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This is a detailed listing of sessions, including panels, workshops, seminars, and roundtables on Friday, January 6th - Sunday January 8th. While there will be a number of special events taking place on Thursday, January 5th, there will be no paper sessions on that day.

Check on the 2023 Annual Meeting page for updates about special events and a link to the summary program of all events and sessions.

The sessions listed in detail below will all be hybrid unless otherwise noted. Roundtables will be virtual or in-person.

All sessions and events are scheduled in CST.

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Friday, January 6

Saturday, January 7

Sunday, January 8

Last Revised - January 3, 2023

Friday, January 6

First Paper Session (8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.)

SCS-1: Reconstructio Americana: Ancient Greece and Rome after the Civil War (Panel, organized by Benjamin Howland, Grand Valley State University, and Sean Tandy, University of Delaware)
Benjamin Howland, Grand Valley State University, Sean Tandy, University of Delaware Introduction
Constanze Güthenke, University of Oxford American Classical Scholarship as a History of Disorientation
Craig Williams, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign A Native American Voice from the Reconstruction Era: Ely Parker and Greco-Roman Antiquity
Casey Haughin-Scasny and Kendall Lovely, University of California, Santa Barbara American Women's Associations and Antiquity: Reconstructing Hierarchies through the Classical
Dylan K. Rogers, University of Virginia Haec Olim Meminisse Iuvabit?: The University of Virginia, Classics, & Racialized Landscapes throughout the 19th Century
Patrice Rankine, University of Chicago Response
SCS-2: Theology Before Theologia: Archaic and Classical Greek Theories of Divine Universality (Panel, organized by Phillip Sidney Horky and George Alexander Gazis, Durham University)
George Alexander Gazis, Durham University Homeric Theologia: Fiction or Reality?
Jenny Strauss-Clay, University of Virginia Hesiod and Theologia
Shaul Tor, King's College London Gods as Movers: Thinkers and Carers in Pre-Aristotelian Philosophy
Phillip Sidney Horky, Durham University In the Night of Parmenides: Theologia and Allegory in the Derveni Papyrus
SCS-3: Deconstructing the Body in Seneca (Panel, organized by Chiara Blanco, University of Edinburgh, Allegra Hahn, University of Manchester, and Simona Martorana, University of Hamburg/University of Kiel)
Mairéad McCauley, University College London Seneca’s Tragic Hands: Hercules Furens
Chiara Blanco, University of Edinburgh Deconstructing the Female Body in Seneca’s Elegiac Reconstruction of Phaedra
Michael Goyette, Eckerd College Bodily Autonomy and Gender Fluidity in Senecan Philosophy and Tragedy
Allegra Hahn, University of Manchester The Pathology of the Skin in Seneca's Philosophical Prose: Between Ethics and Aesthetics
Elaine Sanderson, University of Edinburgh Experiencing (and Understanding) the World: The Body and Senses in Seneca’s Natural Questions
SCS-4: Ancient Worlds, Modern Communities (Workshop organized by the Committee on Classics in the Community, Nina Papathanasopoulou, College Year in Athens/SCS and William Thalmann, University of Southern California)
Eva Prionas (American Association of Teachers of Modern Greek) Classical Archaeology After School
Joel Christensen, Brandeis University and Paul O'Mahoney, Out of Chaos Greek Tragedy Online and Live: Masterclasses on Film
Ellie Ganelin, Greek Chamber Music Project Talos Dreams
Verity Platt, Cornell University The Sculpture Shoppe at Ithaca Mall
Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz, Hamilton College, Hugh McElroy, Independent Scholar Queering the Past(s): An Interactive/Multimedia e-Book
Maria Christodoulou (The Greek Herbalist) Ancient Medicine for Modern Times: Engaging with Plants and Learning from Women
SCS-5: Imperialism in the Ancient Middle East (Panel organized by Nikolaus Leo Overtoom, Washington State University)
Joel Walker, University of Washington Introduction
Nicholas Rockwell, University of Colorado, Denver Liberation Ideology and the Achaemenid Empire
Krzysztof Nawotka, University of Wroclaw Iranian Princesses in the Age of Successors: Gender, Ethnicity, and Social Position
Christelle Fischer-Bovet, University of Southern California Empire Building under Cleopatra VII, Heir of the Ptolemies and the Seleucids
Nikolaus Leo Overtoom, Washington State University Men, Mounts, and Mouths: Considering the Logistics of the Parthian Army
Khodadad Rezakhani, Leiden University Limits of Hellenism: The Kingdom of Persis and the Founding of the Sasanian Empire
Scott McDonough, William Paterson University “Punished With the Fate of Marsyas”: Princes, Nobles, and the Royal Succession in Sasanian Iran
Joel Walker, University of Washington Response
SCS-6: Conforming, Reforming, Trans*forming: Interrogating the Intersections of Trans Studies and Classics (Organized by the Lambda Classical Caucus, Chris Mowat, University of Sheffield, and Ky Merkley, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)
Chris Mowat, University of Sheffield Introduction
Yentl Love, University of Potsdam Bacchus Re-Gendered?: Queer Theory and Classical Disruption
H. Christian Blood, Independent Scholar Being Enby with Isis and Cybele: Non-binary Identities and Conversions in Apuleius's The Golden Ass
Tatiana Avesani, Johns Hopkins University Œ Diphthong of a Transition
Noah Wellington, The University of Melbourne Precarious Transitions: The Trans-Masculine Ephebe
Evan Jewell, Rutgers University - Camden / American Academy in Rome Transphobia and the trans* man in the tribas
SCS-7: Animals Under Empire (Panel, organized by Jacqueline Arthur-Montagne, University of Virginia, and Edward Kelting, University of California, San Diego)
Jacqueline Arthur-Montagne, University of Virginia, and Edward Kelting, University of California, San Diego Introduction
Edward Kelting, University of California, San Diego Human and Animal Captivities in Androcles and the Lion
Sian Lewis, University of St. Andrews Pets as Humans and Humans as Pets in Imperial Rome
Jacqueline Arthur-Montagne, University of Virginia Making Manimals: School Fables and Physiognomy in the Second Sophistic
Eleni Manoloraki, University of South Florida Empire of Ants
Ellen Finkelpearl, Scripps College Animal Difference: Re-conceptualizing physis in Aelian
SCS-8: Roman Comedy and Invective (James Uden, Boston University, Presiding)
Robin Kreutel, University of Cambridge Roman imperial expansion and the confined spatiality of Plautine comedy
Joseph Andrew Smith, San Diego State University Enjambment in the trimeters of Plautus and Terence: New measures of compositional method and technique
Sharon L. James, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill The daughter and the dowry in Plautus’ Trinummus
Christopher Londa, Yale University The Enslaved Lector in Catullan Invective: Toward a Ventriloquist Reading of Roman Literature
Tiziano Boggio, University of Cincinnati Body Hair and Lost Morality in Juvenal’s Satires
Victoria Hodges, Rutgers University The Meretrician Satirist and the Elegiac Procuress: The Mercenary Body in Juvenal’s Seventh Satire
SCS-9: Hellenistic Literature (Michael Brumbaugh, Tulane University, Presiding)
Paul Ojennus, Whitworth University Apollonius of Rhodes and Early Stoic Approaches to Emotion
William Troy Farris, University of Texas at Austin Divine Anger at the Aiolids in Apollonius’ Argonautica
Matthew Chaldekas, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen) kalos kalos in Context: Callimachus’ Unreal Aesthetics
Maria Gaki, Dartmouth College Demetrius’ On Style and the Hellenistic Theories of Euphony
Kevin Muse, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee An Allusion to an Etymology of Latium in Lycophron’s Alexandra
Hans-Peter Obermayer, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich 'Callimachus' in Oxford and Munich: Emigration and Remigration of Rudolf Pfeiffer (1937-1951)

Second Paper Session (11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.)

