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The Department of Classics at Amherst College invites applications for a three-year visiting position at the rank of assistant professor, beginning July 1, 2022.

The successful candidate must have PhD in hand by the start of the appointment and must be able to teach with distinction Greek and Latin, courses of general appeal in the field of Greco-Roman studies broadly defined, and a course addressing race and ethnicity in classical antiquity and its receptions. The ability to direct writing and research at all undergraduate levels will be a distinct advantage. The teaching load is two courses per semester.

Candidates are asked to submit electronically to a CV, a cover letter, a writing sample of no more than thirty pages, and three confidential references. Questions about the search should be addressed to Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

Within the last decade, Amherst College has profoundly transformed its student body in terms of socioeconomic status, race, and nationality, among other areas. Today, nearly one-quarter of Amherst’s students are Pell Grant recipients; nearly 50 percent of our students identify as domestic students of color and nearly 10 percent are international students. Our expectation is that the successful candidate will excel at teaching and mentoring students who are broadly diverse with regard to race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, nationality, sexuality, and religion. Amherst participates with Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and Smith Colleges and the University of Massachusetts in the Five College Consortium. More information for applicants is available here: