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The Vassar College Department of Greek and Roman Studies invites applications for a three-year position as Visiting Assistant Professor to begin in Fall 2016. Vassar College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer, and applications from members of historically underrepresented groups are especially encouraged. Vassar is strongly committed to fostering a community that reflects the values of a liberal arts education and to promoting an environment of equality, inclusion and respect for difference.

Applicants must be prepared to teach Latin and Greek language and literature at all levels of the curriculum. The area of specialty is open, but we are especially interested in supplementing our offerings in political or social history or material culture and in courses that have the potential to be cross-listed with one of Vassar’s multi disciplinary programs. The teaching load is five courses per year. For 2016-2017, the teaching assignment will be three courses in Latin and two courses in translation proposed by the successful applicant. Candidates must have completed the Ph.D. by July 1, 2016.

To apply, please visit to link to the posting for this position. A complete application should include a curriculum vitae, a cover letter, a graduate school transcript (unofficial copies accepted for initial application), and three letters of reference. Applicants should have letters of reference submitted according to the instructions on the application web site. Preliminary interviews will be conducted at the SCS in San Francisco. Finalists will be asked to submit a writing sample. Questions may be directed to Bert Lott, Chair of Greek and Roman Studies, at To receive full consideration, applications should be received by December 15, 2015.