SCS-10: Hesperian Transformations: Classics and the Luso-Hispanophone World (Organized by Hesperides, Julia Hernández, New York University, Erika Valdivieso, Yale University, Adriana Vazquez, University of California at Los Angeles)
Eduardo Garcia-Molina, University of Chicago Cubans Choteando Classics: Subversive and Irreverent Humor in Cuban Adaptations of Greek Tragedies
Jonathan F. Correa-Reyes, The Pennsylvania State University Invideat vatem iure: Juan Latino and the Poetics of Race
Bruno Lloret Fuentes, King's College London Confronted Athens: Identity Narratives and National Receptions of Ancient Greece in Latin America (1880-1944)
Dan-el Padilla Peralta, Princeton University Response
SCS-11: Reacting to the Past: Crisis of Catiline (Workshop, organized by Bret Mulligan, Haverford College)
Bret Mulligan, Haverford College Presenter
SCS-12: Addiction, Dependency, and Habit (Organized by the Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacology, Colin Webster, University of California Davis, Aileen Das, University of Michigan)
Colin Webster, University of California Davis Introduction
Emma Mendez Correa, New York University "You Can’t Sit with Us": Drinking Too Much at the Symposium
Nikolaos Mylonas, Durham University, Allegra Hahn, University of Manchester Ebrietas in Seneca’s Philosophical Prose: Between Vice and Illness
Paul Eberwine, Princeton University Lament and Substance Abuse
Cataline Popescu, University of Texas at Austin Toxic Beauty: Aphrodite and Narcosis in Apuleius’ Cupid and Psyche
SCS-13: Slow and Fast Violence in Late Antiquity (Organized by the Society for Late Antiquity, Henry Gruber, Harvard University)
Barbara K. Gold, Hamilton College Slow Violence in a Christian Context: Silencing the Enslaved Martyr’s Female Body
Jake Ransohoff, Harvard University From the Arena to the Monastery: New Spaces of Judicial Blinding at the End of Late Antiquity
Aitor Boada-Benito, Universidad Complutense, Madrid Embodied Violence: Late Antique Asceticism or the Slow and Fast Configuration of Female Saintly Bodies
Yuliya Minets, Jacksonville State University Violence Spoken and Unspoken: Languages and Power Dynamics in Late Antique North Africa
Henry Gruber, Harvard University Response
SCS-14: Ancient Mystery Cults: Vows of Silence, Practices of Secrecy (Panel, organized by Michelle Zerba, Louisiana State University and Hans Beck, University of Munster
Michelle Zerba, Louisiana State University Sacred Silence and the Sociology of Secrecy in the Eleusinian Mysteries
Rassia Aikaterini-Iliana, Harvard Center for Hellenic Studies The Psychology of Secrecy in the Eleusinian Mysteries
Hans Beck, University of Munster Lifting the Veil of Secrecy: What Happened in the Theban Kabirion?
Renaud Gagné, University of Cambridge Arrheton and Aporrheton in Iamblichus' De Mysteriis
SCS-15: Latin Language (Jennifer Gerrish, College of Charleston, Presiding)
Tomaz Potocnik, University College London On Saying Yes in Latin
Matthew Selheimer, University of Leicester The Latin Vocabulary of Street Intersections
Vasileios Dimoglidis, University of Cincinnati Nothing to do with the ‘head’? Hidden meanings of the caput in Seneca’s Thyestes and Agamemnon
Erin Petrella, Columbia University The Unknown Plant: Botanical Latin and the Issue of Universal Intelligibility
SCS-16: Theocritus and Moschus (Dee Clayman, CUNY Graduate Center, Presiding)
Leanna Boychenko, Loyola University, Chicago Theocritus’ First Idyll and the Ancient Egyptian “Herdsman’s Tale”
Maria Kovalchuk, University of Pennsylvania Irony in the Catalogue of Heracles’ Education in Theocritus’ Idyll 24
Fernando Gorab Leme, University of Michigan Theocritus’ Helen gets herself married
Hannah Sorscher, Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome Agency, Knowledge, and Consent in Moschus' Europa
SCS-17: Roman History I (Cynthia Bannon, Indiana University, Presiding)
Drew A. Davis, Mount Allison University / University of Toronto Widows, Horses, Taxes… and Cato? The aes equestre between History and Historiography
Simone A. Oppen, Dartmouth College / University of Minnesota Twin Cities What’s in a name? Nomenclature and the translation of political power in Roman Corinth
Francois Gauthier, University of British Columbia The legiones vernaculae of the Late Republic Revisited
Christopher Erdman, University of California, Santa Barbara Letters of the Law: Inscriptions and the Experience of the Roman Voter
Zachary Herz, University of Colorado-Boulder Lampreys and the Birth of Imperial Jurisdiction
SCS-18: Flavian Epic (Daniel Conner, Purdue University, Presiding)
Maya Chakravorty, Boston University Tumens Atavis: Republican Kinship and Virtue in Silius Italicus’ Punica 4
Thomas Bolt, Florida State University Seneca's Sublime and Statius' Thebaid
Rebecca Deitsch, Harvard University Anti-Juno: Reversing Expectations in Statius’ Thebaid
Jennifer Weintritt, Northwestern University Reading and Writing Epic Serially: Thetis, Venus, and Entreaty Scenes in Trojan War Epics

Third Paper Session (2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)

SCS-19: Mentoring in Classics (Organized by the Committee on Gender and Sexuality in the Profession, Caroline Bishop, Texas Tech University, and Zoe Stamatopoulou, Washington University in St. Louis
Caroline Bishop, Texas Tech University Introduction
Deb Kamen, University of Washington Lambda Classical Caucus on Mentoring
Nick Winters, Northwestern University Trans in Classics on Mentoring
Kelly Dugan, Trinity College Multiculturalism, Race, & Ethnicity in Classics Consortium on Mentoring
Suzanne Lye, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill The Women's Classical Caucus on Mentoring
Helen Wong, University of Pennsylvania The Asian and Asian American Classical Caucus on Mentoring
Young Richard Kim, University of Illinois at Chicago The Committee on Diversity in the Profession on Mentoring
Amy Pistone, Gonzaga University The Classics and Social Justice Group on Mentoring
Chiara Sulprizio, Vanderbilt University The Committee on Contingent Faculty on Mentoring
Eunice Kim, Furman University, Cassandra Tran, Wake Forest University Respondents
Zoe Stamatopoulou, Washington University in St. Louis Conclusion
SCS-20: Supporting Open Data: Challenges and Potential Outcomes (Panel, AIA-SCS Joint Session, organized by Leigh Anne Lieberman, The Alexandria Archive Institute / Open Context, Gregory Crane, Tufts University)
Alison Babeu, Tufts University From Fedora to GitHub to Dataverse, from Digital Preservation to Digital Curation to Linked Data, or There and Back Again, a Librarian’s Tale
Lucy Wall Stylianopoulos, The University of Virginia Decolonizing Data and the Making of a Global Philology
Sarah Whitcher Kansa and Eric Kansa, The Alexandria Institute Archive / Open Context Expanding and sustaining the archaeological data ecosystem: lessons from 16 years of publishing data with Open Context
Vanessa Gorman, University of Nebraska Data Accessibility for Humanists
Eric Poehler, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Sebastian Heath, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, NYU The Pompeii Artistic Landscape Project and the consequences of Open Data Practice
Jody Michael Gordon, Wentworth Institute of Technology Teaching Archaeology within Global, Digital, Knowledge Ecosystems: The Potential of Open Data
SCS-21: Eta Sigma Phi: the Next Generation (Organized by Eta Sigma Phi, Katherine Panagakos, Stockton University)
Katherine Panagakos, Stockton University Introduction
Hope Ladd, Hillsdale College Tricks and Treachery: A Reevaluation of λάθρῃ in Homeric Hymn to Demeter 372
Michael Frost, Hillsdale College Tria Praeter Naturam: Greetings in Terence’s Adelphoe
Madeline Davis, Christendom College The Cultivation of Justice: The Farmer's Fostering of Virtue in Vergil's Georgics
Luther Riedel, Florida State University Ancient Virtual Reality in the Eternal City: The Arch of Titus as Experiential Validation of Flavian Rule and Roman Imperial Preeminence
Matthew Nelson, University of Mary Washington Reception of Greek Literature in Pre-Revolutionary French Legal Thought
Nita Krevans, University of Minnesota Response
SCS-22: Using Children's and Young Adult Literature in Outreach and Teaching (Workshop, organized by Sheila Murnahgan, University of Pennsylvania)
Katarzyna Marciniak, Unviersity of Warsaw Growing Up with the Classics: A Database of Classical Antiquity in Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture as Part of the Our Mythical Childhood Programme
Sonya Nevin, Cambridge University Exploring the Our Mythical Childhood Survey: A Database of Classical Antiquity in Modern Young People’s Culture
Krishni Schaefgen Burns, University of Illinois Chicago Introducing Calliope’s Library: Books for Young Readers: A Public-Facing Collection of Recommended Reading for Children of All Ages
Rebecca Resinski, Hendrix College Integrating Children’s Literature into an Undergraduate Classics Curriculum
SCS-23: Epigraphic Texts and Archaeological Contexts (Organized by ASGLE, Joint AIA-SCS Session, Jonathan C. Edmondson, York University)
Jonathan C. Edmondson, York University Introduction
Silvia Orlandi, Università di Sapienza, Rome Epigraphic messages inside the buildings: the monumental inscriptions of the Colosseum
Mary-Evelyn Farrior, Columbia University Writing home in Rome: the epigraphy of diaspora communities in Southern Trastevere
Gavin Blasdel, University of Pennsylvania / ASCSA Harmodius in Roman Athens: recontextualizing an honorific monument for Sulla
Flavio Santini, University of California at Berkeley Aureis litteris figenda. Readability, meaning, and diffusion of (gilded) bronze letters in the East under Nero
Abigail Graham, Institute of Classical Studies, London Two sides of the same story? Cognitive approaches to the changing faces of bilingualism in the urban landscape of Ephesos
John Pearce, King's College, University of London Encounters with writing in the sanctuaries of Roman Britain
James Sickinger, Florida State University Response
SCS-24: Homer and the Homeric Hymns (William Brockliss, University of Wisconsin Madison, Presiding)
Peter Kotiuga, Boston University Prayer as a rhythm in Homer’s Iliad
Griffin Budde, Boston University Hector’s Epithet koruthaiolos, its Contextual Field, and Translation
Spiridon Iosef Capotos, Boston University Penelope in Ogygia: the overturning of a formulaic theme
Kenneth Michael Silverman, The College of Wooster Humor and Characterization in Homer’s Formular Economy: Epithets of Odysseus, Hera and Zeus
Carman Romano, Bryn Mawr College Humor as Praise: Hermes and Apollo in Homeric Hymn 4
SCS-25: Ovid II (Alison Keith, University of Toronto, Presiding)
Erica Krause, University of Virginia Ovid’s Godless Storm: An Ecocritical Reappraisal of the Ceyx and Alcyone Episode
Miriam Kamil, Hamilton College Posse loqui eripitur: Trauma and resilience in Ovid’s Metamorphoses
Jermaine R.G. Bryant, Princeton University Weaving an Archive: Ovid Metamorphoses VI and Rogue Archives of Power
Cynthia Liu, University of Oxford Writing from the margins: death and Dionysiac renewal in Tristia 5.3
SCS-26: The Power of Objects (Susann Lusnia, Tulane University, Presiding)
Katharine S. Stevens, Rutgers University Rock beats plants: Magnetic magic in the Orphic Lithika
Mary Caroline Danisi, Cornell University Textiles at the Interfaces of the Temple: Fillets and the Tectonics of Cult
Christopher Ell, Brown University “I am the cup of Nestor, good to drink from…but I was not necessarily used in a symposium”
Rachel Kousser, City University of New York The Materiality of Feasting in the Age of Alexander
Itamar Levin, Brown University Where Have All the Heroes Gone?: Cenotaphs and Remains’ Agency in Ancient Greek Hero Cult
Molly Schaub, University of Pennsylvania The Agency of Plants in Pliny’s Natural History
SCS-27: Form and Meaning in Cicero, Seneca, and Novidio Fracco (Sarah Culpepper Stroup, University of Washington, Presiding)
Eva Carrara, Florida State University Cicero on the End of Cato the Elder’s Life
Leo Trotz-Liboff, Duke University Four Forms of Philosophic Esotericism in Cicero's De natura deorum
Mason Wheelock-Johnson, University of Wisconsin Madison Digging in the Dirt (?) Seneca, Columella, and the Value of Res Rustica
Fiona Sappenfield, Brown University The Limits of Poetry: genre in Seneca’s Natural Questions 3
Tiffany Nguyen, University of Pennsylvania Seneca as the Mirror: Impersonation of the Addressee in the Consolationes
Evan Brubaker, University of Virginia Direptio and Renovatio: Novidio Fracco’s Consolatio ad Romam and Poeticizing the Sack of Rome

Evening Session (5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.)

SCS Presidential Panel: "Ensuring a Future for Classical Studies in the Academy: Institutional Strategies for Survival and Success", organized by President Matthew Santirocco, New York University, with speakers Joy Connolly, American Council of Learned Societies, Ayanna Thompson, Arizona State University, Brandon Bourgeois, University of Southern California, Sanjaya Thakur, Colorado College, and Nadhira Hill, University of Michigan.

Saturday January 7

Workshop (8:30AM-12:30PM)

SCS-28: Ancient MakerSpaces (Workshop organized by, Savannah Bishop, Koc University, Anne Chen, Bard College, Nicole Constantine, Stanford University, Daniel Libatique, College of the Holy Cross, Christopher Motz, Elon University, Sean Tennant, Virginia Department of Historic Resources). Joint AIA/SCS Session with sponsorship from the Forum for Classics, Libraries, and Scholarly Communication and the Art Libraries Society of North America.

Tactile Made Digital (8:30AM-9:45AM): Lightning Talks followed by Q&A, Live Demo, and Discussion

Kearstin Jacobson, University of Texas at Austin Blasts from the Casts
Cole M. Smith, University of Arizona A Complex Cultivated Pottery Trade: Social Network Analysis of the Marks of Trade on Greek Pottery

Candis Haak, SUNY Oswego

An Early Saivite Pilgramage Landscape: The Persistence of Pampa and Bhairava in the Hemakuta Hill Sacred Space 800-1325 CE
Elton Barker, The Open University / Pelagios Digital Periegesis
Textual Made Digital (9:45AM-11:05AM): Lightning Talks followed by Q&A, Live demos, and Discussion
Rupert Chen, The Harker School Classical Allusions: A Tool for High School and Undergraduate Students

Chiara Palladino and David J. Wright, Furman University

Ugarit: A Translation Alignment Editor for Historical Languages

Rebecca Rose Kaczmarek, College of the Holy Cross

Investigating Myth in Iliad Scholia: New Computational Approaches

Patrick Burns, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World

Streamlining Historical Language-Text Processing with CLTK Readers
Teaching Made Digital (11:05AM-12:30PM): Lightning Talks followed by Q&A, Live Demos, and Discussion
Courtney Morano, Flyover Zone and the Virgnia Museum of Fine Arts Yorescape: A New Resource for Teaching Students about the Ancient World
Emily Prosch and Kristine Mallinson, University of Missouri-Columbia All About the Ancient World
Hugh McElroy, Independent Scholar Ut silicis venis abstrusum excuderet ignem: A pipeline of open access tools to create student editions of Latin from scanned pdfs

Fourth Paper Session (8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.)

SCS-29: Revising the Standards for Latin Teacher Preparation (Organized by the K-12 Education Committee, Teresa R. Ramsby, University of Massahcusetts Amherst)
Teresa R. Ramsby, University of Massahcusetts Amherst Introduction
Ariana Traill, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Bridging Divides in Preparing Future Latin Teachers
Nathalie Roy, Glasgow Middle School Mythology
Christopher Chan, Henry James Memorial School The Case for Adding Comprehensible Input and Novella Training to Latin Teacher Preparation
James Stark, Collinsville High School Preparing Today’s Latin Teachers: Observations from the Field
Peter Barrios-Lech, University of Massachusetts Boston Communicative Latin: Not All or Nothing
Ronnie Ancona, Hunter College and CUNY Graduate Center, Cynthia White, University of Arizona Response
SCS-30: Hellenistic Epigrams in New Contexts (Panel, organized by Thomas J. Nelson, University of Oxford and Taylor S. Coughlin, University of Pittsburgh)
Thomas J. Nelson, University of Oxford Epigram Beyond Alexandria: Samus of Macedon and Philip V
Flavia Licciardello, University of Bologna Poetic Voices on Stone: Signatures of Poets in Dedicatory Epigrams
Michael A. Tueller, University of Arizona Planudean Margins and Book 7 of the Palatine Anthology
Taylor S. Coughlin, University of Pittsburgh Watch and Think: Mind-reading in Greek Epigram
Verity Platt, Cornell University Object, Matter, and Medium in Hellenistic Epigram
Kathryn Gutzwiller, University of Cincinnati Response
SCS-31: Greek and Latin Languages and Linguistics (Organized by the Society for Greek and Latin Linguistics, organized by Jeremy Rau, Harvard University, Benjamin Fortson, University of Michigan, Timothy Barnes, University of Cambridge)
Hana Aghababian, Cornell University On the Latin Separative sē̆(-)
Domenico Muscianisi, University of Parma A Sexual Taboo in Proto-Indo-European “Left” and a New Stem in Greek and Latin
Andrew Merritt, Cornell University Etymology of χρώς ‘surface, skin, color’
Chengzi Zhang, University of California at Los Angeles Remarks on Myc. ra-wa-ke-ta and Dor. λᾱγέτᾱς
Asraf Nadav, Harvard University The Indirect-Reflexive Function of the Middle Voice from Homer to Attic
SCS-32: Green Vergil: Nature and the Environment in Vergil and the Vergilian Tradition (Organized by the Vergilian Society, Vassiliki Panoussi, College of William & Mary)
Vassiliki Panoussi, College of William & Mary Introduction
Katherine Dennis, Princeton University Grafting and Displacement in Vergil’s Eclogues
William Freeman, University of Cambridge Two Volcanoes and the Climate of Vergil’s Green Poetry
Donald McCarthy, University of Toronto Agricultural Resilience and Climate Data in the Georgics
Rachel Cullick, Oklahoma State University Fierce Groves for Doubtful Times
Marina Cavichiolo-Grochocki, University of Wisconsin Madison et in Arcadia aliquis: Arcadia in the Pseudo-Vergilian Copa
Phoebe Lakin, Harvard University From Eco-fascist to Eco-utopian: Twentieth-century Readings of Virgil's Corycian Gardener
Leah Kronenberg, Boston University Respondent
SCS-33: Dreaming of the Silk Road: Narrative Conversations (Organized by the Asian and Asian American Classical Caucus, Helen C. Wong, University of Pennsylvania, Ethan Ganesh Warren, University of Texas at Austin)
Tuhin Bhattacharjee, New York University Philia in Translation, Or, When Orestes Bumped into Paraśurāma
Stefani Echeverría-Fenn, Independent Scholar The Texture of Trauma: Fabric, Luxury, and Multiracial Classical Reception in the Art of Devan Shimoyama
Yanxiao He, University of Chicago Queering the Silk Road: Semiramis, Emperor Wu, and Historiographies between Greece and China
Alice Casalini, University of Chicago The temple of Jandial in Taxila: a locus of encounter or controversy?
Hardeep Dhinsa, King's College London ‘Strange and Uncouth’: The Discovery of Pompei and its Comparisons to Indian and Chinese Art
Tamara Chin, Brown University Response
SCS-34: Greek Historical Narratives (Andrew Scott, Villanova University, Presiding)
Luuk de Boer, Bilkent University Painting History: ancient historiography and the tradition of Historienbilder
Jennifer Gerrish, College of Charleston Julius Caesar and Origin Stories in the Works of Josephus
Katherine Huemoeller, University of British Columbia Voices from the Cave: An Enslaved Woman as a Source in Plutarch’s Life of Crassus
Mary McNulty, University of Washington ‘Dying With:’ Self-Starvation and Women’s Grief in Appian’s Proscription Narratives
Jordan Clare Johansen, University of Chicago A Heart of Gold: Queen Kandake of Meroë and Intersectional Ecofeminism in Alexander Romance 3.18-24
SCS-35: Society, Philosophy, and Religion in Late Antiquity (Dennis Kehoe, Tulane University, Presiding)
Michele Renee Salzman, University of California Riverside Women and the Justification for War: A New Reality in Late Antiquity?
Rachel C. Morrison, University of California Los Angeles ubique praesentem mihi: Long-Distance Amicitia and Physical Presence in the Letters of Paulinus of Nola
Emma Dyson, University of Pennsylvania Dramatizing the Enneads in Eunapius’ Life of Porphyry
Mattias Gassman, University of Oxford Augustine’s incomplete euhemerism: charting the history of the gods in City of God 18
David Ungvary, Bard College The Social Logic of Answered Prayer: Paulinus of Pella’s Eucharisticos
SCS-36: Education (Jacqueline Carlon, University of Massachusetts Boston, Presiding)
Brayden Hirsh, Boston University Rome's First Professores
Elizabeth R. Lavender, Yale University "Similium alia facies in alia ratione": Farming, oratory, and education in Cicero and Quintilian
Nikola Golubovic, University of Pennsylvania Agamemnon, Trimalchio, and the Function of Declamation in the Satyricon
Kirsten S. Parkin, University of Cambridge The Enemy at the Gates: Minor Declamation 348 and Cicero’s Catilinarian Conspiracy
Ella Kirsh, Brown University Drawing morals in late antiquity: stenography manuals as sub-elite social education
Nikolas C. Churik, Princeton University Life as Drama in Proklos Diadochos

Fifth Paper Session (11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.)

SCS-37: Classics and Black Feminist Traditions (Organized by Eos: Africana Receptions of Greece and Rome, Harriet Fertik, The Ohio State University, Jackie Murray, University of Kentucky, Mathias Hanses, Pennsylvania State University)
Lylaah Bhalerao, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World Black Venus: An Absent Presence
Vanessa Stovall, University of Vermont Negroclassical Complications: Black Feminist Critiques on the Pedagogical Failure of W.E.B. Du Bois
Hannah Čulík-Baird, University of California Los Angeles The Song of Scybale -- The Pseudo-Vergilian Moretum Revisited
SCS-38: Disability in the Works of Plutarch and his Contemporaries (Organized by the International Plutarch Society, Zoe Stamatopoulou, University of Washington in St. Louis, Dan Leon, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Dan Leon, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Introduction
Malina Buturovic, Princeton University A Political Asklepios: Justice, Heredity, and Reproductive Control in Plutarch’s De Sera
Kyle West, University of Pennsylvania The Madness of Antony: Mental Deficiency as a Marker of Character in Plutarch’s Life of Antony and Cicero’s Second Philippic
Wesley Hanson, University of Pennsylvania Claudius’ Physical Attributes and his Political Authority in Suetonius’ Claudius
Martina Astrid Rodda, University of Oxford How to Write a Disabled God: Disability in Lucian of Samosata’s Dialogues
SCS-39: Lightning Talks: Reception (Benjamin Haller, Virginia Wesleyan University, Presiding)
Ximing Lu, Bucknell University Beyond Disney’s Hercules
Katerina Zacharia, Loyola Marymount University, Marientina Gotsis, University of Southern California Creativity, Collaboration, Interactive Entertainment & Greek Tragedy
Martha J. Payne, Indianapolis Classical Architecture in the Heartland: 6 Buildings in Indianapolis, IN
Max Pinsky, University of Central Florida Re-Translating “La Medéa”: Reflecting on Linguistic Interactions of a Modern Euripides
SCS-40: Pindar and Bacchylides (Margaret Foster, University of Michigan, Presiding)
Brittany Susan Hardy, University of Michigan The Tentacular Aesthetics of Pythian 12
Alice Gaber, The Ohio State University There the Keledones Sang: Pardigmatic Chorality in Pindar’s Paian B2
Caitlin Miller, University of Chicago Revisiting Gender in Pindar: Biological and Social Reproduction in the Epinician Odes
Joshua Andre Zaks, University of Washington Aegina’s Philoxenia: Poets and Trainers in Pindar’s Nemean 5 and Bacchylides 13
SCS-41: Roman Poetry: Society and Politics (Jinyu Liu, Depauw University, Presiding)
Ryan Tribble, University of Iowa Wordplays With Friends: Vergil's Tree of Faunus Spells HORATIUS?
David Sutton, University of Toronto In Primis Mihi Care: the Martial-Martial Epigrams and the Poetics of Social Intimacy
Theodore J. Boivin, University of Cincinnati The Hand of Caesar: Assigning Guilt in Lucan's Bellum Civile
Emma Brobeck, Washington & Lee University The Poetics of Dust in Martial’s Panegyrics of Domitian and Trajan
SCS-42: Roman History II (Julia Wilker, University of Pennsylvania, Presiding), NOW FULLY VIRTUAL
Katheryn Whitcomb, Haverford College Herod, Agrippa, and Power Dynamics in the East
Timothy F. Clark, Boston University Crisis and Consensus: Provincial Images of Trajan amidst Roman-Eastern Conflict
Ching-Yen Wu, Peking University An Epigraphic View on the Dynamics of Amastrian Peripheral Integration in the "Amastriane"
SCS-43: Hellenistic and Roman Mime (Organized by the Committee on Ancient and Modern Performance, Melissa Funke, University of Winnipeg, C.W. Marshall, University of British Columbia)
Alex Silverman, University of Oxford Exploring rhythm and voice through a musical setting of the Fragmentum Grenfellianum
Hans Bork, Stanford University What’s in a genre? The audience experience(s) of palliata comedy and Roman mime
Jovan Cvjetičanin, University of Virginia Mime Spectators as Readers in Martial’s Epigrams
Hanna Golab, American School of Classcial Studies at Athens Sex, wine, and violence: choral aesthetics of the Graeco-Roman mime
SCS-44: Neo-Latin at High Table (Organized by the American Association for Neo-Latin Studies, Rodney J. Lokaj, Università "Kore" di Enna
Rodney J. Lokaj, Università "Kore" di Enna Introduction
Renata Ricco, Independent Scholar Writing for marriage and for the pope during the pontificate of Julius II: the case of “Fausto” Maddaleni Capodiferro
Nancy M. Impellizeri, Università "Kore" di Enna Fabio Vigili vs Blosio Palladio in an unusual satirical carmen
Carmela Panarello, Independent Scholar How salt gets to the table promoting European culture

Roundtable Discussion Session (1:00 - 2:00 p.m.)

SCS Committee on Diversity in the Profession Roundtable (Organized by Christina Clark, Marywood University, Samuel Ortencio Flores, College of Charleston, Dominic Machado, College of the Holy Cross), in-person roundtable

Comprehensible Input in the Latin Classroom: Questions, Answers, and Conversation (Organized by Evan Judge Armacost, Culver Academies), in-person roundtable

L'Année Philologique: New Horizons (Organized by Mackenzie Zalin, Johns Hopkins University), virtual roundtable

A Forum for Language Program Directors (Organized by James F. Patterson, Yale University, Ivy Livingston, Harvard University), virtual roundtable

Trans in Classics (Organized by Ky Merkley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), virtual roundtable

Sixth Paper Session (2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)

SCS-45: New Directions in Roman Republican Warfare (Panel organized by Jeremy Armstrong, University of Auckland, Sally Mubarak, University of St. Andrews)
Jeremy Armstrong, University of Auckland Swords in Early and Mid-Republican Italy
Michael Taylor, University at Albany, SUNY
The Toga in Military Context
Sally Mubarak, University of St. Andrews The Sieges of Veii and Rome: city boundaries and military trauma
Dominic Machado, College of the Holy Cross Racing Roman Republican Warfare
Brett C. Devereaux, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Mobilizing the Allies: Clientela and Rome’s Relationship with the Socii
Jessica H. Clark, Florida State University Videri/Esse: Performative Realities and Projected Fictions in the Army of the Roman Republic
SCS-46: Ancient Slavery and its Reception in Global Perspective (Panel organized by Javal Coleman, University of Texas at Austin)
Javal Coleman, University of Texas at Austin Constructing Freedom in Athens in the 4th Century BCE: The Case of Pasion and Phormion
Jinyu Liu, Depauw University The Uses and Limits of "Social Death" as a Conceptual Framework for Understanding Ancient Slavery
Dan-el Padilla Peralta, Princeton University Enslavement, Theology, and Comparison: Varro's ARD in Three Dimensions
Samuel Ortencio Flores, College of Charleston Enslavement and the Liberal Arts in 18th and 19th Century US Education
Christopher J. Fuhrmann, University of North Texas Human Trafficking in the Roman World? Re-Framing a Modern Concept in Roman Terms
Sarah E. Bond, University of Iowa The Authority of Antiquity: The Rebirth of Roman History in Early Modern Europe
SCS-47: What Can we Learn from our Teaching Award Winner Colleagues (Organized by the Membership Committee, Andrea Kouklanakis, Bard High School Early College, and the Education Division, Teresa R. Ramsby, University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Wilfred E. Major, Lousiana State University Excellence in College and University Teaching Award Winner
Brett M. Rogers, University of Puget Sound Excellence in College and University Teaching Award Winner
Deborah Beck, University of Texas at Austin Excellence in College and University Teaching Award Winner
Margaret Somerville, Friends' Central School Excellence in K-12 Teaching Award Winner
Richard Ellis, University of California Los Angeles Excellence in College and University Teaching Award Winner
Matthew Olkovikas, Pinkerton Academy Excellence in K-12 Teaching Award Winner
Jessie Craft, Reagan High School, WSFCS Excellence in K-12 Teaching Award Winner
SCS-48: Roman Drama and Critical Theory (Organizer-refereed panel, organized by Deepti Menon and T.H.M. Gellar-Goad, Wake Forest University)
Deepti Menon and T.H.M. Gellar-Goad, Wake Forest University Introductions
Ray Lahiri, Yale University On Not Knowing Punic: Monolingualism and Empire in Plautus’ Poenulus
India Watkins Natterman, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (In)visible Scars: Reading Physical and Sexual Abuse in Plautus’ Asinaria and Captivi with Hortense Spillers
Kate Meng Brassel, University of Pennsylvania On Violence Against Trojan Women
Robert Santucci, University of Michigan Kristeva’s Abject and the Future of the Cena Thyestea
Simona Martorana, Kiel University / The University of Hamburg Hercules’ affectus: A Re-Reading of the (In)Human Body in Seneca’s Hercules Furens
Lisl Walsh, Beloit College Placing Roman Memory, Gender, and Grief: Seneca’s Troades in the Theatre of Marcellus
SCS-49: Imperial Greek Literature (Lawrence Kim, Trinity University, Presiding)
Dexter Brown, Yale University Dio Chrysostom’s Chryseis: The Limits of Ancient Literary Criticism
Colin MacCormack, University of Alabama Poetry, Knowledge and Anthropomorphism in Oppian’s Halieutica
Eleanor Martin, Yale University Global Citizens, Inherent Exiles: The Rhetoric of Community in Imperial Greek Literature
Valeria Spacciante, Columbia University “τέλος ἤδη δέρκομαι”. Re-Situating Power in Lucian’s De Dea Syria
Zachary Elliott, University of Pennsylvania Time, Space, and Metaliterary Play in Lucian's Icaromenippus
Scott J. DiGiulio, University of Mississippi A Gift of Roses: Variatio, Philostratus' Letters, and Hermogenes' On Forms
SCS-50: Greek Philosophy I (Stephen A. White, University of Texas at Austin, Presiding)
Luke Lea, Columbia University The Concept of "Physis" in the Sophistic Fragments of Antiphon
Ross Gilmore, University of Kansas Similarity and Dependence in the Final Ranking of Plato's Philebus
Matthew B. Pincus, University of Virginia Crossroads of the Dialogue: Rethinking the "Parabasis" in Plato's Euthydemus
David H. Sick, Rhodes College Pragma, Karma, and Pyrrho
Sarah Panteri, University of Michigan Platonic Philosophy in Hellenistic Alexandria: The Case of Eratosthenes of Cyrene
SCS-51: Ovid I (Molly Pasco-Pranger, University of Mississippi, Presiding)
Kenneth Draper, Indiana University Natus Uterque Dea: Virgilian Allusion and Epic Mirroring in the Proem of Ovid’s Ars Amatoria
Paul Hay, Hampden-Sydney College Wool Cloaks and Inside Jokes: Ovidian Wordplay for Messalla Corvinus
Luiza dos Santos Souza, University of Cincinnati From foot to Muse: metapoetic feet as structural devices in Ovid’s Amores
Tianqi Zhu, University of Cincinnati Ovid’s Poetic Nervus: A Metapoetic Interpretation
James Calvin Taylor, Colby College The End of History? Ovid’s Pythagoras and deep time
SCS-52: Greek Tragedy (Naomi Weiss, Harvard University, Presiding)
Caleb Simone, Columbia University The Voice of the Furies: Sonic Affect in Aeschlyus' Eumenides
Cecilia Cozzi, University of Cincinnati Reclaiming a Father: A Psycho-Analytical Interpretation of Neoptolemus’ Fictitious Tale (Ph. 343-90)
Stephen James Hughes, Harvard University Jurisprudential Discussions in Euripides’ Hippolytus
Giacomo Loi, Johns Hopkins University A Lost Tragedy for a Lost War? Receiving Euripides’ Lost Philoctetes
Margaret Foster, University of Michigan The Riddle of the Sphinx at the Crossroads of Genre
SCS-53: Reception and its Contexts (Caroline Stark, Howard University, Presiding)
Benjamin Stephen Haller, Virginia Wesleyan University ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε, μοῦσα, ἀόρατον? Invisible Man, the Odyssey, and Ralph Ellison’s “Basement Studio” and Federal Writers Project Interviews
Jamie K. Wheeler, Princeton University “A wanton dalliance with impious bookes”: Lucy Hutchinson and Her Lucretius
Chris S. Saladin, University of Minnesota Twin Cities A Salty Reception: Situating the Legend of Carthage’s Destruction in the Folklore of the Medieval Maghreb
Timothy A. Joseph, College of the Holy Cross Dido the Suffragist? The Carthaginian Queen and the Discourse about Women’s Rights in the U.S., 1880-1920
Amy R. Cohen, Randolph College Helen Chesnutt's The Road To Latin in the 21st Century Classroom
Nina Papathanasopoulou, College Year in Athens / SCS Jocasta's Last Hours in Martha Graham's Night Journey: Identity, Responsibility, and Violence through the Dancing Body
SCS-54: The Future of Book Reviews: Best Practices and New Directions for Authors and Editors (AIA-SCS Joint Session, Workshop organized by Colin M. Whiting, Dumbarton Oaks, Chelsea A.M. Gardner, Acadia University, Justin Leidwanger, Stanford University)
Speakers: Clifford Ando, University of Chicago (Bryn Mawr Classical Review), Maria Doerfler, Yale University (Journal of Late Antiquity), Chelsea A.M. Gardner, Acadia University (Rhea Classical Reviews), Catherine Kearns, University of Chicago (Classical Philology), Justin Leidwanger, Stanford University (Journal of Roman Archaeology), James Osborne, University of Chicago (Journal of Near Eastern Studies), David Stone, University of Michigan (Journal of American Archaeology)

Plenary Session: Presidential Address and Awards Ceremony (5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.)

Sunday, January 8

Seventh Paper Session (8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.)

SCS-55: Translation and the Visual (Organized by the Committee on Translations of Classical Authors, Deborah H. Roberts, Haverford College, Diane Rayor, Grand Valley State University)

Diane Rayor, Grand Valley State University Introducer

Richard H. Armstrong, University of Houston

The Visuality and Materiality of Alexander Pope's Original Subscriber Editions of Homer

Katherine R. De Boer, Xavier University

Homer Between Hypertext and Paratext: The Cover Art of Two Adaptations of the Iliad

Clara Lazzoni, University of Edinburgh

Reorienting Narratives: Optatian and the Unachievable Translation

Elizabeth Bobrick, Wesleyan University

Translating the Mythical Female Body in the Graphic Novel: Emil Ferris' My Favorite Thing is Monsters

Julia M. Perroni, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Helen in Trans-lation: Putting a Trans Helen on Stage

Ronnie Ancona, Hunter College, CUNY Graduate Center

Martha Graham, Isamu Noguchi, and the Translation of Greek Myth into the Visual

Deborah H. Roberts, Haverford College

SCS-56: Homer (Alex Purves, University of California Los Angeles, Presiding)
Emily Blanshard West, St. Catherine's University The Demon Citadels and Their Endless Summer: Indic Tripura and the Island Kingdoms of the Odyssey
Benjamin J. Folit-Weinberg, University of Bristol Disappearing into thick aēr: The function of aēr in Homer and Anaximenes
Yukai Li, Carleton University Forking time and spectatorship in the Odyssey
Brett L. Stine, Columbia University Homer and the Chronotope: Death “Far from Home” and Divine Vulnerability in Iliad 16 and 24
Joseph R. Watkins, Boston University Peer Pressure: Persuasion in the Embassy to Achilles
SCS-57: Phusis Kai Phuta: Thinking with and about Plants in Greek Literature & Philosophy (Panel organized by Luke Parker, Vassar College, Leon Wash, Colgate University)
Leon Wash, Colgate University Empedocles' Definition of Wine
Rose Cherubin, George Mason University Phusis, Growth, and Order: Empedocles and Philolaus
Joseph B. Zehner, Leiden University Hesiodic Embryology: Plants and Crafts
Aparna Ravilochan, St. John's College Vegetal, Animal, and Menses in Aristotle's Generation of Animals
Orestis Karatzoglou, University of Thessaloniki The analogy between agriculture and learning in the 5th and 4th c. B.C.E.
Luke Parker, Vassar College A Phytomorphic Kosmos: Phusis and Logos in Heraclitus
SCS-58: Classics and Race (Seminar organized by Rosa Andújar, King's College London, Elena Giusti, University of Warwick, Jackie Murray, University of Kentucky, in-person with one remote speaker; pre-registration will be required)
Rosa Andújar, King's College London, Elena Giusti, University of Warwick, Jackie Murray, University of Kentucky Introductions
David Kaufman, Transylvania University Race, Racecraft, and Ancient Philosophy
Mathias Hanses, Pennsylvania State University Race in Roman Comedy
Yonatan Binyam, Princeton University Religion and Racecraft in Late Antiquity
Katherine Harloe, University of London School of Advanced Study Race and Classical Art History
Olakunbi Olasope, University of Ibadan, Nigeria Culture and Race in Classical Reception: African Adaptations of Greek Tragedy
Kelly Nguyen, Stanford University Transimperial Approaches to Racing the Classics
SCS-59: Transformative Pedagogies: The Connection between Ancient Mediterranean Studies and Social Justice (Organized by Classics and Social Justice, Irene Salvo, University of Exeter, Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz, Hamilton College)
Irene Salvo, University of Exeter, Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz, Hamilton College Introductions
Allison Das, Kinkaid School (Houston, TX) Primum Non Nocere: Dispatches and Diagnoses from the Academic Body
Ann Morgan, Parish Epsicopal School Designing an Inclusive High School Latin Curriculum
Jody Valentine, Pomona College A Brief Introduction to Somatic Pedagogy
Christina Pace, Università degli studi Roma “Tor Vergata” Reading Aeschylus in Prison
Olga Faccani, University of California Santa Barbara Tragedy of Displacement: Ancient Theater and Contemporary Social Issues
SCS-60: Greek Language (Benjamin Fortson, University of Michigan, Presiding)
Stephen A. Trzaskoma, University of New Hampshire The Mechanisms of Tone Assignment in Ancient Greek: A New Solution
Greta Galeotti, Harvard University The Ionic iterative-preterits and their epic development
Daniel Golde, Jewish Theological Seminary A Word Between Two Languages: Greco-Aramaic and Imperial Greek
Tobias Robert Philip, Rutgers University The Last Trumpet: Dionysiac Allusion in the Salpinx of 1 Corinthians 15.52
Sarah Kaczko, University of Rome, "La Sapienza" Ancient Greek dialects, non-Attic Greek, and Attic poetical traditions
Marta Capano, Harvard Center for Hellenic Studies Understanding the Sicilian language identities through “implicit” and “explicit” bilingual inscription. A novel approach.
SCS-61: Platonism and Indian/Tibetan Philosophy. A conversation. (Panel organized by Sara Ahbel-Rappe, University of Michigan)
Sara Ahbel-Rappe, University of Michigan Introduction
Danielle Layne, Gonzaga University Prolegomena to a Comparative Study of Kashmiri Shaivism and Platonic Gendered Metaphysics
Michael Griffin, University of British Columbia Contemplation in Action in Buddhaghosa and Ancient Neoplatonism
Christoph Poetsch, University of Heidelberg A hitherto unnoticed parallel in the beginnings of Indian and Greek political philosophy
Michael Wakoff, Shambala Press Rasa and Eros: Abhinavagupta’s Rasa Theory Compared to Psyche’s Response to Beauty in Plotinus
Blaze Marpet, Northwestern University The Value of Knowledge: Dharmottara’s and Socrates’ Different Protreptic Paths
Grégoire Langouet, Louvain-la-Neuve University Pure field and intelligible realm. Plotinus, Iamblichus and Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism
Sara Ahbel-Rappe, University of Michigan Response
SCS-62: Culture and Society in Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Egypt (Organized by the American Society of Papyrologists, Christelle Fischer-Bovet, University of Southern California)
Christelle Fischer-Bovet, University of Southern California Introduction
Jasmine Sahu, Yale University When in Egypt...: Ptolemaic Greek Marriage Documents and the Position of Women
Leah Packard-Grams, University of California Berkeley A Material Study of the Scribe X Papyri: Demotic in Kalamos Pen in the Late Ptolemaic Grapheion at Theogonis
Alex Cushing, Independent Scholar Affective Labour and Manumission in Roman Egypt: Relationships, Emotional Expression, and Freeing the Enslaved in the Papyri
Carl-Louis Raschel, Collège de France From Professional Association Regulations to Monastic Rules
Gabriel Nocchi Macedo, Université de Liège Classical Greek Literature in Late Byzantine and Early Islamic Egypt (650-800)
Peter van Minnen, University of Cincinnati, James Keenan, Loyola University Chicago Responses
SCS-63: Women and the Ancient Economy: Past, Present, and Future (Organized by the Women's Classical Caucus, Christy Q. Schirmer, Tulane University)
Christy Q. Schirmer, Tulane University Introduction
Katherine Harrington, Emory University On the ‘Invisibility’ of Women’s Labor: Redefining Work in Ancient Greece
Jane Miller Tully, University of Texas at Austin Women in Stems: Produce Vendors in the Athenian Agora
Lin Foxhall, University of Liverpool Entrepreneuring Women: Making and Marketing Textiles in Classical Greek Cities
Olivia Graves, Cornell University Evaluating Compensation for Working Women in the Roman Empire
Sarah Levin-Richardson, University of Washington Sex Work and Affective Labor: A Feminist Approach to the Ancient Economy
Selena Ross, Rutgers University Working Inside the Outdoors: Domestic Labor and the Role of Women in Roman Animal Husbandry

Eighth Paper Session (11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.)

SCS-64: Studying Abroad in Greece / Reflections on Pedagogical Methods (Workshop organized by Theoni Scourta, Nina Papathanasopoulou, College Year in Athens)
Robert Pitt, College Year in Athens Contextualizing the language
Nina Papathanasopoulou, College Year in Athens/SCS, Rosa Vasilaki, College Year in Athens Connecting the ancient to the modern
Theoni Scourta, College Year in Athens Becoming a long-lasting member of a unique scholarly community
SCS-65: Making Space for Translation (Workshop organized by Adrienne Ho Rose, Echo Smith, Laura Moser, University of Iowa)
Diane Arnson Svarlien, Independent Translator Rhythmic Space: the Case for Metrical Fidelity
Stephanie McCarter, the University of the South Translation and Interdisciplinary Space within Classics
Michael Brumbaugh, Tulane University Translating Indigenous Spaces of the Americas in the Early Modern and Modern Imaginary
Kathryn H. Stutz, Johns Hopkins University Your Sons are Safe upon the Sea: Shaping Impossible Spaces through Victorian Sappho
Kristina Chew, University of California Santa Cruz The Small Space of Translation
SCS-66: Ovid in the Global Village: Interconnectivity and Alienation in Ovidian Studies (Organized by the International Ovidian Society, Del Maticic, Vassar College, Nandini Pandey, Johns Hopkins University, Jinyu Liu, Depauw University)
Thomas Munro, Yale University Ovid’s Heroides: dramatizing (dis)connectivity in the global village
Stephen Blair, University College London Fors sua cuique loco est: Cosmic order, local chaos in Ovid’s Fasti
Amanda Kubic, University of Michigan (Post)Modern Choreographies of Ovidian Metamorphosis in the Dances of Loie Fuller, Jody Sperling, and Kinetic Light
Kresimir Vukovic, LMU Munich The Continuous Exile: Ovid in Bosnian Poetry
SCS-67: Text and Authority in the Early Modern Era (Organized by the Society for Early Modern Classical Receptions, Pramit Chaudhuri, University of Texas at Austin, Ariane Schwartz, Independent Scholar, Caroline Stark, Howard University)
Michelle Zerba, Louisiana State University Introducer
Andrew Laird, Brown University Lucian, Virgil, and the myth of Quetzalcoatl: Transformation of classical authorities in a colonial world
Olivia Montepaone, Università degli Studi di Milano Erasmus’ auctoritates. The sources on marriage in the Christiani matrimonii institutio
Han Hao, University of California Santa Barbara Olympus, Nectar, Ambrosia: Iconoclasm and 'Hellenick Learning' in Milton’s Paradise Lost
Julia Hernández, New York University Quevedo Takes on Stephanus: Projecting Textual Authority in the Anacreón castellano (1609)
Erika Valdivieso, Yale University Respondent
SCS-68: The Content of the Form(s): Confronting Genre Myopia in Ancient Greek Texts (Panel organized by Davide Napoli, Harvard University, Chiayi Lee, Princeton University)
Chiayi Lee, Princeton University Introducer
Evan Rodriguez, Idaho State University The Limits of Form in Plato’s Engagement with the Sophists
Davide Napoli, Harvard University (Un)commonplaces in Attic Oratory
Chiayi Lee, Princeton University Engendering authorship in the epigrams of Sappho and Erinna
Nicolette D'Angelo, University of California Los Angeles Queer failures of form in the Hippokratic case history of Phaethousa of Abdera (Epidemics VI 8.32)
SCS-69: Lightning Talks: Pedagogy (John Gruber-Miller, Cornell College, Presiding)
Erika L. Weiberg, Duke University How to Ungrade in Beginning Latin and Greek and Motivate Student Learning
Noreen Kupernik, Thaden School Walking, Talking, and a Classical Precedent for Ambulatory Pedagogy
Kathryn M. Caliva, Kenyon College Eco-Pedagogy in the Classics Classroom
Elizabeth Palazzolo, Saint Anselm College Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in the Latin Classroom
Caitlin C. Gillespie, Brandeis University (Re)considering the Graduate Proseminar
SCS-70: Greek Comedy (Stephen Kidd, Brown University, Presiding)
Niek Janssen, Amherst College Infidus Interpres: The Metatheatre of Foreign Language Interpretation in "Acharnians" and "Birds"
Michael Anthon Mignanelli, University of Texas at Austin Law in the Court of Aristophanes: Shifting Legal Terminology in Aristophanic Comedy
Amy Susanna Lewis, University of Pennsylvania The Limits of Humor: Scholiastic Approaches to a Hubristic Joke in Aristophanes’ Frogs
Justin Dwyer, University of Victoria The New Comedy of Apollodorus of Gela
SCS-71: Illness and Death (Ralph Rosen, University of Pennsylvania, Presiding)
Artemis Brod, Indpendent Scholar The Healing Touch of the Sacred Well at Pergamum
Julia G. Simons, University of Pennsylvania The Contagious Question of Tuberculosis
James Uden, Boston University Illness and Metamorphosis: Ovid and the Patient's Experience in Antiquity
Benjamin Porteous, Harvard University “Your Mother Was Somebody’s Daughter:” Moral Debate About Infanticide in Greco-Roman Antiquity and Late Imperial China.
SCS-72: Roman Historical Narratives (Timothy Joseph, College of the Holy Cross, Presiding)
Laura Losito, Durham University Versions of history in Cicero, Ad familiares 5
James Alexander Macksoud, Stanford University Rationalizing The First Secessio Plebis in Livy and Dionysius
Cynthia Jordan Bannon, Indiana University Law and Style in Livy’s Ver Sacrum Vow (22.10.1-6)
Christine McGuire Villareal, Bryn Mawr College Livy's Tragedy of Philip: Fraternal Discord as an Exemplum for the Domus Augusta
Jackie Elliott, University of Colorado Boulder Reading Cato’s Origins in Antonine Rome: fact and fiction in Gellius’ Attic Nights
Gavin A.J. Kelly, University of Edinburgh The lost first book of Ammianus Marcellinus
SCS Business Meeting of Members (1:30 p.m. - 2:00 pm.)

Ninth Paper Session (2:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)

SCS-73: Teaching Students to Read Latin: What Does That Mean? (Organized by the American Classical League, Ronnie Ancona, Hunter College and the CUNY Graduate Center)
Ronnie Ancona, Hunter College and the CUNY Graduate Center Introduction
Rebecca Boyd, George Washington University The Benefits of Experimental Research in Investigating Latin Reading Strategies
Jacqueline Carlon, University of Massachusetts Boston Mind the Gaps: Between Theory, Goals, and Practice in Teaching Latin Students to Read
Nava Cohen, Northwestern University, Caroline S. Kelly, Mitchell Community College Encountering Latin as a Human Language: The Linear Approach for Reading
Suzanne Adema, Leiden University From Syntax to Story: Concepts and Design Principles for Latin Reading Activities
Evan Dutmer, Culver Academies The Comprehensible Cosmos of Orbis Sensualium Pictus: John Amos Comenius’s Vision for Joyful Latin Reading and Learning
John Gruber-Miller, Cornell College Reading in a Multi-Sensory Environment: The Visual Latin Reading Library
SCS-74: Herculaneum: Image and Text (Organized by the American Friends of Herculaneum, Carol Mattusch, George Mason University, David Sider, New York University)
Carol Mattusch, George Mason University Introduction
Richard Janko, University of Michigan Rediscovering a lost roll of Philodemus’ On Poems
Michael McCosker, University of Cologne Alcaeus fr. 358 Voigt and Demetrius Laco on Alcaeus fr. 358 Voigt
Laura Nissen, Aarhus Institute for Advanced Studies Sleeping in Herculaneum: Roman sleeping arrangements in the archaeological sources
Raffaella Cribiore, New York University Philodemus’ Peri Parrhesias
Stephen Kidd, Brown University Enargeia in Philodemus
SCS-75: Decentering Empire: Local Religious Practice and Ethnic Self-Representation in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Panel organized by Leah F. Borquez, University of California Berkeley, Dora Gao, University of Michigan)
Dora Gao, University of Michigan In His Actions He Will Seem a Foreigner: Performative Indigeneity through Embodied Ritual in the “Mithras Liturgy”
Pratima Gopalakrishnan, University of Texas at Austin Religion and Birth Work in Late Ancient Roman Palestine
Leah F. Borquez, University of California Berkeley Not Roman or Phoenician, but Gaditanian: A Reevaluation of the Temple of Melqart at Gadir
Candace Buckner, Virginia Tech What Makes a Good Neighbor?—Egyptian and Nubian Interactions on the Southern Egyptian Frontier
Danielle Perry, University of Pennsylvania North African Religion and Local Power
Megan Daniels, University of British Columbia Response
SCS-76: Roman Poetry: Gender and Genre (Anthony Corbeill, University of Virginia, Presiding)
Grace Funsten, University of Washington Augustan Elegy and CIL 6.5302: Literary Dynamics in Vigna Codini III
Matthew Panciera, Gustavus Adolphus College The Effigies of Allia Potestas (CIL 6.37965 = CLE 1988)
Emily C. Mitchell, Harvard University Numquam sibi libera visa: sexuality and status in the epitaph of Allia Potestas (CIL VI 37965)
K. Sara Myers, University of Virginia Gender and Genre Play in the Copa
SCS-77: Greek Philosophy II (Christian Wildberg, University of Pittsburgh, Presiding)
Mary Anastasi, University of California Los Angeles Epistolarity and Monumentality in the Letters of Diogenes of Oenoanda
Xiaxiao Chen, Harvard University Diagrams in the Archimedes Palimpsest
John Anderson, University of Texas at Austin Aristotle's Fragments and Justice
Zachary Taylor, University of Chicago Priests in Public: Aristotle and the Need for Priests in Political Life
Daniel D. Mackey, University of Pennsylvania Aristotle's Nutritive Soul: Hylomorphic Participation in the Eternal and the Divine
Benjamin C. Driver, Brown University Theoria and Practical Philosophy in Pseudo-Aristotle’s De Mundo
SCS-78: Reception Embodied (Marsha McCoy, Southern Methodist University, Presiding)
Pei He, New York University The Bounded Body and the Boundless Nature: Expressions of Old Age in Greek and Chinese Lyrics
Michele Valerie Ronnick, Wayne State University Leda and the Swan in the Work of Three African American Women Poets: June Jordan (1936-2002), Lucille Clifton (1936-2010) and Lyrae Van Clief-Stephanon (1971- )
Alessandra Migliara, CUNY Graduate Center Dramatic Bodies and Collective Agency in Carlus Padrissa's Bacchae
SCS-79: Greek History (Mallory Monaco Caterine, Tulane University, Presiding)
Evan Vance, American School of Classical Studies at Athens The Gods Help Those Who Help Themselves: Fines, Statues, and Institutional Development in Archaic Greece
J.M. Romney, MacEwan University Three Months from the Sea: Sparta and the Space of the Oikoumenē
Luke Madson, Rutgers University Xenia, Proxenia, Diplomacy, and Laconism in Classical Athens
Eric W. Driscoll, Harvard University Tributary Extraction and Institutional Development in the Milesian Islands (5th-3rd c. BCE)
James Hua, University of Oxford Population displacements in Classical Greece and the formation of ‘displaced identity’: the case of the repatriated Samians, 322 B.C.
SCS-80: Oratory (Deborah Kamen, University of Washington, Presiding)
Allannah K. Karas, University of Miami Meta-Oratorical Magic: Invoking Peitho as a Powerplay in Ancient Greek Oratory
Hilary Lehmann, Knox College Texts and contexts: the materiality of documents in the Attic orators
Andrew Scholtz, Binghamton University, SUNY May Poseidon Crush My Neighbor and His Guests: Envy Attribution in Libanius’ Thirtieth Declamation
Sinja Küppers, Duke University Sophistic Innovators and Christian Persuaders: The Rhetoric of Persuasion and Consent in Church History