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Postdoc position "Anchoring New Knowledge: Commentaries on Non-Literary Texts"

Position Rank
If Other, Please Specify
Postdoc position
Position type
Non-Tenure-Track, more than 12 months (including Fellowships)
This position is
Our institution plans to conduct interviews at the Annual Meeting

PD Position (3 years, 1,0 fte), Leiden University
Title: Anchoring new knowledge: commentaries on non-literary texts

(Anchoring Work Package 3, Philosophy and Religion )

prof. dr. Ineke Sluiter (Leiden); additional supervisory expertise dependent on the needs of the project

Postdoc position "Generations: Anchoring through Genealogical Discourse"

Position Rank
If Other, Please Specify
Postdoc position
Position type
Non-Tenure-Track, more than 12 months (including Fellowships)
This position is
Our institution plans to conduct interviews at the Annual Meeting

Postdoc Position (18 mos, 1,0 fte), Leiden University
Title: Generations: anchoring through genealogical discourse
(Anchoring Work Package 1: Language, Rhetoric, Communication)

Prof. dr. I. Sluiter (Leiden) and Dr. Luuk Huitink (University of Amsterdam)

Assistant Professor, Greek Architectural History

Position Rank
Assistant Professor
Position type
This position is
Our institution plans to conduct interviews at the Annual Meeting

The Department of Art & Archaeology and Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies at Princeton University invite applications for the position of Assistant Professor in the field of Greek Architectural History, from prehistory through the Roman period. The position starts September 2021.

Program Officer

Position Rank
Position type
This position is
Our institution plans to conduct interviews at the Annual Meeting

ACLS is seeking two Program Officers for its US Programs

ACLS Mission and Overview

Tenure-Track Assistant Professorship in Classics

Position Rank
Assistant Professor
Position type
This position is
Our institution plans to conduct interviews at the Annual Meeting

The Department of History and Classics at Providence College invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professorship in Classics beginning in the fall of 2021. We especially welcome applications from candidates whose scholarship explores the culture and/or literature of the Late Republican or Early Imperial Roman Eras.

Wellman Chair in Medieval History

Position Rank
Position type
Tenured / Senior
This position is
Our institution plans to conduct interviews at the Annual Meeting

The Wellman Chair in Medieval History. The UCLA History Department seeks a senior historian of any region of Europe (including the Byzantine world) focusing on any period from late antiquity to 1400.

Associate/Full Professor

Position Rank
If Other, Please Specify
Position type
Tenured / Senior
This position is
Possible/Pending Budgetary Approval
Our institution plans to conduct interviews at the Annual Meeting
The Department of Classics at the University of Chicago invites application for a position as tenured associate or

Assistant/Associate/Resident Instructor

Position Rank
If Other, Please Specify
Assistant/Associate/Resident Instructor
Position type
Non-Tenure-Track, up to and including 12 months
This position is
Our institution plans to conduct interviews at the Annual Meeting

POSITIONS ONE and TWO: Associate Professor/Assistant Professor for 2021-2022, August through May. Candidates must have good knowledge of Ancient Rome and Greek and Roman Italy, be interested in teaching undergraduates, and be willing to participate in a team-taught course combining archaeology, history, topography, literature and epigraphy.

Loeb Classical Library Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship

Position Rank
If Other, Please Specify
Position type
Non-Tenure-Track, more than 12 months (including Fellowships)
This position is
Our institution plans to conduct interviews at the Annual Meeting

The Trustees of the Loeb Classical Library Foundation announce funding of four two-year postdoctoral fellowships to be held in the academic years 2021–2023. [A further four fellowships will be funded for the academic years 2022–2024] The details for the first round of competition for these fellowships are as follows:

Eligibility: Doctoral dissertation in the US or abroad in any area of classical studies, completed in the academic years 2019/20 or 2020/21.