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The Liberal Studies Program in the School of Arts and Sciences at New York University invites applications for a limited number of postdoctoral teaching fellowships to begin September 1, 2015, pending administrative and budgetary approval. Liberal Studies is an interdisciplinary program and we welcome applicants from a broad range of backgrounds in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Fellows will teach in the program’s two-year global core curriculum program; students in the program may go on to complete their degrees in any of NYU’s liberal arts programs.
The teaching load for Liberal Studies postdoctoral faculty fellow will be one course for the first semester and two courses for each subsequent semester. Additional responsibilities include working with a faculty mentor on planning and teaching classes, attending a series of required pedagogy workshops, and submitting for publication work related to their research and scholarly interests. Fellows are appointed for two years, renewable for a third year based on performance and programmatic need; they are non-tenure track and non-renewable beyond the third year.
We seek colleagues in the following areas:
Cultural Foundations
PhD in Classics, English, Comparative Literature, Art History, or related field
Social Foundations
PhD in Classics, Philosophy, Political Science, History, or related field
Minimum qualifications: a Ph.D. in hand by the date of appointment; commitment to excellence in undergraduate teaching required. Some college-level teaching experience, and publications or other evidences of outstanding scholarship and relevant professional activity are desirable. Successful candidates will have received the Ph.D. no more than three years before taking up the appointment. Salary is $45,000 per academic year plus University benefits. Fellows will be provided with offices, computers, and professional development funds. Housing is not provided.
Applications consisting ONLY of a cover letter and a current c.v. should be submitted by March 22nd, 2015. Applications submitted after this date will not be considered. Additional information about the core program curriculum may be found at:
Applications must be submitted through NYU’s online system at: