach beyond the classroom to engage a broader public from school-age children to senior citizens.
Allowable expenditures include space rental, audiovisual or other technology costs, honoraria, props or supplies necessary for the program, and travel and / or accommodations costs for speakers or event leaders and participants.
The members of the SCS Committee on Classics in the Community will review all applications. The committee is particularly interested in applications that will impact communities that are historically under-represented in the field of Classics and have not had access to programs in classical studies. The committee will judge applications based on feasibility and impact and will ensure that Classics Everywhere funds projects in all regions of the US. Applications from outside the US are also welcome. Any project that appropriates the classical world in order to promote ideologies of hate and exclusion will not be funded (see
You can read about Classics Everwhere projects on the SCS blog. Classics Everywhere posts are written by Public Engagement Coordinator Nina Papathanasopoulou, who oversees the initiative.
Websites Giving Diverse Voices and Students a Platform
Bringing Knowledge of the Ancient World to Rural Italy
Engaging with Antiquity through Film and Theater at Home
Promoting a Passion for the Ancient World in the Midst of a Pandemic
Recreating Ancient Drama for the Modern (and Digital) Stage
Can Studying Classics Encourage Empathy and Equity?
Engaging with Digital Classics Projects during Covid-19
Sustaining Classics in the time of Covid-19
Bringing Science, Archaeology, and Creativity to the Study of Classics
Classics through the Eyes of Black Communities Worldwide
Enriching Children’s Learning with Interactive and Creative Programs
Examining the Past with a Comparative and Critical Eye
Activating your Imagination through the Arts
Inspiring Curiosity for the Ancient World
Engaging with Diverse and Marginalized Communities
Connecting with the Ancient World through the Visual and Performing Arts
Meeting the Community Where they Are
Celebrating African-American Classicists
Application Form and Deadlines
The next round of applications for Classics Everywhere is February 19, 2021. The Executive Director will notify all applicants of the committee’s decision within one month of the application deadline.
You can fill out the application form online.
If you have questions about the Classics Everywhere initiative, please contact the SCS Executive Director, Helen Cullyer ( or Public Engagement Coordinator, Nina Papathanasopoulou ( Please also see below for the projects already funded:
Projects already funded
You can view our complete list of funded projects.