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SCS is planning to make available videos of the Sesquicentennial sessions and the public lectures by Luis Alfaro and Mary Beard. We are currently preparing videos for release. Please note that we will not distribute any video of a paper or lecture without consent from the presenter(s).

The SCS Board of Directors has approved the following resolution of thanks for the 2019 public lecturers.

The SCS Board of Directors hereby thanks playwright Luis Alfaro for delivering a public lecture hosted by the SCS at the 2019 Annual Meeting in San Diego; we are also grateful to Classics and Social Justice and the Onassis Foundation USA for co-organizing the lecture and inviting Luis Alfaro to speak. On the first night of the Meetings in San Diego, he generously shared his creative process with an audience of conference attendees and members of the public. This process involves bringing ancient myths and plays to communities across the US and reimagining them as modern dramas, not for but with community members as active participants in the creation and performance of those dramas. We will post video of his lecture when it is available, so as to make it accessible to those who could not attend. For his lecture, for his plays that connect the ancient and modern, and for bringing new voices to classical studies, we thank Luis Alfaro.

The SCS Board of Directors hereby thanks Professor Mary Beard for her public lecture, “What Is Classics?”, presented at our 2019 annual meeting on January 5 in San Diego. The audience of professional classicists, students, K-12 teachers, and interested lay people was undoubtedly the largest ever to attend a lecture at our annual meeting. One cause for such interest is that Professor Beard has successfully made Classics accessible and engaging to a broad audience in the UK and beyond. We are thankful to Mary Beard for her efforts on our behalf, and wish her continued success in her work as a champion of the field.

Video of Professor Beard’s lecture is now available at:

More January 2019 Newsletter Content

See the winners of the first round of our Classics Everywhere grant program

SCS President Mary T. Boatwright wrote a letter addressing the incidents at the 2019 annual meeting

The SCS Board has issued a public statement on anonymous attacks

Immediate Past President Joe Farrell offers a summary of his panel "Global Classics"

Photo Credits for January 2019 Newsletter

By Eric Nagle
Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
by erin
licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Vouves Olive Tree