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Academic Diversity Postdoctoral Fellow, Classical Studies

Position Rank
If Other, Please Specify
Postdoctoral Fellow
Position type
Non-Tenure-Track, more than 12 months (including Fellowships)
This position is
Our institution plans to conduct interviews at the Annual Meeting

The Classical Studies Program at Bard College invites applications for its newly-established academic diversity postdoctoral fellowship. Applicants for this position may specialize in any aspect of the literature, material culture, or history of Greece, Rome, or the wider Mediterranean world. They should also be committed to excellence in undergraduate teaching and to participating in the intellectual life of a small Liberal Arts College.

Open Rank, Tenure Track Position in Classical History

Position Rank
Assistant Professor
If Other, Please Specify
Associate or full professor
Position type
This position is
Our institution plans to conduct interviews at the Annual Meeting

The Department of Classics invites applications for a tenure-track (assistant professor) or tenured (associate or full professor) position in the history of Ancient Greece and Rome.

Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellow

Position Rank
If Other, Please Specify
Postdoctoral Fellow
Position type
Non-Tenure-Track, up to and including 12 months
This position is
Our institution plans to conduct interviews at the Annual Meeting

University of Colorado, Boulder, Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

Fellowship Period: July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022
Application Deadline: November 1, 2020

Late Antiquity and/or Early Islam, Assistant Professor

Position Rank
Assistant Professor
Position type
This position is
Our institution plans to conduct interviews at the Annual Meeting

The Department of Historical and Cultural Studies at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) invites applications for a full-time tenure-stream position in the area of Late Antiquity and/or Early Islam. The appointment will be at the rank of Assistant Professor, with an expected start date of July 1, 2021, or shortly thereafter.

Assistant Professor, Roman culture and literature

Position Rank
Assistant Professor
Position type
This position is
Our institution plans to conduct interviews at the Annual Meeting

The Department of Classical Studies at Boston College invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor specializing in Roman culture and literature, especially poetry. Ph.D. is required by the time of appointment (July 1, 2021); teaching experience is a plus.

Postdoc position "Anchoring National Socialism: The Classical Languages in Germany between 1933 and 1945"

Position Rank
If Other, Please Specify
Postdoc position
Position type
Non-Tenure-Track, more than 12 months (including Fellowships)
This position is
Our institution plans to conduct interviews at the Annual Meeting

Postdoc project (1.0 fte, 18 mos), University of Groningen
Title: Anchoring National Socialism: The Classical Languages in Germany between 1933 and 1945

(Anchoring Work Package 6: Receptions of Antiquity)

Dr. Bettina Reitz-Joosse (Groningen) and Prof. Dr. Han Lamers (Oslo)

Postdoc position "Anchoring Innovation and the Infrastructure of the Roman Northwestern Provinces"

Position Rank
If Other, Please Specify
Postdoc position
Position type
Non-Tenure-Track, more than 12 months (including Fellowships)
This position is
Our institution plans to conduct interviews at the Annual Meeting

Postdoc project (1.0 fte, 36 months), Radboud University
Title: Anchoring Innovation and the Infrastructure of the Roman Northwestern Provinces

(Anchoring Work Package 5: Technology, Science and Material Culture)

Supervisory team
Dr. S.T.A.M. Mols, Dr. M. Polak, Prof. dr. E.M. Moormann (Radboud University)