Dear colleagues,
A new academic year, and once again, Nunc est donandum.
We’re still in the midst of a pandemic with all its attendant uncertainties: What will our field of study look like in the next decades? What will our ways of talking with one another—in person and in print-- look like? More than ever it’s incumbent upon us to support and encourage younger colleagues and contingent faculty with moral and financial support, as they are vital participants in our evolving field. You can give an unrestricted gift, which will help subvent the costs of our free membership renewal program for students, unemployed, and precariously employed scholars. Or you can donate to designated funds, such as the Frank M. Snowden Jr. Scholarships and the annual meeting fund.
We recognize that the ways of attending meetings have changed radically in the past two years, so the Travel fund has a new name and expanded purpose: it’s now the Annual Meeting Participation Fund and it will provide financial help to those who need it to meet the costs of registration and participation, whether face to face or virtual.
And despite all the challenges and uncertainties, there is reason for cautious optimism. The SCS placement listing of faculty positions and post-docs is noticeably longer than it has been for the last two years. The field has met the challenges of the pandemic finding more flexible ways to keep our all-important professional conversations going. You all sense the possibilities, too: you have volunteered in higher numbers than past years to serve on SCS committees. We thank you sincerely!
Please consider supporting, or renewing your support, for the present and future of the SCS. Your generosity in recent years has encouraged us to increase our 2022 goal to $80,000. Please join us in meeting that goal. Every donation helps, whether large or small.
Giving to the SCS is easy to do. You can follow this link here to donate or add a gift when you register for the Annual Meeting or renew your membership.
With grateful thanks,
Robert Ketterer and Carolina López-Ruiz
for the SCS Annual Giving Committee